
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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January 21, 2010


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Helen James

Hi Lucy

I have been searching through your website trying to find the recipe you posted a while back for shortbread. I thought I had saved it but cannot find it anywhere. Is there any chance you could email it to me please as I would like to make some for friends who are coming over on Tuesday.

Many thanks.

cheap r4 ds

Wow that bunch of tulips look really refreshing and I like it very much.Hey I also like to eat white chocolate and raspberry muffin.Thank you for this post.

Magic Mummy


Just found your blog now and wanted to say that I think it's brilliant. I've just added you to my blogroll at www.frugalfamily.co.uk - hope that's ok.

Well done and congratulations on your new addition....


I always have a happy feeling when there are tulips around me...


Wow I remember that feeling! My baba had such bad colic in the early weeks. Needless to say we had some very tearful days and many low points. A friend bearing gifts at just the right time is essential in maintaining calm between mama and new baba! Glad there is some cheeriness now. A bad day can always be coloured happy with muffins and flowers! x


Hi Luce

I am so happy and pleased for you. It is wonderful to think of something so gorgeous as a little snuggly baby in your house amongst all the bright colours. I also realise what a huge amount of work three children are so if you need to chat at any time then just drop me an email. GET AS MUCH REST AS YOU CAN AND DONT FEEL GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love Em xxxx


Just popping in to see how you are... Thinking of you in the evening as this was the most screamy time for us. May there be quiet days too!
Having seen your hyacinths in a bowl a while back, I am a regular purchaser of pots of three from supermarket, and LOVE them!
Take care x


Check out my blog...there's an award for you! Cx


Fantastic blog! Love all the colors, Photos, your carved fireplace mantle and you Crochet!! Great combination!


You have such a nice blog Lucy. I can see you love colours, me too :) And now in winter we do need some colours in our life.


The tulips are lovely and baby B so cute...colicky baby is hard..we used sit in a warm bath together and just kept adding hot water and that seemed to calm the little being. Good luck. Thank you so much for sharing your family life with us all. Always love your posts and pictures :)


Hey Lucy, hope things are going well for you. Thought you might be interested in this project http://planetblanket.wordpress.com/


Hi Lucy! How wonderful works!
My name is Sofia, and I´m an argentinian 19 years old. I´m starting with crochet, and I´m fascinated! Everything you do is an inspiration for me :)
You should film some video tutorials and post into youtube ;)
Well, sorry for my english, I´m not so good on this.
Congratulations again, and kisses for you too!


The screamy days are hard, for sure...I'm glad you had tulips to help pull you through! Your new little man is just delightful, even if all we get to see are pieces, lol!


Congrats on the birth of Little B!


How you still get time to post, I don't know. Just dropped by to say I gave you an award on my blog today. Happy Sunday!


Your crotcheting is so beautiful. Have you ever thought of crotcheting a baby sling or a carrier (like those woven cradles with a handle?) That would be so lovely!

Becky Cochran

Hi Lucy, I hope you're feeling better and enjoying Bump's arrival.
As I was surfing today I stumbled on this link, http://www.squidoo.com/freeyarnsnowflakecrochetpattern
and I thought you might enjoy it for next winter's crocheting for Christmas, it would be really cute done in great numbers for a Christmas tree.


Of my three, the baby that gave me the hardest times in his first year has turned into the most amazingly sensitive and thoughtful little boy. Good luck.

Mott @ The Courtyard Gate

The tulips are beautiful! I love all the colors! They had to be from a friend that knows you well and how much you love color. Ditto on how delicious that muffin looks. Here's to hoping that Little B has a better day today so that Mommy will too!

Sharon Hodgson

I just recently came across your blog and I'm so glad I did - such an inspiration and what amazing colours! Hope all is going well with the new baby too.

Please accept this Sunshine Award; to find out more have a look at my blog: http://blissknits13.blogspot.com/2010/01/double-sunshine-award.html


just found your blog after searching for granny square inspiration, thank you for all the beautifully photographed tutorials - it really cleared things up for me


Definitely three good reasons to be cheerful! x


hope you have a lovely weekend..
HOpe the baby is feeling calmer today..
that muffin lookes delich..


Hallo! This is the first time I come into your blog and I am falling in love with your crafts, pictures and colours! My name is Luisa and I am from Italy, I am the proud mummy of three children like you and I love crochet. I will link you in my blog. Thank you very much and keep on posting, I will stay in tune.

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