
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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November 13, 2009


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Love your hyacinths - I have one growing on the windowsill right now!
Your bag is beautiful, I'm trying something similar.

Tatiana Maximo

I love your blog and your style color tao. I say that I felt comfortable looking at all your work. Kisses


Just wanted to say I'm loving your cranberry tiffin recipe and have made it lots of times now. Thanks for sharing!


The colours of the yarn are just stunning, oh how I wish I could crochet.

I popped by your blog, as someone had popped by my blog via a post I had commented on from July of 2008 of your walk to school by the canal. Interesting eh?

Gill in Canada


" love-love-loving the repetitive seasonal rhythm of my life that long-term blogging reveals" is what one would call BLISS. I envy your seemingly idyllic lifestyle and look forward to your fresh and colorful posts. Thanks for sharing!


I love the colors. I vote a bib! maybe??? Beautiful colors. You give me such inspiration. Thanks

Bairbre Aine

Lucy, you are such an inspiration!
I have crocheted more, baked more and just simply developed more into the domestic goddess I was suppose to be (before divorce) and I'm happy to admit much has to do with motivation!
Your blog is like a warm ray of sun upon a cold winters day!
You are witty and clever!
Your generous sharing of patterns and lovely photos cheers me creative soul.
My days are creatively fuller since I started reading your blog, back nearly a year ago!!!
Thank you very much!
Bairbre Aine

Crissy Delecki


I have recently discovered your blog and find that it is quite enjoyable. I have been going through all of the posts and noticed a very lovely bag and was wondering if you could point me in the direction of a pattern for it, I was on flickr and saw that some of the members had made the bag that was inspired by you. Your help would be greatly appreciated!
Crocheting Southern Belle


In the words of Victor Meldrew " I Don`t Believe It!!", I have a box of paperweights very similar to yours and "yes" they too are from our last house move. How spookie is that!!!
Well, Lucy, i`ve made three Robins following your instructions. I used cotton yarn for the first one then i tried with Sirdar Country Style in a brown that is a little bit shaded and so looks more textured. I`ll email a pic to you. Can`t wait for the new WIP to be revealed. Take care.
Love Carole from Rossendale xxxxxx


Thank you for writing this blog. I have been folowing it for a year now, and reading it an looking at the pictures always gets me in a good mood:)


I,l just lover your blogg and are now doing your baby blanket . Love from Norway.F.

Freakish Lemon

I just want to say that this post has cheered me up immensely. I was feeling angry and disheartened and just seeing the colors of your blog pop up into my screen made me feel better.


That glass ball looks like it has sperm swimming through it, I like it. :-)

Naomi Rainford

I have given you a award, you can collect it from my blog artystitches.blogspot.com


I was shopping this afternoon in my nearby Tynemouth. I havent been there in a while and I suddenly realised that it is such a 'you' sort of place... If you have never been, you need to visit Razzberry Bazzar - its 3 rooms of floor to ceiling treasures, all crammed into a tiny space! One room is arranged by colour, spin around quickly and its like you are in a rainbow! Over the road we have The Land of Green Ginger - an old church now occupied with lots of lovely little quirky shops.
You'd love it :)


Lovely they will be! What colour did you choose this year? It was white last year? Personally I always go for the blue as sometimes it can be quite close to Delft blue or quite ''purpley''- a yummy colour.Have posted wee parcel first class on Monday so getting all chewed up inside and worried that it's not arrived yet? Would you let me know? Please? You can give it to Oxfam if you don't like it?
Or post it back. Lovely paperweights- fancy not finding them sooner, now you will really see them afresh! And can;t wait for the next reveal, can I guess? Is it a bag? For nappies perhaps? Take care, enjoy the weekend.
X Susan

Leanne inkpen

I am in awe of your awersomeness crocheting skills! You rock!! All the beat with pregnancy!! I'm 27 weeks myself!! My friends Rachel reccomneded your blog and so glad she did!!! Quick question where oh where did you get that amazing wool colours?!? What brand is it?! Sorry for being nosey!! X x much love L x x


Hello! I just popped over from Jolly Bee's blog and it is so nice to meet you. I have enjoyed my time here in the attic and an in love with your beautiful colorful picture of your yarns and new project! Makes me want to go get settled in by the fire and knit.
Have a great day!


Am I the last to discover your blog? It is delightfully deliciously filled with a feast for the eyes!


Good Morning! I love love love your colorful, beautiful photos. Wondering if you could share the actual names of the colors of the rowan yarn?? You've inspired me to start up crocheting again and I love those jewel tone colors you've got there. THanks for sharing a glimpse into your life! Just lovely ~ Patrice

Peng Peng

love the colours on your new project lucy.

can you believe it i've been sitting here for two days (literally), with instructions given by yourself on doing neat crochet ripple, and trying again and again and again just to get the foundation of a ripple blanket right. and two days later, i have got only two and half rows done and not even sure if i've done it the right way.

sigh. i am hopeless.

Fruitful Fusion

Ah lovely! I love my doses of attic-y goodness! Can't wait to see what your hook is up to! :)


Love all of your stuff Lucy!
Can you help with this. Seems so simple but it's not turning out. I seem to be able to follow your instructions clearly, so please take a look when you have time and put into your own words if you'd like. It's the last round I'm not quite getting. It's a short and sweet project though.
Thanks, Leanne


I come to your blog for a Pick-me-up and it always works! :)


Please, please, please can you post the tutorial for making the basic granny squares, with the five rounds and 3 colours. I am new to your blog but I am already totally addicted - your colours are just so beautiful.

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