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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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March 31, 2009


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I need the tissues too! this is how I try to do things with my little guy. And the thiings that make him happiest are the really simple 'helping' things, like baking, planting something in the garden, using the vacuum cleaner, helping me sew by operating the foot pedal to my stop/go commands, and the odd little toy (he is actually very good about just looking at toy shops and deciding what he would like to go on his 'birthday list', lol). As a child I was repeatedly told 'no', no baking (too messy, easier for mum to do herself), no sewing (might damage myself or her machine), no cleaning when little (takes too long, not as good as she would do it) and I made a conscious decision to do things differently. I have had to learn patience but they payoff in seeing my child's pleasure and sense of schievement is far more valuable than any time I might save doing it myself. And I get to re-experience the wonder of small pleasures all over again! Loved this post!


OK I'm all teary eyed as well, what a fantastic day you have with your little people and that gift is the best gift ever. I bet you treasure that forever.

I have made a mental note about YES-day, hopefully I can remember it in a few years time.

bethel of bethania

G'day Lucy
I've just written you a comment but I don't see it & the code thingo didn't come up so am sending it again sorry if it comes double - you can check if my thoughts are the same still lol...
What a wonderful idea having a Yes Day ... I have to agree with you that ever so often we do need to review our Parenting skills especially as each family & child is different Plus I also think we need to also look at our Partnering skills as well as we often take their love & support for granted too, in the hussel & bussel of our busy lives.
What wonderful caring Little People you have grown... they have given you the most precious gift of all... All their Love & a cockle shell as well knowing that their Mummy loves the sea... they are growing into beautiful caring Big People ... seems to me you are on the right track here...


Awww.. that is such a sweet story!! I'm going to have to try a Yes-day myself, although I will have to put restrictions on it, as my kids are teens and I just might go broke saying yes to their requests! Ha ha! Thanks for the little reminder and I'm glad your kids enjoyed it so much, and more so, that they thought to thank you!

God Bless!


Awww how sweet...what lovely children :) x


That was lovely, Lucy. I'm a pro 'yes' person myself :-)


oh Lucy
What a lovely post, we've been having lots of three year old crying and little tempers. Today there was a big one on the bus, which is normally a fun trip,the bus driver was curt the other passengers kept looking at us, I felt bad and stressed, and it was easier to say no for the rest of the day to just blitz in and take over. You've made me think I need to try and understand to be on his level more. I think I will try a yes day tomorrow. Thanks Lucy, your little people are lucky to have such a lovely mum!
Felicity x x

Laura Zarrin

What an amazing day! Thanks for sharing it. I'll have to give it a try! We do have so much power over them. They need to feel they have a say sometimes.


Oh gosh, my eyes are filled with tears. What a special mom you are. What special children you have. I hope more parents start saying yes to their children.


I was waiting for them to ask for all sorts of things that a yes would be hard to say to but oh what cute things they requested! I can't wait until my little person is a. born and b. sufficiently old enough for a YES day :-) Lovely story as ever Luce xxx


A lovely post and what a lovely day you all had.
I vowed that when we had children I would never say 'because I say so'. I hated that as a child. If I say no to the children I give them the reason why it's a no. It takes more time and a huge amount of patience sometimes as the temptation to just blurt out 'because I say so' is enormous.
But saying that a full on yes day may be something to try to see exactly what they come up with.


What a wonderful story of your wonderful day - lovely for all of you!


Now this is a brilliant idea! We have been saying no a bit too much to our 5 year old recently, mostly due to a new baby in the house. This would be a perfect way to spoil our firstborn and make him feel special. Thanks for the lovely post.


Any tissues left? What a lovely, touching and inspiring post. Not sure I have the nerve to have a yes day for my two boys (16 and 12). I am also ashamed to say that they may faint from the sheer shock of it. It will certainly make me think more about automatically saying No! Thank you Lucy, you really should write a book you know!


ooo Ayes day sounds klike lots of fun, I might have to build up my energy to have one in my house over the Easter holidays, I wonder what my children will ask for.
The buns look lovely.
I hope you had a good day.
Louise x


you are a wonderful mom. :o)
the idea of having an YES day is great!

Luci Sharp

Oh you lovely, lovely Mummy!! Saturday sounds like it was fantastic. What delightful 'little' requests too, shows you are always a good Mummy because the LP asked for simple joys, not spoilt bratty things!

Well done, we're all proud of you. x


Very sweet! In the unschooling community, yes days are every day. It really can make a difference in family relationships. I'm glad you all had such a lovely day.


Ohh so pleased I am back this week, I have missed sooooo much! What a wonderful idea, I promise to give it a go.

I can't believe I missed the draw, but a belated congratulations to all who won! I managed to bring a tear to my mum's eye when I presented her with a brooch - thank you so much for all the inspiration and excellent instruction, have a wonderful week. hugs Debs x


Oh, Lucy, you are so right. What a wise woman you are and obviously doing a fantastic job with your little people! Treasure every day,they grow up so quickly. I wish I had kept a blog when my two were little, they would have loved to have something like this to read now they are
Love, rainbows and sunshine, Jane x

Pam Orton

Lucy, I just started reading your blog (: It is a dreary rain/snowy day here in Minnesota - but I feel, after reading your blog and looking at your gorgeous pictures....like I have been transported right into sunshiney weather (: THANK You for such a delightful read in the middle of my day (:
Pam (:


Lucy, thank you for the post the yes day. I have 3 childrens , little too.
Yo voy a poner en práctica el día del sí, me parece una fantástica idea. A mí a veces me pasa igual que a tí que me sale más fácil, el no, por comodidad, por rapidez, por control o no sé por qué , porque sí, nada más y tu post me hizo pensar, gracias otra vez. Traté de escribirte en inglés pero no me sale. fijate si podés traducirlo con el babelfish, yo lo utilizo para traducir tu post. Un beso enorme. Andrea.

The Antidote

You are right, I try to avoid saying no too often to the babies, and if something is really out of the question a bit of deistration usually works wonders, "good idea, lets write a list for that" or "that's a great idea, we may only have time to draw a planning sheet for that".
And your little gift, Aaah - You reap what you sow! x


Tissues, tissues? More tissues anyone?

I loved the pic of LL pushing down the sandwich with her little hands. I can just imagine the little gloating face that must have gone with it ; )

Great day!


Oh this is such a lovely story. I wish I have done "Yes days" with my two who are now 20 (at Uni) and 17. You have such good ideas, Lucy - love how they thanked you.

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