ooo what a lovely day I'm having today, jigging about from room to room, getting all excited about my home and the way things are slowly but surely getting straightened out around here. Tis very pleasing indeed I have to say, and my heart feels skippy and light.
Today I've been having some very excitable moments doing bathroom-styling and am delighted to say that it's nearly-oh-so-very-nearly finished. Which is Big News here at Attic24. To have one room out of seven finally nearly-oh-so-very-nearly finished is really, hugely exciting, well for me it is at any rate. The rest of the family are playing it cool, but me, oh I'm love-love-loving this housey progress! It's only a light fitting that's needed now, so if one doesn't bother to look upwards then one can easily overlook the bare-light-bulb thing and view the room as Finished. Have to say I am really pleased with how it's all come together, its exactly as I envisaged it all those months ago in January when the renovation first began.
So anyhow, you can expect an official "Bathroom :: Ta-dah!" post anytime soon, I just need to take some decent photographs which is proving quite tricksy, but I'm trying hard. I am quite desperate for you to see it.
In the meantime, I'm making today a Blankety kind of a Ta-dah day.
Working on this blanket has been a total pleasure from start to finish, its been just wonderful. The yarn is delicious to work with, soft and luxurious and easy to hook. And the simplicity of using a basic Granny Square pattern has given me a great deal of pleasure because it's been so easy, theraputic and relaxing.
The colours, which are softer/paler than I'm used to, have surprised and delighted me. You can find the specific yarn info in this post which I made on 9th October....cooeee, hasn't this been a Quick blanket?? A little over four weeks to complete, which is pretty speedy I'd say.
I used my Bobble Shell edging pattern to finish off the border of this little blanket, and I am pleased with the way it turned out. It's a neat and snuggly type of edging I think.
In fact, the whole blanket feels rather Neat and Snuggly to me. Yes, as you can see I've been carrying out essential Quality Control tests on it this week, you know, road-testing it, trying it out, wearing it in, making it feel at home.
And I can report that it is indeed a pretty first rate snuggle-blankie. It's quite light, but deceptively warm and very soft.
And this newest addition to Attic24 does indeed seem to love hanging out down here with all the other hooky goodies about the place. Looks right at home on the sofa there doesn't it??
Well do you know what, I originally began this blanket with the intention of it being an Upstairs Blanket, not a Downstairs one.
I wanted it to be a bedroom blanket.A baby cot blanket no less.
For when Bump24 becomes Baby#3.
But you see, I somehow got a little bit carried away with making this blanket and it ended up being quite a lot larger than I anticipated.
Too large for a cot really.
So you see, now I'm thinking perhaps this Granny Blanket can in fact stay downstairs for the time being, and then that officially gives me permission to make Baby Cot Blanket v2.0.
Hmmmmm yes, I'm thinking a striped one this time.
And smaller, yes it needs to be smaller.
Cot sized.
Baby sized.
Must not get carried away this time.
Anyhoooooooooooow..........lovely chatting to you and all, but maybe we need to get on with the actual Ta-dah???
One Hundred and Seventeen five-round Granny Squares.Joined using the fabulous as-you-go method, then bordered with eight rows of grannying and a bobble-shell edging.
I chose the colours (16 in total) completely at random as I went along, with no planning whatsoever. It's often harder than it seems to successfully do Random-with-no-planning. I did have to keep a constant eye on the overall colour balance as I worked. Had to check the balance between the lighter/paler colours and the deeper/saturated colours as well as the balance between the pinks/purples and the greens/blues.
And I think I've managed to create a very pleasing well-balanced blanket colour-wise. Well I think so.
So.....time for the Baby Granny Blanket Riveting facts...........
Measures :: 110cm x 150cm
Squares :: 117, each made up of five rounds, measuring approx 10cm square
Time :: quick!! Each square took me eleven minutes, I kid you not. Smokin'
Balls :: 22
Weight :: 1092g
Cost :: oh, I just don't go there anymore
Mileage :: 22 balls @ 125m each ball = 2750 metres = 1.7 miles of yarn (!)
Photo :: me snuggling on the sofa
Blanket :: soft and gorgeous
Me :: happy and smiley