
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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« Japanese Flower Scarf :: Ta-dah! | Main | Hearts and Twigs »

March 18, 2011


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I have only just found your delightful blog, and would like to tell you, if you havn't already found out, there are 'grown-up' party rings...they aren't in ring shape, more oblongish, and they are coffee flavoured, made by mcvities I think, and they are GOOD!


Hi, I am new @ crocheting and ready for my next project. I have mastered to different granny square and would love to make the japanese flower scarf you did but can't seem to find the pattern. Are you able to help... Thanks!


Gosh, your photos are always so lovely! You've got a real knack for knitting too (I am very jealous).


Hi Lucy,
The scarf is GORGESS!! beautiful choice of colors!!
Would love to buy one from u...
Would u consider to make one and sell it to me?
If so, please contact with me through my email.
Tnx! (-:

The House of Jones

What a coincidence - we've been eating party rings at work, I've managed to convince myself that the different coloured biscuits all taste different, hmmm not sure that do?! Anyway, lovely delightful photos and moments and hooray for Rose wine!
Jones x
PS. THANKYOU for your granny stripe pattern - I am so enjoying working it :o)


What a nice day that was.

louise @ThirtyfiveFlowers

Hi Lou

Haven't stopped by and commented in sooooo long, I have been checking in every so often as I find the time though, I have not deserted you!
Such a lovely post, I think I love these simplicity ones more than any other, just taking the time to look at what is right under your nose and seeing the beauty there is right in front of you is so important when life is frantic.

I will be doing some of that this weekend with you in mind, so thankyou
Louise x

Michele C

Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your posts!
Love the Japanese Scarf and thinking about making it my next project. After 2 years of working on the "hexagon" it was finished in time for my sisters Birthday present. She loves the bright and cheery colors! I made it to fit on a queen size bed, I also added a black row around the outside of each hex and I am proud of the results, thanks to you for the inspiration!
PS: I have a picture but not sure how to load?


Hi Lucy, I love your blog, and have followed for awhile. The Japanese scarf/flower controversy had me interested. I have found a pattern in a book, showing the Briar Rose motif, which is very much like the flower you've been making. The center 2 rows are done with 8 dc, instead of twelve, the 3rd row is a bit different, but the last roow is exactly the same, but with the 8 loops/petals. The result is a flatter flower, without the ruffle. I have seen blocks made the original way before, as I've been crocheting for 43 years, but can't put my hands on a pattern. The pattern I mentioned is published in "The Harmony Guide to Crocheting" by Debra Mountford. Published in 1986 by Harmony Books, NY. This book is considered the "crocheting bible" and of course, it's out of print. My local library has a copy, which I keep checked out regularly! Love your blog!


Very Lovely Lucy. I wish my life was filled with such simple delights. Take care :)


Hi Lucy :)
I just thought I'd let you know that I've written a post about a granny square bag I made, inspired by your summer garden granny square. If you want to you can pop over and take a look :)


What a lovely day! Thanks for sharing!

northern mumblings

I've been following your blog for a while and just wanted to say what beatiful colours your work with. It always makes me smile.


Love, Love, Love this post about delights. It caused me to have a "count my blessings" moment as well.

Susan Blencowe

Great photography // love the moon rising pic.


Long time lurker from way across the pond chiming in to let you know how much I enjoy your blog and today's post especially. I think I've finally figured out what it is that keeps me coming back. It's not only your fabulous appreciation of color but your attitude as well. Today while at the fabric store I saw a bumper sticker on a car in the lot that said "Live Simply so that others may Simply Live" and I think you have it in spades. Thanks for sharing!!


just love the photo of little B my he has grown up quickly.your blog is always so inspirational Lucy thanks for brightening my day!


those cakes look very delicious. :) *yummy*
have a lovely day!
xo noli*

super betty!

Those tiny hearts are super cute!


Lucy, I just love your blog, and I am truly inspired each time I read it. Your crocheting projects are all quite delightful, and through you I am now an obsessed crocheter too! Always read your blog, but never comment. Thought it was time I did! Thanks for the inspiration!


I love your projects and tutorials, I'm so excited to look each day and see what is happening in your neck of the woods since I'm over on the other side of the world (Wisconsin, USA). I had a question for you regarding your flat circle tutorial since I am currently working on one for a cushion and having trouble with it lying flat....Any suggestions??

Thank you so much! I look forward to hearing from you. Cheers :)


Such colors, in every photo you took. Those treats look yummy.


So many delights... what a wonderful day!

We have rainbow crystals in our window too and love to watch them spin around the room!


One of my many "delights" today was reading about your day and seeing the photos. Little B "reading" already, flowers, hearts, edible glitter, the rainbow on the carpet...and Little B is so cute! (Even though hands and feet are all we see; I'd love to see actual pictures of your kids---I'm sure that many of your readers would---but understand why you don't post them.)


Very sweet :)

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