
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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May 14, 2009


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I would appreciate some clarification from you in regards to your Harbour Blanket design, https://flanboyanteats.com/

Inma Langdon

Hi Lucy,

This may not be the right medium to contact you but I do not have your email address. I would appreciate some clarification from you in regards to your Harbour Blanket design, which I like so much I am crocheting and I don't do so normally, this is my second blanket/project.
I am crocheting bus the wholes on the "Valley" of the work do not come exactly in a perfect straight line,...one line has it slightly of the next, but the following one coincides with the first one.....so... on and slightly off and on again matching the previous but one.

Do I make sense?. is it this how it happens? and hopefully when many rows done, the wholes in the valleys appear even?
I am a bit of a perfectionist and doubt myself. Also do not want to work to undo later on.

A would appreciate your comments. And thank you so much for your wonderful designes.

Inma Langdon


It seems my facebook links didn't work. I created a photobucket album, here you go:


Hi Lucy! I have been following your blog for a year or so now and have been so inspired by your work! I have made a couple of baby blankets based on the Summer Garden Granny square and have gotten rave reviews! I am going to try post links to the photos I took, which are on facebook, don't know if you'll be able to see them or not, let's give it a go:

I actually made these to use up leftovers from other projects and I don't have any babies to give them to - I was wondering how you feel about people selling items made from your patterns. Is that okay with you or do you prefer that we not?

joyce beltran

hello i love your work can u post step by step picture on haow to make flowers (picture 3 & 6) please i really want to learn knitting/crochet..please

cira troilo

ciao lucy.
siamo Cira e Floriana, due sorelle italiane appassionate di maglia e uncinetto.
da molti anni seguiamo il tuo blog e i tuoi lavori colorati.
il tuo stile è allegro e molto riconoscibile.
abbiamo aperto un blog in cui abbiamo pubblicato una coperta matrimoniale stile attic 24. le piastrelle le abbiamo lavorateio e mia madre ed è quasi un anno ormai che la nostra coperta cresce.
ti mando il link:


non è ancora finita.
poi la metterò sul letto e mi farò i complimenti.
grazie a te ho creato qualcosa di stupendo.
ciao lucy.

Sophie Sjöquist

first of all I must tell you how much I appreciate your blog and how inspired I always get after a visit. Thank you! I just finished a bag inpired by you, and a few days back I learned how to ripple, so much fun! I´m planning one ripple project and one granny-square project. Found a shop today actually, in my hometown, selling Rowan yarn and OH, MY, GOD! I´m in love. Must buy lots and lots for my blankie.



thanks for sharing your beautiful stuff. i love your colors, it´s really inspiring. I´m sending link for two pillows I made after I saw your amazing work.


thanks and go on :)))

Klara (from Prague)


Hi Lucy.

I finally finished my crochet bag from your pattern (which I started in February!! Pesky life getting in the way of things again). You can see it here
on my blog or in my flickr group.

I love your blog. A total inspiration and your patterns have saved my crochet sanity!!

Thank you.



I have been following your blog for a little while now and love your photos and cheery chatter. I wish I had your eye for colour! Here is my very small effort, although I am a little disappointed with the photo. The colours just aren't the same as the real thing! Keep up the good work!


just finished a jam jar cover - pop over & take a look



Fruitful Fusion

Another one inspired by you Lucy!


I've just done something different with the hexes! :)


I haven't crocheted in years! But your beautiful afghans on flickr so so INSPIRED me! Thank you for your how-to's and encouragement.


sublime!!!!!!!!!!!!trés trés beau! bisous


I love your blog and things you do, are magic!


hey Lucy-
I hope this isn't a repeat- but I wanted to let you know that I did a post showing the bag I made with your pattern. Please go here-http://suppliesoverflowing.blogspot.com/

and scroll down to see it. If you scroll further down, you will see an older post where I introduced it.
I do love the bag- and I have gotten compliments on it.
Thank you for the directions, and for providing the extra help that I required.


Why don't you create a flickr group for things inspired by your blog? Then we could all add our pics?

I haven't crocheted much in the last 3 years since i got bit by the quilting bug but i'm so glad i found your blog as i am loving every. single. little. stitch. of my Attic24 inspired flower blanket. I was planning on finishing it on my holidays in June but think i'm too far along now as i can't leave it alone!! Never mind, will come with something else for my hols.

Here is it: http://www.flickr.com/photos/flossyblossy/3566156134/

Fruitful Fusion

Hi Lucy,

You have inspired me a great deal. Thank you! This is the one bit of attic-inspired goodness I've blogged about:


Working on the back of a ripple cushion though.


Hoi Lucy,
I love your blog and your work. You've inspired me to make this small afghan, thank you for that.


Hi Lucy - I've never commented here before, but have been a regular lurker for a long time. I just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful blog, beautiful crafting, lovely photos, and for giving me the confidence to give crocheting a try. The result of my latest attempts are here:http://www.flickr.com/photos/kittywrinkle/3555513105/

Thanks again.

Kitty :-) x


Dear Lucy! I found your blog by "accident", when I was desperatly searching the web for chrochet patterns that was easy to understand. You see, I'm Norwegian, and there's not a lot of good norewgian chrochet patterns. Anyway I had just (almost finished) a granny blanket, and was looking for something differnt to chochet...and then .amazingly I found your blog :-)) No I have to peek in here every day. Love your colours, and I love that you so willingly share your own patterns with us. Thank you.

Anyway, I have never posted on the web before, but here are a photo of a ripple blanket just started


Hi Lucy,

I came across your blog via your Hexagon How-to via Ravelry, I believe. You know, via web surfing.

I'm making said Hexagon afghan in brights and black, for a friend. Her mother was a knitter and when she passed away, my friend gave me some of her yarn. I'm making a Hexagon afghan for her using her mother's yarn.

I've set up a page at http://www.ravelry.com/projects/Redisforpassion/hexagon-how-to and will send you pics when done.

Thanks for sharing. And for embracing color and pattern so fully.

Samantha Moss

Hi Lucy

I have just started my own blog and have included some pic's of my recent chrochet projects. Many of items have been made from patterns on your blog. I hope you like them


Sam x


Hi Lucy, well I'm back as promised, just finished my first ever crochet project thanks to you. It's now posted on my blog for you to have a look at. I hope I do you proud : )


Hi Lucy,

Thank you, thank you!! I just finished a granny square baby blanket, learning from your tutorials. I've wanted to learn for some time, and your instructions were so clear, I can't thank you enough!! Before last week, I had only crocheted a chain, and now, my little one has a new, colorful blanket :-)

Really, truly, you're an inspiration!

Thanks again, and here's my blog address, including tonight's post with pics of the blanket ;-)

Michelle in NH, USA


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