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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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June 30, 2009


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Beautiful book, thanks for sharing!


Thanks for the little peak inside, I have had a little gaze at this book in our bookshop. Maybe I should add it to my (ever increasing) birthday list!?


What a lovely book - you must make salt dough crafts together...so much fun! I also love making my own playdough for kids (haven't any kids of my own, this is all work related) but it's all time, especialy if they don't enjoy the making of the dough just the playing!


Hi Lucie

Have been so busy and unable to leave comments etc. Enjoying the sun and working on papers until 3.30 am in the morning to make up for being with the family on the beach - lovely but manic.

Just had to comment to say thank you for wanting to buy a mosaic. Will talk to you about that another time.

Plus you need to move down here - nice sea and me! We have so much in common. I love that Green Craft book it is the last book I bought!

Sorry about the grammar in this etc but in such a hurry - all good though just need 48 hours in each 24 hours!

Have a lovely day - love Emma xxxxxxx


guauuu! pero que cosas mas lindas para poner en practica!!!


What a cute little book you have shared with us! I think the last picture featuring the puppets are adorable:) I do hope that my two year old likes crafts when he is a wee bit older. Would love to see what your wee one's could come up with. I'll bet your talent runs in the family:)


I loved your review so much I have just reserved the book online from my library. I have avoided fines since the library helpfully started sending emails just before my books are due back - very useful!


I recently borrowed a book on aquarium fishes for just that reason- the glossy, bright photography! (Hopefully mine's not overdue yet though. But maybe I should check!)


I was tempted to buy this book, but as my little one is a seven year old boy, I wasn't sure how appropriate it would be. I's still tempted though, just to buy it for myself!

Shelley in SC

Ooooh, yes, beautiful, beautiful pictures. And you are so right about the styling. I so took it all for granted before! The salt dough necklace has "Lucy and kids" written all over it!! I can just see them in your beautiful colors!

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