
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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November 11, 2009


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This is a nice and interesting posting I must say. I simply love this Baby Granny Blanket that you have made. The best part of it is its bright colour combination.


oh Lucy, thats just lovely..


Very nice post... nice pic's up until I see your little toes on that chair... be careful, girl... love the colors and you are so beautiful... your glowing...

Elin S. H.

Wow....so many beautiful, happy colors :) I just found your blog. Gotta look around a bit :) Seems like you have a cozy blog.

Blessings from Norway


Ohh I love your site!!
I like to paint and make stuff too.
Check out my site
I think you'll like it

Erica K

I really love your new picture... And the 'riveting facts' too. That made me laugh. No, let's not think about how much we spend... it's all about the happiness, you know! :)

Marian Edwards

WOW Lucy..it's deliciously gorgeous and ssoo delightful to behold..must say i love your bobble edging too, verrry nice touch!!..btw you're positively glowing.. xx

donna flower

I adore this post Lucy, the blanket is delicious and I think I might have to make a start on one to give me a bit of a break from rippling. I like the fact that the squares take up small bits of wool as my ripple blanket needs almost a ball per stripe!

You look gorgeous too, so lovely to see your pretty face x

Alicia P.


It's perfectly perfect in every single way -- you must be totally thrilled!

(Hoping to find five full uninterrupted minutes to write you back this weekend!!! :-) xoxo


Dear Lucy - your blanket is beautiful and a real inspiration. I am new to crocheting but would love to start with those gorgeous granny squares. Can you post the tutorial for the 5 rounds and 3 coloured squares please. Thank you :-)


It is ABSOLUTELY and DEFINITELY LOVELY! Love it¨!!!!!!!!!!


Hello! I'm a very beginner crocheter and your blog inspires me every time I visit. Could you please please please post directions for the granny square you used in this blanket? I love it! I was inspired by your wrist warmers post and made some of my own.


oh, how lovely!!!


Lucy, you DO glow! And the blanket is just fantastic. Looking greatly forward to seeing the Vintage Vertical Stripes blanket. That one has been on my "to crochet" list ever since I ran across the pattern on Ravelry.


I love your baby granny blankie but I really adore your sweet little Lucy face. You're beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Absolutely gorgeous! Love it.


What a woman you are Lucy ! You keep me going...I don't know where you find the energy or time. You inspire me. I just love your blog. Blessing to you. From ALASKA


You are so speedy. Your afghan is absolutely beautiful. I love it and loves the colors. You look so cute all wrapped up in it. And more to come??? I can't wait to see what you do next. Thanks for taking the time to share your life with us. You do beautiful work.

The Girl

Please can I come and live at your house?

It's so colourful.

Looking forward to seeing the bathroom.


Love your beautiful blanket!,but you my girl, are beautifully radiant!!! pregnancy is definately suiting you!! xxx.

Susan Hall

You look beautiful! being pregnant obviously suits you, oh and the baby blanket is very pretty too! xx


As always - you have brightened my day! Thankyou!


OMGosh - simply gorgeous! That blanket is guaranteed to create sweet dreams for the person sleeping under it.


Ok, that's done it. After years (as a knitter) of avoiding The Hook, I wanna learn, 'cos I wanna blanky like THAT! Is there anywhere online I can find the pattern for that granny square, oh talented one? A google seems to reveal Less Fabulous Ones only ...

Thanks for the sharing of colour! Joy x


I love your new blanket. The colours are gorgeous.

Now, fancy you having an excuse to make another blanket!!

Looking foward to seeing the completed bathroom.

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