Hello my lovelies, great to be here in the Attic :: truthfully I should not be tucked up nattering in the Attic at all, should be attending to the business of making clean the piles of dirty laundry and packing/preparing for our trip away in Connievan tomorrow (woooooooohooooooo, four nights away by the coast!!!!)
However..........before I leave to go jollying off on my giddy-trip to the seaside, I really, really desperately want to have a quick chat about Acrylic yarn and granny stripe goings on. Cos I need to share, and you need to know, right? It will NOT WAIT, right??
OK.....above yarn is my squishy big balls of Stylecraft Special DK :: 100% Acrylic :: working on a 4mm hook. Cost was £1.60 per ball in my LYS. Bloomin bargainous.
As requested, here are the colours I've got nestling in the bag....
Top row, left to right
1422 :: aspen
1065 :: meadow
1316 :: spring green
2nd row
1003 :: aster
1019 :: cloud blue
1068 :: turquoise
3rd row ::
1188 :: lavender
1034 :: sherbet
1432 :: wisteria
4th row ::
1061 :: plum
1084 :: magenta
1390 :: clematis
5th row ::
1132 :: shrimp
1083 :: pomegranate
1241 :: fondant
6th row ::
1246 :: lipstick
1081 :: saffron
7th row ::
Little B’s stripy arm, just before he grabbed the saffron yarn!!
I'm liking this yarn. I'm v surprised that I'm liking this yarn. And I'm v happy about the surprise and the liking. It's lovely to hook with, smooth, soft. A little squeaky at certain times when hands are hot, but I can forgive it that little fault. {Little B, sat on lap, smashing his little hand down onto the keyboard, naughty Little B}jhgvgfcgfvvbc m,
So I started on my granny stripe blanket a few evenings ago, sat on my bed, hooking that first looooong foundation chain (239 long, double bed width or thereabouts) Its not a very nice way to begin a blanket really, is it? Wiggling about with that long chain, counting like mad, being oh-so-careful to get The Count right. Cos for this particular pattern, The Count is CrItIcAl, it HAS to be a multiple of three. No more, no less.
Then after the chaining comes the tricksy first row (a row of double crochet), working those stitches carefully into each and every chain, hoping, hoping, hoping for the umpteenth time that The Count is right, that there will be no cussing, hissy fitting and frogging in the second row. I say a little prayer to the Hooky Angels to make sure I have The Correct Count. Perleeeeeeease make it right.
On to the second row.....praying like mad the whole time that it works out right. Praying right till the very end, cos only when one reaches the last few stitches does one know if The Count was right or wrong.
What do you reckon, did I get it right first time?
The answer is NO, I did not. I was one stitch short. But I could not bring myself to re-do it, so I kind of forced an extra stitch to materialise at the very end, working into the extreme end of the turn of the foundation chain, if you get that.
The third row is a happy, delicious, skippy breeze compared to the first two, cos The Count is over and the Easy Hooky can begin. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zoomin up that row making cute little treble clusters, nothing can stop me now, I'm doing it, loving it, cannot stop!
Row after row, sooooo easy, soooooo happy, sooooooo stripy, sooooooo good!!
This is really rocking my boat my friends, I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to be embarking on this blanket for Connievan, delighting in a new and successful pattern, loving new yarn, new colours. Its ACE!!!!!
I am hoping that some of you will be granny-striping along with me, will you?? Will you give it a go?? Shall we have a HAL?? (that's a Hook-A-Long in case you were wondering).
As I said earlier, I'm away next week, and haven't the time today to make a proper picture-saturated tutorial, but what I am going to try and do is to write the pattern out for you. In case like me you are desperate to get started.
So, what I humbly suggest is that you make a tester first, to get the measure of the pattern before you go cussing into that looooong blankety foundation chain.
I'm writing this in UK terms ok, so first row is double crochet, then after that we switch to treble crochet. For US peeps, work your first row in sc, then switch to dc.
Multiples of three then, lets say for the tester chain 20 to begin (starting chain must be a multiple of 3, plus an extra 2)
Row 1 ::
work 1dc in 2nd chain from hook. Continue working dc's into each chain till the end. You should have worked 19 stitches in total. Turn the work.
Row 2 ::
Chain 3, then work 1tr into first stitch. *Skip 2 stitches, then work 3tr's (I call this a "tr cluster") into next stitch*. Repeat between ** 4 more times, skip 2 stitches, then work 2tr's into last stitch on row.
You should have a row that begins and ends with 2tr's, and has 5 tr clusters in between. Turn.
Row 3 ::
You'll be working out of the spaces between the tr clusters of the previous row.
Chain 3, then work 3tr's into 1st space between clusters of previous row. Work 5 more tr clusters into the spaces of the previous row. And then to finish the row, work 1 tr into the top stitch of the ch3 made at start of previous row. Fasten off.
Row 4 :: Tie in your new colour...knot the two yarns tightly together, leaving ends to darn in after.
To begin, insert hook through the very first space of the previous row (between the last tr and the previous tr cluster). Draw the new yarn colour through to the front, ch 3, then 1 tr in same space.
Work 1 tr cluster into each of the next 5 spaces, then work 2tr's into the final space. Turn.
Row 5 ::
chain 3, work 1tr cluster in each of the next 6 spaces. To finish the row, work 1 tr into the top stitch of the ch3 made at start of previous row. Fasten off.
Repeat rows 4 and 5, working two rows for each colour.
I really hope you can understand this as I've written it, as soon as I'm able I'll do one of my usual tutorials with lots of pics for those of you who like the visuals, but hoping for now that this will get you started.
Remember when you start out on a blanket, your foundation chain needs to be a multiple of 3, plus an extra 2. Remember also not to make your foundation chain too tight :: try to chain loosely if poss, or switch to a hook a size bigger.
Right-oh...happy hooking my lovelies, I must go do some laundry now. See you when I'm back from my caravan love-in!!!
Please could you email this crocheted blanket pattern
Posted by: judith payne | August 10, 2022 at 02:54 AM
Lovely pattern--and colors! thank you--planning to try it when I can work it in :)
Posted by: Dorothy | August 18, 2018 at 03:31 AM
Lucy. Did you ever post a color sequence for this blanket.
Posted by: Peggy | June 20, 2018 at 02:13 AM
Hi Lucy, I love your work,vary pretty.,it's have a question, how do I do the granny stitch without the holes??,,I'm doing mine in Bernal blanket yarn,,,colors are wine and and antique white,any segestions would be greatly appreciated,
Thank you so much
Nancy r.
Posted by: Nancy russell | March 05, 2017 at 09:57 PM
I cannot wait to start my new blanket for my daughter and her husband for their king-sized bed. Any suggestions on how many stitches I am going to need to start. Thank-you in advance
Posted by: Brenda N | December 04, 2016 at 05:03 PM
have you by anychance made a video showing how to make this? I really love it and would so like to make it I'm just having a problem understanding how to read the instructions on making it. I need more of a visual. I crochet lap blankets for chemo patients both adults and children also beanies and I think the colors would just brighten their day. thanks for your time. Dorothy
Posted by: Dorothy Scrantom | January 08, 2016 at 04:08 AM
Hi Lucy, my stripey blanket pack has arrived from wool warehouse, and I can't wait for Christmas so I can open it up to see all the glorious colours, roll on the day, my fingers are itching to start! This year I was introduced to your website by some friends at my local knitting group, and oh Lucy how I love love love all of the content, I have literally spent hours pouring over the patterns, the wool the pictures, your wonderful comments, and reading about your dear little house in skipton (Near where my daughter lives) in addingham, your 'Loves and joys' are so like my own, I just so love that we can become so ridiculously excited about colour and knitting and crochet, please please carry on with your blogging, and ramblings about your family life holidays in connivan, etc, I too have a caravan, which is quickly becoming festooned in crocheted blankets, aah bliss, Thankyou Lucy for giving me such joy, you are a lovely soul ... From a fellow colour nutter in the nicest possible way of course!!!
Posted by: Daphne goodenough | December 06, 2015 at 01:50 PM
When will you post pictures and tutorials?
Posted by: Brenda | September 25, 2015 at 09:48 PM
Hi , can you please tell me how many stitches are needed I the foundation row for a single bed size ?
Posted by: Katrine | September 16, 2015 at 05:28 PM
I love this pattern! Am just starting on a blanket so it will be a while but do you have instructions for the border? Thanks!
Posted by: Ruth | September 15, 2015 at 10:40 PM
Bought my kit this summer, started the blanket last night :) I had a lot of fun deciding the colour order!
Regarding some questions below, yes, UK terms, she mentions that right before the pattern starts.
Holes too big? Use a smaller hook, your gauge might be too big.
For a twin size, you need to do a gauge swatch (the tester) and measure your stitches, decide how wide you want your blanket to be on your twin bed (just a coverlet or draping over the sides?) and then do some math to figure out how many stitches you need, 3 for every cluster plus 2. factoring in a few inches for the border, however wide you want it.
Posted by: Michele | September 14, 2015 at 09:51 PM
Hi Lucy,
I must have missed it but are these UK crochet terms ie: TR etc. Am I to do a DC in US terms there and a single crochet where it says DC?
I hope that you can answer me. Thank you,
Posted by: Jana | August 31, 2015 at 11:08 PM
My holes are so big how do I make them smaller like yours?
Posted by: Zuri | August 20, 2015 at 05:29 PM
Great blanket. Just started a big one as well and what helped me a lot was to start with a combined chains with sc in one go.
Posted by: anne | July 23, 2015 at 03:47 PM
Hi Lucy, I am soooo excited to start the striped blanket. It will be the first project of this size ever for me. I want to make a twin bed. What would the difference in instructions be? Will you ever answer all these questions soon? Thank you for inspiring me to pick up needles again.
Posted by: Faye Faraldo | June 23, 2015 at 09:07 PM
I am looking for the pattern of a zigzag blanket I first saw at Knit and Stitch show at Ally Palace last October, Any suggestions please gratefully accepted.
Chris Pearman, [email protected]
Posted by: Christine Pearman | June 15, 2015 at 07:34 PM
I printed the pattern for the Granny crochet blanket and I just love it with sock yarn all different colors. I will donate when I get paid your work is so fabulous and your Attic is wonderful, thank you……...
Posted by: Susan Sands-Wedeward | May 17, 2015 at 05:15 AM
Can you please tell me the finished size of this beautiful blanket?
Posted by: Denise | March 30, 2015 at 11:24 PM
To Shona and Sue, not sure what's going wrong. I can only assume you're either adding or missing stitches. Try making the 20 chain sample, following Lucy's pattern very carefully. You should have 2 tr (or 3ch and 1tr) at each end of the first and every other odd row and 1 tr (or 3ch) at each end of the even rows. Hope this helps. Lucy's patterns and instructions are really good, but you sometimes need to practise a bit to get the hang of it! Don't give up, once you've got the pattern, you'll streak ahead. Good luck, and enjoy!
Posted by: Kath | March 21, 2015 at 10:46 PM
My afghan is also not laying flat. Any advice will be much appreciated. Thank you.
Posted by: Sue Hamilton | March 19, 2015 at 03:37 PM
Hello,Ijust want you to know that the granny stripe is so cool,and im going to try making it,buti need to know how to do the border around it please could you send me an email about it? THX CANDACE
Posted by: [email protected] | March 10, 2015 at 02:51 AM
Hi looking for done help . I have started this granny stripe blanket but after a few rows it's not lying flat it's beginning to curve . I ripped it out and used a bigger size hook for chain and 1st row then back to a smaller hook, but it's curving again . Help anyone 😢
Posted by: shona Pirie | March 05, 2015 at 07:55 AM
Hi . I'm looking for the pattern for the granny stripe blanket. I have received the yarn :) excited to begin . Thank you❄️❄️❄️
Posted by: Lori | February 27, 2015 at 03:10 AM
Hi, I love your pattern, the colors you chose were fantastic! It is so bright and colorful! It's truly a happy blanket! Can you give details on finishing the blanket after you are done doing the granny portion with the tr's, how are joining and rounding your corners?
Thank you
Posted by: Debra Bunker | February 22, 2015 at 08:31 PM
Please could you tell me how many chains for a single bed.
Posted by: Mary Linton | February 22, 2015 at 10:09 AM