All of the above hooky items reside in my downstairs living/dining room, spread about the place you know. Draping here and there, snuggling and nestling amongst the various bits of rather worn out furniture that we own. Because the room is large (and very untidy), I think I can just about get away with this much colour and pattern in one place, and like i say, it is quite spread about really. But it does give the room a lovely colourful, homespun, cosy vibe which I adore :: I just love to see handmade things in a room, things made with care and love and happiness. And if those handmade things are colourful and vibrant, then so much the better.
I had a great deal of fun taking
these photographs, piling up my crochet creations on the sofa, seeing
them all come together in one big heap of Colourful Hooky Happiness. It
really made me smile to myself in my own little dizzy world, hopping
about from foot to foot, arranging and styling my very own personal
photo shoot. Such fun! Such delight!
is a point to all of this though....yes, honest there is. I promise you
this is not just eye candy for the sake of it (although nothing wrong
with pointless eyecandy at all).
So are you all familiar with Flickr??? I just love Flickr. Absolutely Love it. For someone like me who cannot survive a day without drinking in some sort of visual inspiration of one kind or another, it is a godsend. And most especially for me in recent months, when I've been keeping very odd hours with myself, I know that Flickr is always there to feed my soul, 24/7. Like this morning, when I was up drinking tea and browsing through photos at 4am, I was so glad that I could tap into that place, could spend a happy hour or so perusing such inspiring pictures. The group pools are amazing resources, chocka-block full of ideas and inspiration. There are some fabulous group pools for crochet, if that is your thing. If you are not already familiar with them, please do go take a look at a some of my favourites ::
Did you notice that last group pool there in the above list??? Did you see it???
"ATTIC24 INSPIRED" indeed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As the title suggests, it's a cololurful, wonderful little group for you all to come and be a part of. For you to share pictures of anything you've made that has been inspired by my patterns and crochet creations. So if you've been up to anything hooky that has Attic24 Inspiration behind it (bags, ripples, flowers, summer garden squares, garlands, cushions, blankets, jam-jar covers etc etc), I would LOVE for you to join this little group and share your hooky-goodness with us all.
I confess that this group-sharing thing was not in fact my doing, although I have been meaning to do it certainly. It was in fact created by the lovely Steph who writes the Lovestitches blog. Cos she obviously got fed up waiting for me to do it myself, she very kindly took it upon herself to do the job for me, and I couldn't be more grateful. I am honestly thrilled from the top of my head (around my big belly) to the tip of my toes. Thank you Steph.
I would also like to send a big hug and thanks to Kate, the Garden Bell, who wrote me this fabulous post yesterday, and I know has been very excited by the thought of all this lovely inspirational stuff coming together. Thank you Kate. hoping you are gonna be as excited by this as I am. And I for one shall continue to Provide the Inspiration. Whether you want it or not haha.
ps managed to add a little linky Flickr badge thingy for the group in my sidebar so that you can always find the group easily....oooo happy browsing!