Remember me??
I'm the one who used to have six child-free hours a day to please myself, six child free hours a day in which to write, bake, crochet, create, read, browse, shop and potter...oh how I miss my leisurely Pottering! Yeah, I do miss my "old life" somewhat. But I'm certainly not complaining. No, not complaining at all. In my "new life" where my child-free hours have become Baby-full hours, things are good...Little B is really a delight, an easy sort of a baby for the most part, but somehow so completely and utterly absorbing and time consuming even when asleep. Which he is right now. Asleep. Ahhhh yes, here I am at 8.30pm, love-love-loving the sudden peace and quiet in the Attic24 house with all three offspring off in the Land of Nod. Bliss.
So before I also take myself off to my snuggly bed, I really did want to come and say hello, to chat to you a little about some hooky stuff. Yes....I have finally begun to crochet again, yippeeeee!!!! Last Thursday I did indeed make it along to the lovely cafe to join my knit and natter group, and it was bloomin great I tell you. I had soooo missed it! Little B was super and managed to stay asleep the whole time which allowed me to crochet my little heart out. Bliss.
I'm officially Stash-busting at the moment. Truthfully, I really, really, really want to buy a heap load of new yarn and launch myself into a new big blanket. Really I do. But with a fair pile of Baby Cahsmerino still knocking about after the Baby Granny blanket was completed, I don't feel like I can justify buying any more yarn just quite yet. So stash-busting it is for now...just before Christmas I had a look at my BC yarn and figured I had enough to make another small baby blanket. I've taken my inspiration from the above book which I've got out on loan from the library :: it's an oldish book, I think late 70's or early 80's, and despite the veeeeeeeeeeery dated look of the photographs, there is a lot of good stuff in these pages.
See the baby blanket up above there, top right? The white and pastelly one with the little duck? That's my inspiration. Want to look more closely??
Here you go..........
Hmmmm.....doesn't look very "me" does it?
Waaaaaay too pastely and wishy washy.
But....I LOVE the design idea, the way the little squares are tipped over onto their sides to work as diamond shapes and then fitted into the zigzags of a chevron :: BRILLiaNT!!!
Let me at it!
With MY colours!!!
So this is where I'm up to so far :: these two bands of chevrons-and-squares will form the top and bottom edges of my little blanket.
The squares were made up first and stitched together. Then the chevron rows were worked into the edges of the squares, top and bottom. It's not an easy pattern, it took me a while to work it out and get it right. But I do think it's come out really well.
The middle of my little blanket is going to be made up of just squares, a patchwork of little diamond squares in all the colours I have left. I'm just working my way through my stash, making as many squares as I can with the yarn I have left, stacking them in neat little piles and hoping there's gonna be enough.
I'm loving making these little Solid Granny squares, they're great to do, easy to slot into the itsy bits of time available in my hectic days.
One after a feed and before dinner.
Two after dinner and before bath time.
Little by little my stash is being Busted and my piles are being Built.
Thought you might appreciate seeing a few more pages from the book...............
Aren't the pictures funny??! They're sooo dated, yet I can't help but love them.
A granny square bikini look....oooohhh could be just the thing for the Summer!
Oh and lookee here, a crocheted Hostess Apron, how charming!
Actually, I really do LOVE this design. No no no, not the apron as such, but the design of combining squares-in-rows with stripes is FAB, don't you think?
The squares used for this apron are called Wagon Wheel Granny Squares, and are really quite lovely...I tried one out look.......Think this is gonna be the inspiration for my new blanket.
I can call it the Hostess Blanket.
Just as soon as I've finished Stash Busting I'm on it.
As soon as.
I don't think you're a crafter, I think you're someone who WANTS to be, but can't.
Granny Square Bikini? NO THANK YOU!
Posted by: Abby | October 13, 2012 at 11:38 PM
evening lucy, love your colors and how your baby blanket is turning out. i might have that book, will have to check my personal library. love your blog of course. love the way your write and the way you look at life. how is your fly lady coming along? mine fell by the way side again. just wanted to stop by and say hi. gert
Posted by: gert | February 25, 2012 at 03:33 AM
Love the zig zags combined with the squares.
Posted by: delitealex | September 06, 2011 at 06:57 PM
hi , I love your blog , i'm from argentina and always visit your posts , lovely photos . kiss Debora
Posted by: Debora | December 04, 2010 at 12:59 AM
Hi Lucy I was inspired by your baby blanket and have done my own version - heavily adapted to be nearly large enough for a double bed!. pics in my rav projects if you want to peek!
Posted by: Anne1962 | October 04, 2010 at 06:59 PM
Hi, I just stumbled across your blog tonight. I had to chuckle when I saw the pictures - I have this very same book. My grandmother gave it to me ages ago. I've been crocheting since I was 7. Don't you love finding inspiration from old funky patterns? I'm always picking up books like this one at garage/estate sales. It's amazing to me that I can take one of these patterns and update it and they'll look nothing alike. Old and funky turns into new and FUNkay. lol Anyway, thanks for the chuckle. I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes those books.
Posted by: Ange | May 13, 2010 at 07:43 AM
i really enjoy you blog
Posted by: noga | May 07, 2010 at 08:02 PM
Lucy we have not heard from you for a while hope all is OK. Kay x
Posted by: kay Knight | April 02, 2010 at 06:32 PM
I've been reading your blog and I find you very inspiring. I'm 40 years old and I've got 3 young daughters. My dream is to stay at home and make beautiful things like you. I'm starting to teach myself to crochet and hope to be able to duplicate the blanket you made with the tiny squares. I'm from South Africa. Warm regards Tracy.
Posted by: Tracy Lambrechts | April 01, 2010 at 01:47 PM
hi lucy,
how are you doing .
iam much thankful towards you as i have learned a lot abt crochet from you .you a wounderful teacher.
i knew basics of it as child and rest all i learned through ur blog i am a doctor by proff and from India.keep up the good work going
Posted by: rachana | March 31, 2010 at 06:51 PM
please please can you tell me how to make those adorable little solid granny squares I am desperate to do some they are just gorgeous
Posted by: kay knight | March 13, 2010 at 06:45 PM
The blanket is stunning! (or will be). Can't wait to see it. You've inspired me to try my hand at a gift for a good friend who's pregnant with her first child. Would you be willing to post the pattern for the little squares? My apologies if it's a copyright issue. Love your blog, and your amazing sense of color.
Posted by: Rebecca | March 12, 2010 at 02:37 PM
Hiya, I really love your balnket(and blog come to mention it). Have you written a tutorial for the baby blanket? Or come across the pattern on the web anywhere? I'm expecting my first granchild and so want to make a similar blanket but haven't been able to find anything at all!
Posted by: Dot | March 10, 2010 at 04:31 PM
Hi, could you explain how to the little half-granny-squares? The triangle ones at the ends?
I have been searching the net and can only find patterns for the more traditional, hole-y, granny squares in half form, and I've tried but I can't manage to convert those to this kind of solid pattern!
Hope you can help, Thanks so much!
Posted by: Cazza of North Queensland, Australia | March 09, 2010 at 11:53 AM
I really love the job you make! Brillant colors you use... I love crochet! The zigzag blanket you made is sooo beautiful! Can you share the pattern? I would like to make one for me!!!
Thanks a lot!
Posted by: Stéphanie | March 09, 2010 at 06:59 AM
Hello Lucy,The way you make these colourfull crochet things maken me really happy.
I'm making a blanket of squares .I often look at your site for more colourfull things you're making , i have not so much time and I don't know how you make all these blankets and so by yourself but i think it is really nice .diana
Posted by: Diana de Witt | March 08, 2010 at 09:16 AM
Ohhh my Miss Lucy I think your baby rug is going to look divine in 'your colours'... what a lovely pattern idea... OOroo... B
Posted by: bethel of bethania | March 04, 2010 at 12:48 AM
It is funny how times and their looks change. I see the
Chrysantheum (sp?) table runner and that does remind me of your tastes. The colors you use make the "new" type of crochet look more modern and less like my grandmother's. Although, I appreciated hers as well.
Posted by: Beth | February 28, 2010 at 04:21 PM
Hi Lucy
I'm a novice crocheter and have just found your blog. I found your lovely summer flowers granny square so easy and I'm no talent when it comes to crochet!!! I love love love the wagon wheel granny square! I don't suppose you'd have a pattern for it please??? I'd love to give it a try!! Thank you!
Posted by: Leigh Ann | February 22, 2010 at 08:42 PM
Just discovered you through Tip Nut who photographed your magical tote bag. I live in Northumberland too, the frozen north at the minute, and I spent the most happy couple of hours on your web site. I think you are a personal friend now! I am older than you by far, and have used your colours for a long time, to the degree, my husband calls our house 'the disney grotto'. Personally I think you have wonderful taste. lol!!!! You and your family are just a breath of fresh air. Keep doing what you do, you delight so many people. I left your website with the feel good factor, thankyou so much for being you.
Posted by: ka6thleen mckirkle | February 18, 2010 at 02:25 PM
Hi Lucy - I want to thank you for you blog, it really inspires me and brightens my day. Thanks to your excellent instructions I now have a fab hexagon cushion cover. Making it was so enjoyable and looking at it makes me smile :-)
I love the squares and chevron that you showed above, and spent the weekend making the small squares and just have to figure out how to make the chevron borders now...
Thanks again,
Emma in Kilkenny :-)
Posted by: Emma | February 09, 2010 at 12:12 AM
Hi Lucy! This is my very first visit to your blog and I'll definitely be back. I love your use of color and your tutorials look great.
I'm a yarn lover...using it in crochet and knitting. Also a quilter.
Congrats on your new baby boy!
Best wishes to you from Mich., USA!
Posted by: Karen | February 08, 2010 at 09:53 PM
Actually, I LOVE the bikini and the top that goes with it!
Now what have you gone and done??? Got me hankering after knitted sunbathing garments.
If you are able to post a pattern or find a pattern for one, I'd be most grateful.
I sense a flickr group on the horizon
Posted by: Steel | February 07, 2010 at 03:33 PM
Your blog is wonderful! I love the colors you use, and as I am really into grannysquares myself, this blog is one of my favorites! Fun to look at photos of all the different granny-products :-)
Posted by: Gro Merete Alvheim Krüger | February 07, 2010 at 03:17 PM
I had the rainbow vest, which my mum crocheted for me in the 70's. Actually I had a couple, but don't tell anyone!
Posted by: Miss Muggins | February 06, 2010 at 12:22 PM