
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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February 11, 2010


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What a beautiful photo of his little hand holding yours! Made me go all mushy and missing the baby-ness of my youngest who isn't so baby-ish anymore.
I love this little heart that you whipped up! Did you end up writing up the pattern for it? 'Cause if you did, I think I missed it somewhere.


Hi there!
I am very new to your blog, a friend sent me the link to some of your flowers to crochet for our scrapbooking pages.
So thougth I'd have a gander at some of your previous posts.
I have been searching the internet for a heat pattern and what do I find here tonight. A gorgeous heart!
Any chance you could post the pattern? Pretty please? Even without a tutorial?
I used to be a crocheter before finding scrapbooking, but new I didn't have the time to do both, now crocheting flowers etc fro my pages has allowed me to join both hobbies that I love.
Thank you!


wow that heart is sooo cute. Do you have a pattern for it? :)


Oh! Congratulations for your baby born. So lovely little fingers. God bless you, Lucy and your beauty growing family.

Larosanga (Flickr)


Excellent blog, many thanks! Really look forward to seeing the heart pattern when you have a mo.


I like the way you don't hide that there are bad days as well as lovely sunny ones - that you don't dwell on them too much, but you don't pretend that life is always only good things.

Although sometimes the good and the bad are mixed really well together, aren't they!

I would love to kow if you've managed to find time to write up that tute for the hearts - I want to make up a garland to hang in my house ALL YEAR, but the patterns I have found ar american (double actually means treble, etc) and as a new crocheter, they make my head spin!


I was too late to vote. But I would have voted for you had I seen this sooner! but what I do vote for is more photos of Little B. Those gorgeous little hands are so beautiful, More please, more (how about feet next time?)!


I love that little heart! I love your fabulous blog. You are such an inspiration. Not least that you crochet all these lovely things with a family and home to look after too! Of course I voted too!! x


I've never posted on any blog before but just wanted to let you know what a difference you've made to my last few weeks. I've suffered from ME for 20+ years and sometimes find it difficult to do anything but rest.A friend suggested I have a peek at your blog and it has lifted my spirits and inspired me.You are very special

Imecs Eva

It's very nice and lovely. How can I make the heart? I would like to know the pattern!! I think, I am not alone. Pirikenagyi from Hungary


Such sweet little fingers! I would love the crocheted heart pattern.


I wouldnt be crocheting my first granny squares if it wasnt for you Lucy!!
Your sons grip on your finger is just adorable <3


Love the little gripper fingers and the heart! Thank you for continuing to post during your 'challenging' times. :)


Lovely priceless picture with your baby and beautiful crocheted heart!


Oh that heart is just precious and the photograph holding the babe's hand just makes MY heart melt, so lovely! Take care darling and have a wonderful weekend! Much love!!!

nintendo ds r4 card

That is really a beautiful and colorful heart..That second photograph is really lovely and innocent photograph.This is a special moment.Thank you..


So lovely!


beautiful picture... I have a little baby too, have a nice day
saludos desde México

Just Moi

Babies take time.

And hearts are appropriate ANY time of year. Eagerly await the pattern. I want to make a heart garland for my daughter's room. :)


Those little fingers! OMG! so adorable. You are just a joy!!!

May we have the pattern for the crocheted heart?

Teresa Kasner

Dear Lucy, I am enjoying your posts of late and really love your little crocheted heart. I do a crocheted heart I wanted to show you, and it's actually the 2nd item on my online gallery - I do hope you take a look! http://byteresa.com/gallery
I call it a Scandinavian design - I saw one years ago and bought it and then figured out how to do it. Hug the baby and the LP for me! And enjoy your Valentine's Day with hubby!


Almost two years blogging and look at you! You are world wide famous! I voted for you because you give me so much cozy colorful pleasure. You ALWAYS have! Love your pretty little crochet heart. And I love little B's fingers lovingly intwined with yours. Have a sweet, sweet weekend, Lucy.


I would just love to say that you have sparked my love of colors and crochet again and for that i'm very thankful! <3

Vicki in Michigan

I had a baby who screamed and screamed.

No one (NO ONE) understood.

I would say to my pre- and post-natal swim class friends "She does [this]!"

They would look back at me, out of the corners of their eyes, and say "He ... never does that....."

Or "I have to carry him everywhere, or he cries!" and I would think "If ONLY picking her up would stop the screaming!"

The pediatrician was no help -- a breezy "Yes, it's hard, isn't it!"

My mom was no help -- "We're never given more than we can handle." That was the closest I ever came to hanging up on her. Had she forgotten suicide happens?

That noise.......... Mother Nature designed us to know we were supposed to Fix Things! so that noise will stop, and when there is nothing that makes the noise stop....... Nothing makes a normally high-functioning adult feel more inadequate and hopeless than a baby who screams and screams and screams..........

Couple that with the sleep deprivation.........

I didn't find a single other person who understood until my kid was two. By then, she was easy and charming, but that first six months like to killed us.

So -- if any of this resonates for you, I offer you the hand of sisterhood across the miles and across the years.........

You are not alone.........

It is not your fault (so many people told us it was; that if we knew what we were doing she wouldn't cry).............. (Not that they could stop her, and we let ANYONE who wanted to, try!)

Raises my blood pressure just thinking about those awful months...........

Everyone oooing and cooing over babies, and our life was hell.........


We always thought she was angry, rather than in pain.

I think, now, that she was bored out of her mind, trapped in that powerless body. She couldn't work the remote, she couldn't hold a book and turn the page, she couldn't do anything but wait for something good to happen....

My parents bought her a walker when she was 5.5 months old, and that seemed to be the turning point.

She could go backwards immediately, and within two weeks could go where ever she wanted. She could sweep the newspapers off the coffee table (or chew on them). She could try to pull books off the book shelf. She could grab spoons out of the dishwasher and throw them on the floor (all forks and knives were on the top rack where she couldn't reach them!). She could trap the dogs in corners.

She could DO THINGS, without having to wait for her STUPID PARENTS to think of something interesting. !!!!!

By the time she was a year old, she was the easiest, most pleasant baby anyone knew about, and that is how she stayed (until she turned 13, but we don't have to talk about that now!).

Had we only had someone to talk to who understood, and had we only known that the Awful Time would be limited, it would have been easier to bear.......

Were I close, I would say "Here, let me take him for an hour. He can scream all he likes. I'll wear ear plugs, and carry him around the town, talking softly, so if he pauses in the crying, he can hear my voice. And you can have a nap!"


Lucy... anyone with a heart as yours would deserve that and more...
Never stop hoping, enjoying and just being you.
You are really awsome, happy and cheerful and you fill so many hearts with happines that you deserve A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G you wish.
Warms hugs and very very happy and full of love and blessings Valentines day... I'm sure it will be like that!

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