
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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May 15, 2009


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Love the patchwork chairs!!!

kelly swallow

love your patchwork. I'm patchwork junky too. have a look at my patchwork chairs www.kellyswallow.co.uk

Jerri Bagley

Again, thank you for sharing all of your finds! I caught your enthusiasim and plan on having a wonderful, colorful day. I would love to sit and have some tea with you sometime, but I live in the Seattle, Wa. area, so will have to make do with comments. Have a happy !!!!

Susana Alves (mundoacores)

Here´s my flickr page! http://www.flickr.com/photos/mundoacores/


Yes, you absolutely have to find 7 things to say about yourself. We are eagerly waiting to find out more! Hope you enjoy your day today and you are enjoying your blog vacation!! We are getting bored by the way!
Love Sarah


I have a message on my blog for you Luce. Hope you are enjoying yourself!

Kate - The Garden Bell

Oh, my goodness. Where are you? Hopefully, out in the garden enjoying a nice spring day. Or maybe quilting away like made and will have some fantastic updates for us soon. Just hope all is well. Took a break from gardening and snapped away a few pics of my new Lucy inspried throw..... Looking forward to some simple direction or count on the final edging. Working on the borders around in the pink and dark teal, but hard to focus now that spring is finally here....


Can't wait to see your quilting outcomes...


Ah, I adore all the fabric you've stashed away! Generally all the colours you love, seem to make me go "Ahhh! Pretty!" So, apparently we like the same colours and colour combinations. :D I want to find fabrics like those ones now. Hehe. Not that I need to add any more craft things to my stash...I need to use up the stuff I already have. :D

I've never tried quilting before - it's always seemed a bit....overwhelming to me. Maybe I need to learn to sew better first, so I can gain some confidence there.


Me too! Are you OK?


Uh oh............we haven't heard from Lucy for days now. Have you disappeared into quilt heaven????????? I'm a little concerned.



Thank you very much for your kind words at "my garden"...
I hope we'll be blog friends to share handmade projects and ideas!
have a good day


The sofa patchwork is a little too awkward for my liking.

hill upon hill

I look forward to seeing how it turns out. I am still in the middle of my first ever quilt, has to be done before child no. 4 leaves her cot.


Hi Lucy
Just wanted to pass on this award to you as you deserve it for your fab blog.....should be able to link it here http://shabbychic08.blogspot.com/



Hi there, I have gave you an award, you can pop over to my site to collect it, I do hope you like it. xxxx


Those fabrics are so gorgeous! I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished thing. Thanks for a very inspiring blog.


I now I've already given you my link but...I've learned something very clever and would love to share it with you. Please come over and have a quick look at my very pretty crochet. Thanks Luce!


HOLD UP... I'm loving the patchwork but I thought I was the one with the dirty little secret of loving COUNTRY LIVING magazine???

Maybe we should start an CLM appreciation club. Yes it's a little twee but it's so country and romantic and crafty and green and pretty and probably what my other life could have been like if I wasn't such a city chick!


The colours you have chosen are so fresh and lovely. Funny thing you guys are heading into summer and it's raining there and we are heading into winter and we have had something like 25 rain free warm, clear sky days! PS. I am part way through many projects, with a 'babette' style rug being my present focus, but when that is done you've inspired me to make some crocheted cusion covers with the left over bits of yarn.


That's such a lovely stash! I'm building my own stash at the moment, although very soon it will be turned into bunting for my wedding. How exciting.

Anyway I just wanted to share with you how proud I am: I made a granny square! A real one, with two colours and everything.
Looky: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/dappymuffin/grannysquareevolution.jpg

I'm so happy, I'm going to make ten more after breakfast! Thank you for being so inspiring.

Heather xxx


Hi Lucy! Finally, I have time to comment. I came in and peeked yesterday but was so busy with two little girls that I barely had time to breathe! I am so very excited you have joined the world of quiltmaking...and I promise you, YOU are going to be so addicted! Lovely happy fabrics...those blues look extra specially gorgeous for some reason! Have a cozy and creative weekend, my lovely colorful happy-go-lucky Lucy-friend!!!!!!


Hi lucy good luck with your patchwork i am sure it will be lovely. Today, saturday, i made your cookie recipe, oooh absolutely delish! Everyone here thought they were great. Only thing is they've all gone !!! x x noelle xx


can't wait to see the finishes quilt more yummy colours.
thought you might like to see my patchwork chair made by a local bedford craftsman for £150.00 I fell in love with it as soon as i saw it
his website is here


Helen Charlton

I have a free download, on my Blog/ Website for glamorous washing up gloves, I know it's not a crochet project but it's free!! There is also a free giveaway for a pair I have made myself so hop on over!!


Your fabrics are so delicious I could eat them! (I recognize some of them in a quilt that a friend so generously gave me.)

Thank you for visiting my humble little blog and leaving a comment. I am so flattered! We did indeed find a house in Portland, and now I look forward to decorating it.

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