Hello my lovelies....just bobbing into the Attic to say a quick hi-de-hi to you all and to let you know that Things are Good here.
My days and nights seem to be extremely loooong and very full at the moment (as you would expect) and many of my usual day to day pleasures have simply been buried under the demands of new Motherhood. I can't remember the last time I did any crochet, I simply have not found a way to fit it in just yet, but rest assured it won't be this way for long.
Some things continue to bring me much needed comfort in times of need :: a simple jug of sweetly scented hyacinth stems, good chocolate, endless cups of steaming hot tea, some delicious magazines to get carried away in. The usual Good Things that rock my simple little boat.
J returned to work today after doing a rather fantastic job on the home front last week. He learnt to work the oven and the washing machine. He went forth and purchased food and cooked us nutritious meals. And today I missed him.
The Little People and I managed to get out of the house on time this morning and in good spirits for our first school run with Pushchair Addition. It was cold and grey and foggy, but I really enjoyed being back in the Real World again, breathing in the cold winters air, stretching my legs after what has felt like a long time closed up indoors with my feet up. It felt Good.
And well....the rest of the day was fully taken up with caring for Little B. H'e's a very time consuming Little Bundle for sure.
There he is look, a little peek of him as he sleeps snuggled in amongst a bed of colourful Hooky Goodness. His daytime naps are taken in the Big Chair in the light of the bay window as we are trying to clear up some mild jaundice and I am told that daylight is the thing to do it.
I am resting up when I can during the day and going to bed ridiculously early in order to cope with my new job as round the clock Milk Tanker. It's not a bad job. There are some very lovely snugglesome perks.
Like I say, Things are Good.
I'm a Granny who stumbled onto your blog. I was looking for a granny square tutorial. I think yours is great. What do you do with the yarns that are left hanging as you progress around the square?
Posted by: Pat | February 18, 2010 at 03:45 PM
Hi Lucy
First time comment. Love your blog - thank you for bringing color into my beige life here in Australia!
I'm having a go at your baby ripple blanket. Thank you for the detailed instructions.
Posted by: Renee | January 30, 2010 at 05:56 AM
glad all is well - my little girl is now 5 months and i have just lately managed to fit in some crafts - i have today made her a cosy toes warmer for the pushchair - we spend so much time out and about in the fresh air too - it does lift the spirits Amanda x
Posted by: Amanda | January 25, 2010 at 04:55 PM
Keep up the good work with the 'milky machine'! And take the rest whenever you can. The little one looks soooo sweet!
And here too.. Lots of tulips and bulbs! Love them.
Posted by: lisette | January 25, 2010 at 07:24 AM
He is precious, Lucy..
love all the flowers..
Posted by: lulu | January 23, 2010 at 03:55 PM
I Lucy,my name is Lilly and I'm from Italy.I follow you blog,is FANTASTIC !!! Have a beautiful NEW YEAR,many kisses !!!!! The link of my new blog
is ,come and visit me,
http://lillypiccolina.blogspot.com Bye bye Lilly =^_^= xoxoxox
Posted by: Lilly | January 21, 2010 at 02:12 PM
I'm so happy to hear from you and know that you and the bundle are doing well. It takes a little while, but you'll get into somewhat of a routine. My favorite times were early in the morning when everyone else was asleep, my girl would wake up and eat and she would sit in her little bouncer chair and play with toys hanging from the top while i watched one of my favorite programs on television and sipped hot coffee for about an hour. I still haven't found time to start crochet again what with being back to work myself and all, but oh, how I miss those mornings. As you know, they don't stay little bundles for long... Hope to hear from you again soon! ~Jessica
Posted by: Jessica | January 21, 2010 at 01:29 PM
Love what you say about the jaundice. We used to put our daughter in the conservatory in the big pram (we were lucky enough to have the loan of a silvercross) in the gentle heat of the day and it worked a treat. Re missing "him" so remember that too. It eases with time but let him know. Thanks for the memories and thank you for taking the time out to share.
Posted by: Karen | January 21, 2010 at 12:22 PM
Oh Lucy what a beautiful child! Glad to hear that you are doing so well. I love your blog. I've been wanting to ask you what yarn you've been using. Is it wool? I hope not 'cause I'm very allergic. But the colors are awesome.
Posted by: Barbara | January 21, 2010 at 06:14 AM
His little fingers are so precious!
Posted by: Mildawg | January 21, 2010 at 05:27 AM
HI, your blog is so lovely.
I began follow it a few time ago, and I am always ansious to read it.
I was happy with the baby´s birth announcement. It´s true the things are good.
Sorry for my english I´m not
very good.
Posted by: FLOR | January 21, 2010 at 04:03 AM
I did promise you Ooooh-ing and Ahhh-ing!
Valentina from Cyprus
Posted by: Valentina | January 21, 2010 at 03:42 AM
a beautiful treasure...
llok at him all tucked in with that pretty cozy blanket.
rest... peace... happiness be at your feet!
Posted by: carissa... brown eyed fox | January 21, 2010 at 01:21 AM
Hi Lucy,
Been away visiting my 83 year old mom. So nice to get caught up with you and your world. Love that things are working out so nicely for you. Enjoy and know that I'm so happy for you and your family. Love, Robbie
Posted by: Robbie | January 21, 2010 at 12:54 AM
Hi Lucy!
How are you?
Your baby is beautiful!
It's me, Angélica, Brasil,again.rsrs
I would like of your visit in my blog.I have a surprise for you.You need translate, now, sorry.Hoje estou cansada,e aqui está muito quente, e estou com preguiça de escrever em inglês. O que vc vai ver em meu blog já estava pronto há muito tempo,desde quando descobri seu blog,in august,september or october...Mas não tinha costurado a alça, nem feito as flores.Vou ficar feliz se vc aparecer lá.
Estou terminando outro trabalho que aprendi com vc, de crochet. Eu consigo entender quase tudo que vc escreve, sem tradutor.For me is good, because i study,learn english. www.atelieangelicaoliveira.blogspot.com
Thanks, Hugs for you and your family.God bless you! Bye, bye.
Posted by: Angélica Oliveira | January 21, 2010 at 12:15 AM
Your picture just makes this Granny want to kiss that sweet little ear!
Posted by: Susie | January 20, 2010 at 11:32 PM
Loving the peeks we're getting of the wee babe. A cuties, I'm sure. Your photography is amazing, it shows the beauty of motherhood, and homemaking. It really inspires me.
Posted by: Ashley | January 20, 2010 at 09:31 PM
I had forgotten how beautifully hyacinths smell until someone gave me a pot of them for Christmas. beautiful!
Posted by: zoe (in England) | January 20, 2010 at 09:23 PM
Oh, sweet! You need a great baby carrier though sweetie. Something bright and cheery. In the UK Big Mama Slings is fantastic. http://www.bigmamaslings.co.uk/
Posted by: Larissa | January 20, 2010 at 09:20 PM
Well done you, sounds like you are finding the right balance. He just looks adorable, that perfect tiny ear...almost makes me want another........maybe not :)
Keep going just as you are.
x Clare
Posted by: Clare Taylor | January 20, 2010 at 09:15 PM
Oh, what a lovely little ear!!
Lucy, I am so glad you are feeling good, and it looks like your Little Boy is doing it too.
Take care!
Love from Anna xxx
Posted by: Anna-Karin, Sweden | January 20, 2010 at 08:17 PM
It just amazes me how much joy your blog is spreading around the world. As I read the postings, so many mothers and mothers to be are cheered by your world. My little bundle turned 18 this year and is officially not a child any more, but you helped me recapture those old memories and make them fresh. Thank you!
Posted by: Diane F-D | January 20, 2010 at 08:12 PM
This time last year I was in the thores of a baby moon, when all I wanted to do was sleep whenever the opportunity presented itself! My one year old has just weaned himself off the mummy milk which is both a relief and a sadness -bittersweet I suppose. Enjoy your milky snuggles and feeds, and the cute little snuffly noises he makes!
Posted by: jo | January 20, 2010 at 07:42 PM
Just wanted to say glad your doing well. Love the cute little glimpses of Littel B. Take whatever time you need to get into a groove. Looking forward to your next posts!
Posted by: Tanya D | January 20, 2010 at 07:11 PM
So glad you're enjoying life! Good to hear you and little bundle are so well.x
Posted by: Clare Powell | January 20, 2010 at 07:04 PM