Hello....I'm afraid I'm feeling a little muddled today and although I have many things I'd like to say to you all (including a big thank you for your response to my Wrist-Warmers !!!!), the words just won't seem to come out properly.
I've tried, honestly I have! I've sat here at the pc for what seems like an age and tried hard to formulate my thoughts into something coherent, but it's just not been happening.
I've drunk coffee and baked white chocolate and cranberry cookies (and ooooo-eeeee they are goooooood!). I've faffed and mooched and pondered and muddled my way through the morning, but nothing is happening right. Just one of Those Days I guess.
So instead of wittering at you in a rather muddled fashion, I thought I might simply show you some inspiring pictures that I took a few weeks ago.
Pages from last months Country Living magazine (UK October issue) which quite honestly make me hyperventilate with pleasure.Don't you find these images so heart-achingly Beeeeeaaaaauuuuutiful????
Exceeeedingly, totally, Inspiringly Autumnal???
I love them, truly I do, love the whole heap load of feelings they stir up. Love that they make me LOve Autumn.
Yet this year, I am surprising myself by LOvIng the whole style of the Autumn magazines (with the exception of some persistent Brown-ness), and feeling inspired by it.
I'm seeing some purchasing of colourful squashes and pretty cyclamen in my immediate future. The creation of an Autumnal table display. Possibly I might go forth into the great outdoors and gather some pretty Autumn foliage too, fashion myself a twiggy wreath and the such like.Yes, I feel there's much to look forward to this season, much to be Inspired by.
However, this afternoon I'm going to proceed to drink tea, munch a cookie and crochet a Granny Square or two in celebration of Autumnal Cosiness.
The seasonal gathering, fashioning and displaying can wait till tomorrow.
Oh how I love this magazine! I live in the States and my bookstore only gets four or five copies a month. I just got this copy today! The pictures are fabulous! It is far better than the American Country Living. It's my favorite magazine by far!
Posted by: Staci J Guthrie | October 24, 2009 at 05:28 AM
Okay Lucy, because of your blog, I went out and bought "Country Living"! I couldn't stand the teasing pictures anymore!
Posted by: Julie, in upstate New York, U.S. | October 22, 2009 at 02:49 AM
Hi Lucy, I just had to comment about the colors of fall..beautiful golds, reds, yellows and even browns....ha, I know it's not your favorite but as such a colorful person as your are, I think you can see how some of us "cozy up" with the colors. With your awesome talent, maybe you could come up with a lovely fall item for us to drool over??? Love your blog
Posted by: Melodie | October 21, 2009 at 06:11 AM
Maybe because this autumn you are blooming yourself and this winter you will get the most precious flower ever.
Posted by: vildkatten | October 20, 2009 at 11:15 PM
Hello again from Norway! Hoping today is brighter! I have just joined posted my pictures within your Flickr group of the wrist warmers that you so thoughtfully shared! I made them for my 10 year old daughter! They are simply lovely! I have only just taught myself to knit and crochet within the last year...and just wanted to share that I find your patterns wonderful. I am now beginning the crochet bag, which I think is simply divine! Thank you for your willingness to share. From a beginners perspective it is so appreciated! Lovely day!
Posted by: Patricia | October 20, 2009 at 12:33 PM
When CL hits my mailbox I´m thrilled. i got my copy saturday,but now it´s gone. We can´t find it anywhere so I might end up buying another copy, if it doesn´t turn up SOON.
Posted by: Hanne | October 20, 2009 at 10:48 AM
Hi Lucy, feeling better now after all those nice comments? Here in Rome the weather is good, I mean we are in October, you know it's cold very cold but the sky is blu no clouds around... I'm in office and as I can I go out to find a little bit of sun to worm myself... I'd like to live in a country side... I guess A big City could make you more then muddled... enjoy your time and the baby...
Love Aggy xxx
Posted by: Aggy | October 20, 2009 at 09:05 AM
Hola Lucy, acabo de Descubrir tu blog y es sencillamente maravilloso .....
Disculpame si no te escribo en castellano, pero es que no se ni una sola palabra.
Me llamo Luz y soy de un pueblo del Norte de España.
Con tu permiso me He hecho seguidora y tu, Así no me perderé detalle.
Posted by: Luz | October 20, 2009 at 07:02 AM
Isn't it nice to be a little muddled at times? To stop and put your feet up and enjoy all of the simple things that you love. When I feel like that, I look forward to the soft yarn I get to play with!
Oh how I miss autumn though! I love those warm browns and bright reds! We don't get much of an autumn here in Saudi Arabia! :(
Posted by: Fruitful Fusion | October 20, 2009 at 06:47 AM
I love those pictures too. Especially the one with the trunk and cozy blankets stacked on top. I have been puttering around too. I just can't seem to get in a groove. I just want to go shopping or something .....
Posted by: Josette | October 20, 2009 at 05:27 AM
Such a sweet peek into fall today here. Hope you were able to have a nice relaxing weekend. Thinking about you.
Sending Anit-wobble Hugs,
Kate xoxoxo
Posted by: The Garden Bell - Kate | October 20, 2009 at 12:38 AM
What lovely photos! Thanks so much for posting them. Exactly what I need to get me in the Autumnal mood. Sorry you feel muddled today, my mind has been full of fluff, too. Like you said, some days are just like that!
Posted by: jenny b harris | October 19, 2009 at 11:30 PM
Hi Lucy,
Sorry you're a bit muddled maybe the preganancy is to blame, you're usually so cheery and organised, you inspire so many of us. I live in Melbourne Australia and we are just finishing spring (which was lovely with all the new growth and colourful bulbs and flowers)and we have at last had some rain so things are getting a little greener but we are in for another bad summer, today the temp is 8 degrees above average, lovely but not great for this time of year. I have a favour to ask would you be able to take measurements of your Laura Brittain bag (blog 17/9) and let me know as I can get one made and yours looks a perfect size. Hope you fell better tomorrow and that you enjoyed your afternoon relaxing with your projects.
Posted by: Bev | October 19, 2009 at 11:15 PM
Those are amazing pictures, and they certainly make me want to go out and decorate for Autumn
Posted by: Heather | October 19, 2009 at 10:56 PM
Beautiful pictures! I have not been feeling the autumn love this year. Yesterday I (finally) started on a blanket, and that seemed to help. No matter how you look at it though I am pining for summer already.
Posted by: Veronica | October 19, 2009 at 10:51 PM
Still love your post, muddle or no muddle, your feel for beauty still transfers.
Posted by: Anna, Sydney | October 19, 2009 at 10:09 PM
It's been my favourite magazine for years now - I love it.
Even though the seasons are opposite the ones we are having down here - that just gives me an excuse to drag out the old ones for a squiz.
I always look upon a muddled head as being a bit over-tired - it just needs a bit of TLC and a little rest.
Posted by: freefalling | October 19, 2009 at 09:09 PM
Hi Lucy~
My mother just called to tell me she just GOT it! Your ripple stitch that I showed her last friday. I left her with your written instructions and blogsite as well. She is on her way to the yarn shop~
Your post is beautiful and reminded me that I need to go out back in my yard and cut down some bittersweet for some wreaths~
English Country Living? I have got to look into that one....:)
Posted by: Eileen Gamache | October 19, 2009 at 09:06 PM
Lovely pics.Fall is my favorite season.
I just posted about your blog & your inspirational self over on my blog. http://crochetedsass.blogspot.com/
Posted by: Shelley(crochetedsass on crochetville) | October 19, 2009 at 08:12 PM
Lovely, indeed! Now I have an advantage, I like brown. It goes so well with pink, and blue, and green... And I really don't care for black, so brown is my black.
But it's true, you just can't beat spring colors!
Enjoy your cozy day! :)
Posted by: Erica K | October 19, 2009 at 07:59 PM
Yes! Yes! Yes! I love these articles too and keep revisiting them!! Hope your muddles disappear. Cx
Posted by: Catherine | October 19, 2009 at 07:12 PM
I remember doing that during pregnancy. it was worst with my first, it seemed I was always so scatter-brained and forgetful. Have a cookie and a hookie!
Posted by: melissa | October 19, 2009 at 07:03 PM
I'm glad you're embracing the Autumnul goodness - lovely pics! This is my absolute favourite time of year, I have to say. Good for curling up all cosy and reading or hooking, drinking tea and eating hot crumpets mmmmmmmm. I bought some Bonne Maman blueberry jam for just that purpose - lovely! Oh and also because you've convertd me to the jars :)
Posted by: Hooked In Hove | October 19, 2009 at 06:28 PM
Lucy, you took those photographs? They are so lovely. To all those from the states...I buy the British Edition of CL at my local bookstore in Philadelphia.
Posted by: Jill | October 19, 2009 at 06:18 PM
Lovely post Lucy - you couldn't be other than inspiring muddled brain or not!
Posted by: marigold jam | October 19, 2009 at 06:00 PM