Having snow around at Christmas time is very unusual for us here in the UK these days. Even though it's one of the things that many people wish for each year it very rarely actually happens. So when the snow started falling last week, hopes for a White Christmas began to rise rapidly, bringing with it much excitement and outdoor play opportunities for those of us with Little People.
Waking up on Christmas Eve morning and discovering we'd had a fresh few inches fall during the night before was wonderful :: everything looked so perfectly snowy and beautiful that day.
You may recall that when I wrote my last post here in the Attic, it was Christmas Eve afternoon and I was about to light the fire and settle down whilst J and the Little People were sledging at the park. But on the spur of the moment I decided to pull on coat-hat-scarf-gloves-boots and head out to join them :: I couldn't bare the thought of missing out on the Joy of Snow on Christmas Eve.
And I'm so glad I made the effort to trudge up our little hill to the top of our park...oh it was just fabulous! I plodded along the snowy path, through the snowy wood....
....emerging at the top of the snow-covered park to the above scene. It looked like an illustration from a book, so perfectly wintery and joyful. Many families were out enjoying the delights of zooming down the snowy slope on sledges, lots of excited shouting and laughter filled the air.
At the top of our park along the line of trees there're some wooden benches, and here I found J waiting for our Little People to climb back up the hill after their recent downward run on sledges. I watched as they came closer, and oh their little faces were a picture!! Such sparkle in their eyes, such rosy cheeks, such excited chatter, I felt fit to burst with happiness observing them.
I lost count of the many times they went speeding off down the snowy slope, down and up, down and up they went, time after time after time.
It was cold that afternoon, cold for us Big People sitting on a damp wooden bench. So J decided to nip back home (we only live 5 minutes walk away) to go fetch a blanket, a flask of coffee and some chocolate.....ahhh sitting on that bench with a mug of hot coffee on that cold, snowy afternoon was just the best! I don't think I can remember such a fun and joyful Christmas Eve as this one, it really will be one to remember.
Today (Boxing Day) the sun's been shining and the snow's begnning to slowly thaw and melt here in town. The surrounding landscape is still impossibly beautiful and joyfully snowy mind you, so we decided earlier this afternoon to head out and stroll around in it a bit before it completely disappears.
We didn't go far, just to our favourite local Easy Countryside Option (Bolton Abbey). And although it was very busy with other people all having the same post-Christmas idea as us, it was still quite lovely to be out and about. Fresh, crisp air, the soft winters sun shining through the trees...
...lots of throwing of snowballs into the river, a rather competitive game of I-spy, and finally a very welcome rest in the cafe for coffee and chocolate cake.
Having the Joy of Snow this Christmas time has been very special and I've enjoyed it hugely. Even if i have been forced to wear J's (big, black) welly boots to go out in it.
Happy New Year from a fellow crocheter and colour afficionado. A friend just shared your blog with me and it was an instant fave. Thanks!
Posted by: Melanie | January 27, 2010 at 05:30 PM
hi Lucy and family
your comments brings so many memories back and it does get easier, now mine have all flown the nest i actually miss all that busy noisy time feeling needed
1 month since xmas where does the days go
roll on spring+ summer
love all the pictures
take care
Posted by: karen harrison | January 26, 2010 at 03:01 PM
Hello and Happy New Year,
Please...my request for the pattern for your dear flower scarves...both with and without the edging..also pattern for your "bathroom bunting"..
Thank you for your time and energy...your pix and words are delightful...color,color,color....heaven!!!
Gramma in Utah, U.S.ofA.
Posted by: Carol Holtman | January 08, 2010 at 12:48 AM
lovely photos..
Posted by: lulu | January 01, 2010 at 04:44 AM
Those snow photographs are amazing and I like all photographs.Actually I like snow very much and specially I like white Christmas.That second last picture has nice view.Thank you for showing us this photographs.
Posted by: calcium | December 30, 2009 at 10:01 AM
Posted by: Mandy | December 30, 2009 at 12:47 AM
Viewing from Australia; I can't even imagine what this feels like. We're stuck in humidity and high temperatures. Love being a little part of your world.
Posted by: Suzanne | December 29, 2009 at 11:37 PM
A belated Merry Christmas to you Lucy. I just recently discovered your blog and find it very inspiring - like a favourite magazine but even better! I have two little people and we have had great fun making the most of the Christmas snow as well - such joy!
Posted by: Ruth | December 29, 2009 at 10:15 AM
What beautiful photos!! The snow's pretty much all gone down here near London, but we did have a white Christmas which is indeed so unusual!!! Absolutely loved it!!! x
Posted by: Petit Filoux | December 28, 2009 at 09:43 PM
We had a nice white Christmas in Kansas, USA this year too..............quite nice!
Posted by: Susie | December 28, 2009 at 02:58 PM
I love your pictures, so very merry looking. Everything looks dusted with powdered sugar. I love a white christmas, and since we didn't get one here, I'll enjoy yours vicariously. Cheers.
Posted by: Ashley | December 28, 2009 at 12:48 PM
I'm so jealous - we've never had a White Christmas that I can remember in London. Lovely photos! Are you going to turn them into Christmas cards for next year? x
Posted by: PinkCat | December 28, 2009 at 09:36 AM
WOW how incredibly beautiful thankyou for sharing :)
Posted by: sarah | December 28, 2009 at 09:21 AM
Hi Lucy, wow how I enjoyed those snowy photos! We were lucky here in australia that it wasnt quiet as hot as usual.And it has finally rained so we will finally have some green paddocks to look at instead of dirt.enjoy your snow Im very envious!oh to dream of a white xmas.
Posted by: judy | December 28, 2009 at 05:27 AM
I have been to England once, for a two-week visit, and Bolton Abbey was my favorite place that we visited! Lucky you to live so near it.
Posted by: Tracy | December 28, 2009 at 03:40 AM
Hello Lucy! I've been thinking about you lately and wondering how you and the (not so little now) Bump are getting along. I see that it is very nearly time for your new little one's arrival, and I wish you all the best.
I am so delighted that you and your lovely blog have taken off, and I am not surprised at all by your success. I have had a delightful evening catching back up on all that I have missed from the Attic. I am in love with your birds and the advent calendar. I just joined your flickr group too, and I can't wait to make some of your projects. But first, I really must finish the never ending ripple that I have been working off and on for the past year and a half. Big ((((((hugs)))))) to you. I am so happy for you. :~)
Posted by: gardenymph | December 28, 2009 at 02:58 AM
Oh goodness me. Now I'll never ever believe that real-life England doesn't match my imagination. Ev-er.
Posted by: Alicia P. | December 28, 2009 at 12:18 AM
Oh your teasing me!! I know it. It looks oh so lovely and I'd love to have that experience. I'm glad you had such a lovely Christmas. Mine was good too but quite a bit warmer. Late 20s. Lovely sunny day hanging out with family.
Posted by: Kelly | December 28, 2009 at 12:07 AM
Thanks Lucy for these beautiful wintery photos. In Sydney we have already well and truly started summer and the snow looks so cool and comfy and soothing!
Posted by: Fiona Cheng | December 27, 2009 at 11:57 PM
Lucy, I was unpacking a box today and I found something that I would like to send to you. I ready your blog all of the time and I can't tell you how much it makes me happy. I too, love bright colors. I also found something that I think Hen will like.
Posted by: Judy | December 27, 2009 at 09:16 PM
It looks so beautiful! Its been slushy here and cold but none of the real fluffy stuff! Have a great new year.
Posted by: Clare Powell | December 27, 2009 at 07:08 PM
Merry Christmas Lucy! Hope you and your family have a wicked season! xxx
Posted by: The Curious Cat | December 27, 2009 at 05:29 PM
Sounds to me like a very enchanting, magical Christmas Eve! Love to you!
Posted by: cathleen | December 27, 2009 at 03:50 PM
Oh Lucy, I have just recently found your blog and my feelings are if I am dreaming, please don't wake me up! I have been glued to this computer going back thru all of your archives. Yes, all of them and I can tell you I have been totally swept away to another world. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that your blog has changed the way I choose to live my life. You have taught me to see things in a way I had never seen them before. You have lit a spark in me to make every day a little more exciting. It is so easy to see the negative things in life and overlook the good things that bless us every day and you have inspired me to "see the glass half full instead of half empty". Thank you dear Lucy for helping me add color to my life and to actually make me glad to think about the future. Believe it or not, I am throwing away all of my white socks and am on a mission to find the most colorful ones on the market. I'm even thinking about painting my tennis shoes!!! Words fail me trying to thank you, but just know you have made a profound difference in my life and for that I am most grateful. I am forever a devoted fan.
Posted by: Sandy | December 27, 2009 at 03:28 PM
Your snow photos are lovely, but the branches against the blue sky is really special. What I enjoyed most was your delight in your Little People- that's a rare gift!
Posted by: Heckety | December 27, 2009 at 03:12 PM