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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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January 12, 2011


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I took a page from your book and lit a candle on my kitchen counter this morning. You are right - it did wonders to make the icky, cold, blah morning seem very far away. Guess I'm just going to have to add candles to my shopping list as one of those necessary winter items...


Found your blog a few days ago and am loving it!!

Have just whipped up 14 oaty cookies from your recipe and within minutes there are only two left (which hubby is picking out despite them saved being for son #2!!)

Ooooh, am busy doing a japanese crocheted flower shawl/blanket too!!

Thanks for inspiration!!

Sarah x


Hello Lucy! You are an inspiration to all of us stay at home moms!!! You really need to try making pumpkin cookies, you would just die over them!!! They are a true delight on wintery days!
I love love love your blog/website and all that you make!!! Have fun with all the Valentiny days to come!


Hi there,

Really love your creativity, your house-decorating and way of living. Great respect for the blanket... wow!

Greetings from the Netherlands.


Love the description of your last days. Makes me just a little be envious ;o) Hope your blanket is going well and am looking forward to seeing the finished one.


Hi, Lucy..
I from Istanbul İn Turkey. I'm following your blog. You are very creative, recourceful...
I'm knitting bedspread from your models, but I can not merge the motives. Could you send a picture that can show me merging the motives?Thanks. Banu


I want to eat those little toes!! I have finally bought myself a hook, some wool (no wonder you salivate when you have to choose some!!) and a book from Amazon which shows left handers how to crochet. So here goes - I read your blog all the time and one day I will turn up at your cafe for a hooky time!!

Emma Roberts

Hi Lucy - I made your Oaty biscuits today & put mixed fruit in them. Nom nom nom!
Thanks for such an easy recipe.



I can relate to both the apron wearing and the cosy indoors/hiding from the outdoors in this post.
And the cosy indoors had me wondering if you and your followers might like to get involved with this ... http://www.flickr.com/groups/1600626@N21/

Crafty Mermaid

I've had a bumpy few days and checked your blog - thank you for lifting my spirits!

maria amélia

Hi Lucy, I loved your new and flowered apron. I'm visiting you because yesterday i remembered you. i was looking through the window of the office where i work (on the second floor) and i saw the rainy (a very big cloud) that was coming by the the horizont and I took a picture with my celular phone. Immediatly I remembered of your attic pictures. :):) The horizonte is wonderful but the rainy time is causing tragedies here in Brasil and we are so sad. Every january is the same thing. kisses for you. i desire a cozy winter. I think the cold time is so good to cooking, crocheting, sewing...but the little people should be impatient stuck indoors, isn't it?

Planet Penny

With the East Anglian winds I think my bunting would have been shredded to oblivion if I hadn't taken it down in the autumn!. As it is I will have to do a lot of trimming of frayed edges. So sad to hear about the childrens' school but I'm happy to hear they are picking up the pieces at last, and you can enjoy a few moments of peace and quiet! love Penny and Higgins x


Lovely apron. I think something like that is just what I need for baking days :-)
And I love the little heart you have hanging in your window. May I ask where it came from?
And Oaty cookies - I think I might have to try those -would it be terrible to add chocolate chips do you think?!


i just lv you blog, it is so homey.


Hi Lucy, Have just discovered your blog via hexagon how to via Fav Crafts.I write from sunny warm Sydney Australia.Your photos out your window took me back 30 yrs when I was living in Lancashire.Those cold dull drizzly days no wonder your crocheting is with bright warm colours.I have precious and special memories of my time in your country.We are having our own heavy rainfall and flooding in variuos parts of the country.the flsh flooding causing fatalities and destruction has been in Queensland.So sad to see loss of life From such disasters.Even with the floods and rain the sun comes out which then makes it hot "muggy".(humid, sticky) just wanted to say keep up the good work it is fun to read your blog

Tabby P.

I came across your blog when I googled how to join granny squares awhile back and have run into another of different times. You've inspired me (along with a friend of mine's blog) to start my own blog. I just love you's so much! Thanks for all the tutorials and fun ideas!
Hearts from Kansas!
-Tabby P.


Thank you Lucy, reading your blog always brighten up my day!


Gorgeous looking apron! And what a lovely way to stay warm - hot oven and freshly bake biscuits always does the trick!

International calls from mobile

During winter or cold days, it is important to make our homes warm and comfy. I really like the idea of having some scented candles and making some porridge to warm our bodies. Thanks a lot for sharing the cute and lovely photos. I bet you had a great time. More power and keep on posting relevant blogs.

Shelley in SC

What a good plan . . . refuse to look outside. Keep the inside warm and light and cheerful. Yes, seems entirely do-able!! Thanks for the smile, Lucy : )!!

Susan Reaney

What a beautiful post! I love your Cath Kidston apron...infuses we can now get her things in the US again-hooray! The cookies look incredible-I am ravenous! I got a huge kick out of milk tankering...that is a term I have never heard before. Too funny! I am so sorry about your school. I hope they will be ablle this beautiful old building back in shape.
Suz from Minnesota

The Garden Bell

Soooooo, just how many cookies has that Little B had today...mmmmm... boy is he getting big. Is he taking any steps yet?

Totally jealous of that new apron. Must travel to C.K. land soon rather than later. I wonder if I can order online... sure sounds better then going out in this dreadful weather here too. Just going to the market for milk is quite the task this time of year. I just want to light a fire, grab a cuppa and a good old gossip magazine and hid out lately.

Give all the little peeps a big squeeze. Stay in and stay toastie. The garden will still be there in the spring ready for us all to dig right back in.

See ya on the flipside of the weekend,
Kate - The Garden Bell.... aka... Frodo's friend Sam


Happy New Year Lucy! I have been crocheting for a long time, but have been a novice all this time. I only made prayer shawls and afghans which were just one large granny square. Between you and my crochet mentor at church - I have tried my hand at crocheted hats and most recently I made quite a few of the snowflake ornaments and bauble balls. I am almost done with my first actual traditional granny square afghan (for my oldest daughter's new house). Thank you for being an inspiration and your lovely blog! Also thanks for directing us to other fantastic blogs! Take care and keep stitching!


Love your cookies.....I made gingersnaps with bits of crystalized ginger in the recipe to give them an extra punch! Love your blanket and littleB's jammies. Your 2011 is off to a cozy start. I gave you an award the other day, I guess maybe you have already received it?! Enjoy, xoRobin❤


Love the aprons, so sweet. I think a steamy window just screams home and a time when all was right with the world. Can't wait for the Ta-dah post.

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