Thinking about the weather :: in my little part of North Yorkshire, the weather and the overall light levels have been very poor in the past fortnight. It's been seriously dim, grey, dank and gloomy and not very pleasant to tell the truth. But in the past few days, there have been little pockets of light to be found :: mostly it's been the early morning and early evening when the sunlight has managed to penetrate the dense grey clouds, and oh, I have appreciated it! Tiny little patches of lightness at either end of the day's greyness which have lifted my spirits enormously.
Thinking about my view :: these views from the Attic were taken yesterday morning, around 8am. Of course we ended up with another dull, grey cloudy day, but the start of it at least was quite breathtaking, if only for a very short while.
Thinking about my breakfast :: I've taken to eating my breakfast outside this week. It's been cold and fresh, and I've really felt the need for cold, fresh air first thing in the morning. It clears my head and revives me a little after what has often been a very restless night for me and Bump24. We are not sleeping great, me and the Bump, our nights are a whole load of blurrgghh. Yet I am surprisingly OK with it.
Thinking about my back yard :: my view across the breakfast bowl is not especially inspiring right summer flowers are more or less over, and then there's that wall look, the wall which I had fully intended (but failed) to paint during the summer months. Love my watering can though, don't you?
Thinking about my feet :: I'm still wearing my crocs, sometimes with bare feet and sometimes with socks. I did try one day last week to go and buy some sensible winter shoes, but rather embarrassingly I found I could no longer bend down enough across the expanse of Bump24 to actually get the shoes onto my feet. The poor shoe shop assistant (a trendy young man with sculpted spiky hair, it was that kind of shoe shop) was not sure whether to laugh, offer to help, or run away. In the end it was me who ran away, and so my crocs are still having to carry me about. I think this winter I'll have to wear crocs in dry weather and wellies in wet weather :: not ideal, but what can one do when ones tummy is the size of a small house?
Thinking about my neighbourhood :: we went to our local park, me and the Little People, at the very end of one day this week (think it was Wednesday?) Me on foot (in my crocs) and the LP on two wheels :: you can see Little Lady in the above picture, a little dot-on-wheels zooming down the grassy slope.
Thinking about the end-of-day :: the light was beautiful at the end of this day, around 5pm or so. Long, golden shadows and full-on Autumnal-ness, a welcome respite from the grey.
Thinking about the Sun :: I really, truly, completely appreciated the Sunlight during this hour at the park. Tried to breathe it in and hold on to it. The sun has been such a rare sight during this past fortnight, hiding out behind all the greyness.
Thinking about Where I'm At :: this month seems to be rollicking by at such a rate that I often find myself almost feeling out of breath with it. Can it really be Pumpkin Day tomorrow?? Already? The last day of October already?? Tomorrow I will be twenty-eight weeks pregnant, moving into the third trimester. Can it really be so??
There is much to be done in the Attic24 household in the next few weeks, and I am simultaneously horrified and excited by the prospect of it. I really need to apply myself wholeheartedly to the business of Nesting. Of tidying,
sorting, clearing, organising, painting, sewing, prettifying and homemaking.
So I'm telling you this now cos it may well become a little bit more Erratic-in-the-Attic in the next week or two, and I don't want you to worry about me if I'm suddenly absent.
I'll be Nesting.
And Nesting is Good.
I love the thought of you nesting away in the Attic. My posting/commenting has been quite, quite erratic! Life does that to us Bloggers.
Posted by: Shelley in SC | October 30, 2009 at 12:28 PM
Stunning photos as ever Lucy.
Have fun nesting.
Posted by: Angela | October 30, 2009 at 12:27 PM