Those of you who have gotten to know me over the past year will know about my Thursdays. You will know that Thursday mornings are cafe mornings. I can always be found there on Thursday mornings except in extreme circumstances ie funerals, school holidays and severe weather conditions. Yes, Thursday morning is a Knit, Stitch and Natter morning.
In fact, it's come to be such a permanent, blissful fixture of my week that friends know they can reliably stroll in to the cafe on a Thursday morning and find me right there. And they often do. Sometimes they come unannounced, just stroll in knowing full well I'll be sat there coffee in one hand, hook in the other. And sometimes I'm forewarned and a little rendezvous will be arranged. A few months ago, it was the gorgeous Bertie who popped in to join in the hooky nattery fun. And today I had the pleasure of Fiona's chatty, bubbly company...oh such fun! You can just see Fiona's hands there in the above picture look, busy crocheting some sweet little fairy light covers.
I had my camera with me this morning to take a few pictures as Lovely C has asked me to design a new poster to advertise the KS&N mornings. I really LOVE these stripy mugs, aren't they gorgeous? They are usually used at the cafe for hot chocolate as inside the mug (underneath the froth) the word "chocolat" is written. But today I asked nicely if I could have my usual latte put into one of these mugs as I knew it would look lovely in the photos.
Incidentally, the mugs come from the delicious Jules China shop in Hebden Bridge, you can find them on their website if you fancy buying yourself one. Or maybe several. And aren't the heart shaped oven dishes gorgeous too?
There's something so lovely about meeting fellow bloggers, because it's as if you've already met many many times before and are simply picking up where you left off. Conversation flows at full pelt, so much in common, so much to talk about, but also so much you already know and don't need to ask. Fiona, if you are reading this, it was an absolute pleasure to meet you, please come again, any Thursday that tickles your fancy. You'll know exactly where to find me.
Now then, I wish to share a little something with you, if that's ok? See that delicious stripy paper bag there sat on my chair, isn't it the most fabulous paper bag you ever ever laid eyes on? This was presented to me this morning, just a little something from Fi-to-me. To be truthful, I would've been overjoyed just to receive the bag itself, that would have made my day.
But inside the bag were some beautifully wrapped gifts :: a pretty box for me and two tissue paper ones for the Little People (still waiting for fingers to arrive and rip them to shreds). Want to have a look inside the box?
Go on then....have a peek....
,,,,sky blue tissue paper, and what's that nestling inside????
A little woolly something, what can it be?
Oh look!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The most gorgeous little house :: crocheted and then felted, with such intricate embroidered details look....
and look at the back too....a washing line!!! Isn't it just beautiful?
I love love love it. Very very much.
I can see a little collection beginning to grow here, a little handmade housey-housey village.
Which reminds me I've been meaning to show you a couple of housey pictures of mine which sit on my bookshelves downstairs....
This first one is by textile artist Janet Browne, who hand dyes her own fabrics, then pieces and stitches them into these very unique pictures...more of her work can be seen here.
And this picture I've had for years, it's by embroidery artist Rachel Setford who I used to bump into a lot when I was also making and selling my textile work :: we exhibited at many of the same fairs and shows (oh that seems like a life time ago!) and I loved her work very much. I remember I had a particularly successful show one Christmas time, resulting in the unexpectedly delicious feeling of having rather more money in my pocket than I was used to. So on a whim I extravagantly commissioned this piece from Rachel and she made it especially for me, all hand stitched, such teeny tiny stitches...ahhh I do so love hand made things. Such love and skill and care in every stitch.
And speaking of stitches and love and skill....maybe very soon I might be able to find a little time to do more of this myself....and maybe then this will soon be open for business.......
Lovely little cottage and great blog as usual. Hebden Bridge.....ah yes I remember it well...last visit I bought earrings and pretty mugs with pastoral scenes. I bet it's still full of crafty shops. Have a bon weekend.
Posted by: Linda | March 27, 2009 at 10:07 AM
How lovely, crochet cafe coffee mornings! I wish I could come too. All my friends laught at me when I get my wool out!
Posted by: charlie | March 27, 2009 at 09:35 AM
Lovely colours, wish I lived closer so I could pop in. I'm cracking on with my hexagon blanket... I'm liking the fact it's growing very fast!! :)
Posted by: Josie-Mary | March 27, 2009 at 09:10 AM
Hello Lucy, I have never commented on a blog before, but yours is inspirational. I have had such fun making jar cosies,flower garden cushions and have a blanket in progress. Yesterday my friend and I had a little retail therapy trip to Embsay, then on to a lovely town I havent visited for ages, I started to recognise the church...the canal....and lo and behold a cafe...with all sorts of gorgeousness upstairs! Oh Lucy , its lovely, what a wonderful place to knit and natter!!! I wish I lived closer than York. Thank you for your wonderful blog, your cheerfulness and your talent. By the way , there was nothing left in the charity this something to do with you???! Lyn xx
Posted by: Lyn Mills | March 27, 2009 at 07:39 AM
Well I thought that that was just the cutest thing EVER, that you asked them fot the stipey cup for your Latte because it would look better in the photos!lol !
See !....I'm NOT alone in my thinking ! :)
The cup was the first thing I saw, and I thought...."Oh! Now wouldn't THAT look GREAT at Christmas !!! ..The little gift "House"....I dont think I even have WORDS for how much I ADORED it! I don't suppose there is any way you could drop a hint as to WHERE we could get the pattern ??? Coming HERE each morning I feel like YOU at your coffee shop on Thursdays !:) See you in the morning !
Posted by: Vintageheart | March 27, 2009 at 02:24 AM
... bellissime foto.... bellissimi colori!!!
Ciao Elisa
Posted by: ELISA | March 26, 2009 at 11:46 PM
Hiya Lucy, thanks for your reply to my comment about the ripple pattern yesterday.
please hurry up and open your shop, looking forward to being one of your customers!
Love, rainbows and sunshine
Jane x
Posted by: Jane | March 26, 2009 at 10:53 PM
Hello Lucy, what a thoughtful gift from Fiona. It looks so good with your houses, right at HOME. I think the cafe should turn into one big blog,crochet party. What fun that would be.
Bertie x
Posted by: Bertie Meadows | March 26, 2009 at 09:34 PM
Hello Lucy :o)
You have an amazingly beautiful housey collection. Your gift today is so magical ~ the charmingest little house ever. The cafe looks like a home from home too.
Loads of Love
Posted by: sumea | March 26, 2009 at 09:29 PM
You lucky girl - what a gorgeous gift. So clever and original! Lucy xx
Posted by: Lucy | March 26, 2009 at 09:09 PM
I do love a nice cafe... and you're right, those are good mugs
Posted by: The Coffee Lady | March 26, 2009 at 08:28 PM
What an lovely way to spend a Thursday morning, bliss!! There should be a KS & N in every town!!!
Love the little felted house, it is so sweet, your friend Fiona is very clever,
Thank you for sharing the photos, such wonderful colours xx
Posted by: Linda O | March 26, 2009 at 08:17 PM
beautiful gifts and lovely company..
Lovely way to spend a Thursday..Wish i was there with you, you could teach me so much..
Posted by: lulu | March 26, 2009 at 08:14 PM
YOU ARE SO LUCKY! What a gorgeous little housey house! :)
JUST GORGEOUS! I love all your fun little treasures in your house!
Greetings from sunny California,
Posted by: Laurie | March 26, 2009 at 07:14 PM
Oh I do wish I lived nearer as I so want to come on a Thursday morning! Oh hum - thank you for sharing and letting me peek!
Posted by: alisonb2 | March 26, 2009 at 07:13 PM
Bertie and Fiona are so lucky to really meet you....I want to meet you too!!! (stamping my foot here while having a mild temper tantrum) I want to go to Knit and Natter too!!! (stamping my foot again, and trying to control myself before it turns into a full blown temper tantrum) Just kidding, Lucy...about the temper tantrum. Anyway...lovely post and a lovely gift for a lovely lady!!!!
Posted by: cathleen | March 26, 2009 at 07:11 PM
Ooh! You lucky thing! That gift of the crochet/felted house is beautiful......... And very nice to be part of your coffee morning lucy, thank you!
Posted by: vanessa | March 26, 2009 at 07:00 PM
Yea! I hope your shop is open soon! ;)
Posted by: Christine Warren | March 26, 2009 at 06:44 PM
This was such a lovely post Lucy - I loved everything, especially your little house and the mug. I'm off to have a look at the website now. Hope they've got enough for all us bloggers. Are you on commission? LOL.
Posted by: Funkymonkey | March 26, 2009 at 06:14 PM
Thanks for the recommendation of the pottery - totally stunning - even my husband was impressed. Now where did I put my credit card?
Posted by: bakeandsewblog | March 26, 2009 at 06:08 PM
ah, ur trademark house! how nice, i bet the LP loves it too. cheerfulness soon??
Posted by: jeane | March 26, 2009 at 05:42 PM
That is such a lovely Thursday morning routine! The felted house is so cute : )
Posted by: Colleen | March 26, 2009 at 05:36 PM
stripes are always pretty especially in these colors! very beautiful bag and the felted house is so sweet....très bonne soirée!
Posted by: stipa | March 26, 2009 at 05:21 PM
That felted house is SO cute! Oh my goodness. And I love the textile art. Visting your blog is such a treat.
Posted by: Stacy | March 26, 2009 at 05:19 PM
I had been thinking about joining blog land for about six months, but it was discovering your blog which gave me the final shove!
And you are right, it is such a warm friendly community. I am so pleased to receive and read every comment as you probably are too.
It sounds as though you had a lovely morning with your "virtual" friend x
Posted by: The Antidote | March 26, 2009 at 05:17 PM