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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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« Baby Granny Blanket :: Ta-dah! | Main | ♥ Three Things ♥ »

November 12, 2009


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Lucy, where oh where did you get those gorgeous stripy plates from??
Ive been looking for something like theses for soooo long and have never found what I wanted, and now, there they are!!!
I'm totally in love with them and I want, want, want them,
Please, please could you let me know where they're from???
Love your blog Lucy :)


Hi Lucy. I've got to be honest, its not often I comment on blogs, much less often I find someone with your zest for life! I came accross your blog as I work on 4yourkitchen.co.uk and noticed your link pointing to our website and curiosity got the better of me! Anyway I am glad I did! Some fantastic ideas on here - I particularly like the "Love letters" - something I can see myself making for my girlfriend's flat in the very near future! So thanks again for the inspiration. I do agree with you on the Zeal range, some fantastic pieces (my fav is the retro breadbins!)

Have a fabulous day.


I have a suspition you love colors!
Wonderfull blog!!


lots of mispelling and forgotten words... I meant "I might NOT wait until Xmas"... Tsss


Argh, I've just checked on the website for the peasuring spoons and they don't deliver to France... (nor anywhere beyond British Isles actually)

Hum... That just means I can ask more yarn for Xmas to be less miserable, don't you think?

Well, come to think of it, I might wait until Xmas to get more yarn... (now, off to bed!)


Love, love, love flapjack! I used to live in North Yorkshire when I was an assistant (some 10 years ago) and I was so glad to find a good recipe after I came back. (in an English magazine I bought on a cshool trip, incidentally...) I think I'll try with dried fruit (even if DH is a bit of the "keep it rough" type)

And love, love, love your spoons. Am quite jealous, I have to admit...

Pom Pom

Hello Lucy-filled-with-color-and-light!
You are wise to appreciate your homey hours during the day. They are what they are and YOU are delighted with YOUR own brand of bliss! You send out happy vibes to the Net world. It's good.


I love your blog, and the colours. I come here everyday.
Your design are so beautiful.
Hugs from São Paulo, Brazil, South of America.


the spoons are totally lovely


I want to ask you something about cutting the flapjack into pieces, how do you do that? You have such a nice square parts wihout the thing breaking in odd parts.
Can you share your trick with us?


I am a full time mum with children at school too. I so understand that dilemma of what to do at 2pm - it isn't really worth starting anything then and having to clear it all away.


Yay!Flapjacks! I have a lot of cranberries lying in my window drying, they grow on my yard. And I put eggwhite and confectioners sugar on them to make "snowballs" butt I don't want to eat them all that way I think, flapjacks will be great! Oh, and the spoons are beautiful very much fun. I have my own verion of that alone time since I study over the computer and my man goes to his school allmost every day. But I don't enjoy it all that much. Maby I shuld bake more.

Mrs C

Completely loving the spoons!

Petit Filoux

Those are so cool I want some too!!!!! You are indeed very lucky to be able to spend your days as you wish, and I put my hands up, I'm extremely jealous!!! We all have different lives, you just need to take it as it comes and make the most of what you have I guess. You're a very lucky lady x

Cathy ☼

Thanks so much for your blog ! Oh, this receipe... Miam ! Have a nice day !

Sarah west midlands

Dear Lucy having been soaked to the skin to the skin this evening and then having to go out again I was finally glad to return home and have just read your post for today. I love flapjacks!! i have a good recipe for some made with honey and they have some cinnamon in them and they are very nice. Have to go to work tomorrow.
Hope it is not pouring with rain. Friday the
13th as well. I would rather be baking and doing some crochet.
Best wishes Sarah West Midlands.


love the spoons, they remind me of a set of mixing bowls i have seen somewhere, cant remeber where though. You inspire me to bake more, in fact, this weekend i am going to bake, i might even have a good at flapjacks :) I hope your littlies enjoyed theirs xx

Janice Perkin

Lucy - i just love your blogs - the baby blanket is gorgous - please reassure me that granny squares are safe for tiny babies!! - I am to be a first time grandma next March and of course started crocheting but friends tell me the health visitor will says holes are not safe for babies?!! also I love your cuffs - have you posted a pattern for them?

Rambling Rose Jewellery

Those flapjacks look delicious. I am going to give them a try using raisins and apple with the cinnamon. They might tast like apple crumble....yuuuuuum.

I will write down your recipe for later. We are working our way through mountains of parkin left over from our bonfire night party at the moment. Everyone went for the treacle spice cake and mostly ignored the parkin.

I have the recipe for treacle spice cake on my blog if you would like to give it a try:

just scroll down the page to find the recipe.

I love your colourful spoons too. They match your plates perfectly. What a colourful home you have. Your children must really love it. I know I would!


Mmm...I think I need to bake some of those myself. The spoons are too cute. I can see how you were powerless against them!


Delightful Lucy - I swear I can picture you surrounded by the colourful blankets you have made, with your stripey mug and your flapjack - sounds just divine! x


Yum! And I don't know if I'm referring to the measuring spoons..or the flapjacks. Teehee :-)


Thank you for writing your blog, we enjoy it here so much. I love the coloured spoons and there's lots of very desirable things to buy on that website, so Attic 24! I had to remind myself that payday is quite a long time away.


Love the measuring spoons. They should be easy to find in the cooking/utility drawer!


Looks delicious!

You are so blessed to be able to stay at home! I'm trying to figure out a way that enables me to stay at home with my sweet babe AND make money for our household.

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