Delight #1 :: the colour of the sky.
It's been a gloriously sunny day here today, still very cold though but cold is good, cos cold means I get to wear my scarf. Big smiley face.
Delight #2 :: my window crystals making rainbows on the carpet.
Little B was fascinated by them, he spent ages trying to pick them up (aawwww)
Delight #3 :: a jug of very pretty daffies on the mantle.
These lovely flowers were £2 from the supermarket, they are heavily scented and smell beautiful.
Delight #4 :: grape hyacinths in flower.
Remember the broken jug I planted with muscari bulbs? They are now in bloom on the windowsill, the flowers are very delicate and sweet and endearing, I love them.
Delight #5 :: mini party rings.
Discovering these in the supermarket today, I couldn't resist buying them as a treat for the Little People. Do biscuits come any cuter than these do you think?
Delight #6 :: Girly buns.
I made these yesterday and enjoyed one this afternoon with a cup of tea. I think I will sprinkle edible "disco glitter" on every item I bake from now on.
Delight #7 :: playing with Little B.
Taking it in turns to do "round and round the garden" with each other, it was a truly magic little moment of my day.
Delight #8 :: admiring my teeny hooky hearts.
These are the product of yesterdays knit-and-natter at the cafe. I've got a pretty springtime project in mind which I'll be sharing next week along with the heart pattern.
Delight #9 :: Little B enjoying a bookish moment.
I walked in the room to find LB sitting quietly in his very own corner where he keeps his books. There's a small antique footstool there which he perches on when he wants to look at his books, it's always very lovely to witness.
Delight #10 :: ice cold rose wine.
I enjoyed a sneaky little tot of wine in the kitchen whilst I prepared dinner (warm chicken and noodle salad).
Delight #11 :: watching the moon rise.
A beautiful, bright full moon in the sky tonight, rising up over the hills and town.
Delight #12 :: cosy fireside evening.
A clear sky and a chill in the air, it's a nippy cold night tonight. Came down just now from putting Little B to bed and sorting out laundry to find that J had lit the fire. Lovely! Am about to go and make toast and jam and mugs of warm milk for the Little People and settle myself down for a cosy evening.
I've enjoyed a beautifully simple, ordinary, delightful day today. I feel so blessed and I am truly thankful for all that I have. Hope you also found some little delights in your day to make your heart glad ♥
The moon tonight is called a super moon, it is closer to the earth than it's been for 18 years,and so it looks much bigger that usual.
Posted by: eva | March 21, 2011 at 02:38 AM
Delightful! :)
I look forward to checking out your heart pattern (I've tried two others already).
Love your grape hyacinth. The little peeps at my house helped me plant some last week, and they are now 2" high :D Can't wait for them to flower!!!
Posted by: Seaweedandraine | March 21, 2011 at 01:51 AM
Hi. I just wanted to say how much I love your blog. The things you make are so beautiful - I love your use of colour and I think you are amazingly talented. I find it hard to believe you have only been hooking for a few years - your stuff is inspiring. Thanks so much!
Posted by: Karie Ford | March 21, 2011 at 12:26 AM
Lovely ♥ lovely post.... ☺
Posted by: Louise | March 20, 2011 at 10:45 PM
Love your simple delightful days! I do the same thing (notice the simple things), but the way you blog about them is so special. For some reason I feel it would be 'boring' if I did the same ..hmm, that shouldn't be because these are the things that are NOT boring at all!
Posted by: PJ | March 20, 2011 at 09:22 PM
Simple pleasures are truly the best ones.
Posted by: alison | March 20, 2011 at 08:45 PM
Yes, it's all delightful! Most of us have a lot to be thankful for, don't we?
Posted by: Puppet Lady | March 20, 2011 at 05:30 PM
I have just discovered your blog and find it so enchanting . Thank you I have just found the fiberphile website and have just bought some beautiful sakura yarn cherry blossom which is donating money to save the children in Japan
Posted by: heather | March 20, 2011 at 04:24 PM
The hooky hearts are very cheerful!
Little B is a smart boy, loving those books!
Posted by: Pom Pom | March 20, 2011 at 02:16 PM
I've been delighting in your delights, Lucy! Your post made me smile - especially Little B doing 'round and round the garden' - so sweet. It's lovely to stop and appreciate just how lucky we are sometimes and you are very good at being mindful - thank you for sharing these lovely moments with us. Have a happy week.
Helen x
Posted by: Helen | March 20, 2011 at 01:36 PM
What lovely everything ........... it has made me smile just like the blue sky has. x
Posted by: Victoria | March 20, 2011 at 12:48 PM
Sounds and looks like a perfect day :-)
Posted by: aishakenza | March 20, 2011 at 08:17 AM
Hi Lucy. I can't believe how big Little B is looking. I can remember when mine were that little. They grow so quickly! My youngest will be starting kindergarden this fall. As always SO happy to see YOU at Tangled Happy. I noticed the other day that you had added me to your blog list! That is such a huge compliment. I had commented to my husband that "Lucy added me to her blog list". He replied "I guess you have finally arrived". Thank you! Looking forward to seeing your teeny springtime heart project. :)
Posted by: Sara | March 20, 2011 at 05:58 AM
Some lovely delights! Looking forward to seeing the product of the hearts.
Posted by: Kate | March 20, 2011 at 12:45 AM
Special sweet moments in the day...
Posted by: Bonnie | March 20, 2011 at 12:22 AM
Awww Lucy, I so love your blog, never fails to brighten up even the dullest days!
Posted by: Claire | March 19, 2011 at 10:50 PM
I've been feeling so blue lately.
But this post really cheered me up.
Your little fella trying to pick up rainbows,
disco glitter on cakes, socks in front of the fire, picture books and round and round the garden.
Makes me smile.
I think I'm starting to find my mojo again.
What a lovely gift you have given to the cyber-world - just loveliness and happiness.
Posted by: freefalling | March 19, 2011 at 10:25 PM
A question please. In your post of 15 March there is a picture of the Big Chair with a cushion made of rectangles. Could you tell me how this is made? Is it bargello? I enlarged (embiggen says Yarn Harlot) but the enlarged picture is the blanket - which was the subject of the post). It looks lovely and I would like to think about replicating it.
My uncle was the rector at Bolton Abbey in the 1960's-70's-ish, it is a delight to see that from New Zealand, how much you enjoy walking around the area.
Posted by: StellaMM | March 19, 2011 at 09:33 PM
How lovely is that, he goes and reads his books on his stool, that just makes my heart melt!
Do you know what? This might sound veeeeeery stupid to admit, but I thought that when it was the full moon here it would be the opposite on your side of the world, just like the seasons, so what do you know! Full moon here, full moon there, full moon everywhere!!!
It's past breakfast, I'm staving and i want one of your buns with a coffee!!!!!
Have a lovely rest of your weekend Lovely Lucy!
Posted by: Alice and Raymond!!! | March 19, 2011 at 08:16 PM
It is important to be able to feel happiness of small events of everyday life. I can feel it in our house, our garden and in my study.
Posted by: Kerstin | March 19, 2011 at 07:40 PM
The party rings are smiley simplicity in themselves aren't they? I can highly recommend battenburg for the same cheerfulness, I made one for the first time last week, and was so taken by it, I should really have taken a photo before I put it on the table! It didn't last long with all my boys (three small, one big)
I feel so blessed too, I have so much to be thankful for.........
Posted by: Faith Ryder | March 19, 2011 at 07:32 PM
What a lovely, beautiful take on the world and your day, it has really made me smile, thanks <3
Posted by: Lisa | March 19, 2011 at 07:15 PM
Looks like a really lovely day. :) Can't wait to see what the hearts are going to turn into..! Such a lovely post to read.. xxx
Posted by: Ashley | March 19, 2011 at 07:03 PM
Love it. It really is the simple things in life that make your heart go zing!
Love and stuff xx
PS Curiouser and curiouser about the teeny hooky bits tho....hmmmm. G
Posted by: Gill | March 19, 2011 at 06:51 PM
Loved the post! My Children are grown but still do round and round to their Children.
Thank you Lucy!
Posted by: Patsy | March 19, 2011 at 06:34 PM