This afternoon I was thinking about you all.
I was thinking that I would really like to find a way of sending you all my Heartfelt Thanks. Thanks for everything you have said to me of late, thanks for all the warm words of encouragement and reassurance you've sent my way. But I can't think quite how to send you my thanks, the words just don't seem to be enough. But words is all I have to give you right now. Well, words and pictures that is. So the above picture is for you, by means of a humble Thank You. Please accept it with my love and gratitude.
I've had a quiet, reflective kind of a day today, and it's been rather lovely to have time and space to sit and ponder and kind of take stock of things a little, if that makes sense. I find this time of year makes me instinctively do this, I remember the feeling well from last September. I have a lot of things on my mind right now, practical things, creative things, oh ooooodles of things! My thoughts feel rather like a big tangled ball of ric rac :: quite pretty and with potential, but completely useless in it's tangled state.
The weather has been bright and breezy today and I spent a little time sat in the Attic window seat earlier, watching the sunlight moving across the hills. It seemed to me to be an especially beautiful afternoon, and distinctly Autumnal it has to be said.
The sunlight in the back yard this afternoon was also rather lovely, sort of low and slanting and golden. Due to the weather, this little outdoor space of ours has not had a great deal of use throughout the summer months. Well thats to say we've eaten very few meals at the outside table, but oh I have enjoyed my pots of flowers very very much this year. I've loved popping out there most mornings, chatting to my modest little blooms and enjoying the glorious colour.
I'm continuing to deadhead the flowers and hope to be enjoying them for another month or two yet. I'd also like to plant up some pots of bulbs this Autumn time, which is something I always have great excitement for every year, but am rarely organised enough to actually do it.
We shall see if I manage it this year, I'm not making any promises you know. Depends if I can untangle the ric-rac-ness of my thoughts and actually turn those thoughts into a reality. You know, Make Things Happen. I'm not very good at that on the whole.
I am rather good at sitting and pondering and drinking tea in the afternoons though. I can certainly Make That Happen.
And rather lovely it was too.
Hi, I live in Chile,and I happened to find your page, it is absolutely gorgeous! I'm trying to strt crocheting some bags, let's see what happens... congratulations, I loved the colour and the inspirational flowers!
Posted by: paola vega | April 03, 2010 at 07:15 PM
The mosaic heart is Beautiful Lucy ...Your heart is Beautiful!!
Posted by: sumea | September 23, 2009 at 02:22 PM
Congratulations, Lucy! I've just caught up with your most recent posts and read your news. What a surprise - and obviously a delightful one now you're getting used to the idea!!! Shall enjoy keeping up with the news.
Love the new yarn!
Posted by: Sue | September 17, 2009 at 09:40 PM
What a beautiful little space. Taking some time to rest and ponder is always good.
Posted by: Jennifer | September 17, 2009 at 07:25 PM
There is much to be said for sitting and pondering and drinking tea.
Perhaps more people should try it. :)
Posted by: susan | September 17, 2009 at 03:31 PM
Have added the beautiful heart photo as a direct link to your blog on my blog gadgets list
Adore hearts and what they stand for...hope this is ok with you x
Posted by: Suz | September 16, 2009 at 07:26 PM
Ahh Lucy,you bring peace and tranquillity to my day,its so good for us to take stock and reflect on our thoughts. Take care my friend and look after yourself. July x
Posted by: july | September 16, 2009 at 02:11 PM
I love the stone walls in your garden, they give so much character to an outdoor area.
Posted by: Patricia | September 16, 2009 at 01:40 PM
Lucy - your news is wonderful and it was so exciting to read about it. I, too, had children later - one at 36 and one at 39 - they are now 8 & 10. I can totally understand your thought process and am glad to know that you have your blog friends to talk to. You are an inspiration to me every day and your family sounds wonderful! Keep's good for the soul!
Posted by: kathy | September 16, 2009 at 01:06 PM
What a gentle post, Lucy. I hope that you are now feeling as peaceful as you sound. The heart is beautiful.
Posted by: Tracy | September 16, 2009 at 11:24 AM
'Autumnal' is one of the most beautiful words in the english language. I rather like 'ponder' too. What a lovely way to whittle away an afternoon.
Posted by: Brenda | September 16, 2009 at 11:11 AM
The garden is looking really lovely. I'm so jealous!
Hope you have a few sunny autumn days to wrap up in a snug cardi and sit out with a cup of tea and a biscuit! x
Posted by: PinkCat | September 16, 2009 at 11:03 AM
I've just been catching up on your blog posts since the big news. I do think that what you put out into the blogosphere is what you get back. You are always so bright and cheery and honest, it's no wonder that people are so happy for you when you've good such big news.
PS I know exactly what you mean about the tangled ric rac. A good description for my addled brain.
Posted by: little pink room | September 16, 2009 at 10:26 AM
Aw - your mosaic heart is beautiful :-)
Posted by: Katie | September 16, 2009 at 10:23 AM
I always enjoy reading your blog and look at your gorgeous pictures.
Go ahaed and drink your tea: A girl has to do what she needs to do. And if it's drinking tea, well, then it's drinking a cuppa te.
BTW: Love your tea-mug!!!!!
Posted by: Juju | September 16, 2009 at 09:29 AM
It's good to dream Lucy - even if it is day dreaming which I am very 'very' good at. It's my kind of switch off mechanism.
Have a lovely day,
Nina x
Posted by: Nina - Tabiboo | September 16, 2009 at 07:59 AM
Lucy---my darling you keep pondering if thats is how your feeling----AS the time will come (Jan) you can ponder no more ---and you cetrtainly will be, over the moon that you wont want to ponder----and if you do you will be snugling a wonderful bundle----are you going to find out what sex it is? just enjoy each day and stop worrying love to all Australia
Posted by: Jeanette | September 16, 2009 at 12:44 AM
oh i forgot to say earlier that having seen your ripple blankets i thought i would have a look at your pattern. I so want to have a go but it looks very daunting and a tad scary! I think i will study it a bit longer before i purchase any yarn!!! Your blankets are just fab x
Posted by: noelle | September 16, 2009 at 12:20 AM
That jumbled-up-but-with-lots-of-potential thoughts feeling is so very exciting but sometimes overwhelming! Drinking cups of tea (particularly out of nice cups!) sounds like a great solution to me :-) I'm sure that whatever makes it's way out of the ric-rac thoughts will be something that makes us oohh and aahhh - enjoy the process!
Posted by: Anna | September 15, 2009 at 11:01 PM
THANK you Lucy and CONGRATULATIONS!!! I found out about your baby tonight at my stitch and bitch and it was ME that introduced your blog to them! I have been a bit busy, pre-occupied and not been at the computer for a few days/ nay weeks really...It's all such FABULOUS news and don;t worry I had one of my children 3 months before my 4oth and one 2 years later and all has been fine and dandy!Except for the eldest starting grammar school and the big 50 is now looming up ahead... However I'll have a party and deduct a decade...Back to you: your blog cheers up sooo many people!! Your photos are ALWAYS fabulous and the writing is funny, touching, inspiring and just so lovely! Like the wishes post that I've only just read: I just about cried! Soooo sweet! THANK YOU FOR SHARING the magic.
Bestest wishes to you from all of my family including the puppy Lucy who tangles up my yarn but is always forgiven and is now 6 months old.
Posted by: Susan | September 15, 2009 at 10:45 PM
Wow! Congratulations on your wonderful news Lucy! I've been a bit behind with my blog reading lately and only just read your fabulous news. I gasped out loud when I saw your announcement post! I am so happy for you and your family and very excited for you too!
My baby girl is 10 months old now and isn't really a baby anymore. It has gone so fast and I feel sad now that I won't be doing the baby-thing again. But I shall enjoy reading about your upcoming baby-days.
Love and hugs to you Lucy.
Marie x
Posted by: Woollyholic | September 15, 2009 at 10:34 PM
Gorgeous mosaic heart....
What a pretty spot to sit and take in the sunshine whilst enjoying a cup of tea...nothing nicer than being surrounded in prettiness.
Posted by: Elizabeth | September 15, 2009 at 10:21 PM
Aw what a beautiful heart - love your garden too! You get so many comments - I wonder what your magic secret is - though i guess I already know part of it - warm heart, beautiful blog and writing! xxx
Posted by: The Curious Cat | September 15, 2009 at 10:09 PM
the heart is lovley you do so much uplifting for people with your colourful cheery posts that it is cool to offer something in return:)
Posted by: valerie | September 15, 2009 at 09:49 PM
I love your description of your thoughts being a "tangled ball of ric rac". It is exactly how I sometimes feel, but can never put into words so well. I'm sure, as you continue to ponder, all will fall into place.
Posted by: Jannimary | September 15, 2009 at 09:36 PM