I've just spent a wonderful time here in the Attic24 house with old friends. The sort of friends who will willingly drive 40miles over the hills to come and spend a few hours with me, because they have a few hours to spare. The sort of friends who are such good company because they know me so well. We could easily chatter the day away over cups of tea and homemade caramel shortbread (now remind me to give you this recipe, it's fantastic), and I am so very thankful for such friendship.
We used to spend so much time together when we were first friends, when our first babies were little scraps and as first time Mums we were desperate to find others in the same wibbly-wobbly boat of early Motherhood. Those weekly Mums-n-Babies meetings were life savers at a time when life could be quite challenging. And now 6.5 years later, each of us with two children, we don't get chance to meet very often, especially as I upped sticks and moved across the hills to a new town. So it's always a happy time when we can get together and do pretty much what we did back then (we are expert tea drinkers and chatterers), only minus the extra noise, mess and distraction of babies/toddlers.
Two of these friends are also my original crochet buddies. We learnt to make Granny squares together at the end of the Summer in 2007, and as we bought the same yarn from the same little local shop, our respective Granny blankets started out looking remarkably similar. As D took a little more time to complete hers than me (er, that will be a year longer will it D?), she is just now completing the edging and bought it with her to show me today. Oh how lovely to see these two Grannified blankets together! It was quite a moment when my green-edged creation met D's purple-edged creation. One hundred and seventy six squares between them, and I couldn't resist a photo to share with you all.
Granny Squares do something to me that I can't quite explain :: they make me feel nostalgic, happy, cosy, warm and fuzzy. They are so simple yet so totally captivating, the perfect example of homespun, handmade creativity and beauty. They form a reminder of childhood days and family homeliness.
Granny Square Blankets, I like them new, I like them old. I like modern versions and vintage versions, although I don't own any vintage granny blankets, not for want of trying to find them I might add. I've just never been lucky enough (yet) to stumble across one, except for a very garish acrylic one that i couldn't bring myself to purchase.
Yes, I pretty much like them any which way they come, and every time I catch sight of one it's like an electric spark goes shooting through my consciousness.
The above image is a snap taken from the Saturday Guardian a month or
two ago. I had a lovely heart-skippy moment as I immediately zoomed
in on the pink granny square cushion to the left of the sofa there. I
loved the whole room because of the delicious colour of the painted
plant stand and that pink crocheted cushion.
This is a snap of a magazine page, think it's Country Homes and Interiors, a winter issue obviously. It was a spread about making food for a winter picnic. I did quite enjoy reading about the food, but it was the "Vintage Accessories" which really pleased me the most here. How wonderful that Granny Blanket looks against old wood and snow!
If like me you love the humble Granny Square, either modern or vintage, there are oooodles of images over in Fabulous Flickrville to ooh and ahh at. In fact I am just about to while away an unfeasibly long time I expect trawling through on your behalf.....excuse me just a moment while I toddle off and go get us some Grannified Inspiration.....
Oh yes, what about this for starters? Isn't that just WOW??!!
Then there's your genuine vintage ones here and here....
....and your modern day beauties here and here and here.
All so inspirational and desirable, can't you feel yourself itching to go churn a few out? Like Right Now???
Just need to mention that yesterday afternoon when the sun came out briefly, I spent some time hooking and photographing and beginning to write out a tutorial for my method of joining granny squares together. Thank you for being patient on this one, I know a few of you have been waiting for it. I haven't quite finished yet, but am hoping to get it done to post up tomorrow.
In the meantime, can I just say, as always, how much I continue to love having you visit with me in the Attic. Your comments of late have been awesome, and I read every single word of what you all have to say with true heartfelt delight. I'm only sorry there aren't enough hours in the day to enable me to send replies back to thank you you all individually, but please know that I am so thankful for your words.
Enjoy the rest of your day, see you tomorrow...
Edited to add :: Thought you might like to see the Granny blanket from my own childhood, made by my Mum many years ago from odd scraps of wool...
...much of the wool came from
little jumpers and baby blankets Mum knitted for me and my younger
brother, which were later unraveled when they were outgrown and the
wool re-used to make this blanket. So many memories lie within those
stitches. This is a large blanket, it covers the little single bed in her spare room right down to the floor, and is quite hard to photograph as there is usually one hundred and one things on top of it and no room to manoeuvre! xxxx
Just to let you know, I have left you an award, mightly well deserved I should add. x
Posted by: Julie | March 06, 2009 at 02:01 PM
Friends like that are wonderful aren't they!? I have two friends who I met under similar circumstances, and, again, much like you, now are children are in school we don't meet as often as we used to - you've reminded me of how precious our friendship is and how important it is not to let these things slide. Am off to make arrangements to see them now!
Posted by: Julie | March 06, 2009 at 01:31 PM
What a wonderfull post - like every day ! At the moment I am really addicted to your blog... and crocheting of course. I am working on a ripple, but looking at your amazing Grannys makes me want to make them too. We definitly need more Crochet in Germany here ! Thanks for sharing this all with us !
Posted by: Virginia | March 06, 2009 at 12:38 PM
I love your blanket. My Mum had one at home that was made by my great-auntie years and years ago (must be vintage then - goodie!) and I can remember spending much of my childhood snuggled under it in the living room during the winter and on poorly days. I think I even had a smaller blanket of granny squares for my dolls. I must go and hunt it out next time I'm visiting Mum and Dad.
Your blog is so lovely - I look forward to the updates, perfect with hot chocolate and a nice biscuit. Thank you for so many simple pleasures!
Posted by: PinkCat | March 06, 2009 at 11:02 AM
What a thrill! Les grannies me font le même effet qu'à toi! They alaways remind me of " Rosane", the TV- show that I loved so much as a tennage girl... You know Rosane, this plumpy little woman, living with her family in a very cosy home? I loved her! Just the kind of mother I wanted to be at the time... Bises.
Posted by: Karische | March 06, 2009 at 10:05 AM
My Mother in Law has been making Granny square blankets forever. In the twenty eight years that I have known her she has made so many beautiful blankets. We have them on beds, in the car and even the dogs sleep on some of the old ones! They come on family picnics , cover poorly children on the sofa and babies in prams. All of her thirteen Grandchildren know them as Nanny blankets. I absolutely love them and yours are beautiful. I think it is time I joined my Mum in Law and started a blanket of my own. Thank you for the inspiration.
Posted by: Debbie | March 06, 2009 at 08:50 AM
Meeting old friends, you can't beat it...all the memories, things that don't need to be said...glad you had a good time.
I'm looking forward to my trip to London for those reasons.
Take care
Posted by: Jude | March 06, 2009 at 07:25 AM
I feel the same about granny blankets :) x
Posted by: Josie-Mary | March 06, 2009 at 06:51 AM
Thanks Lucy. It's wonderful to share life's precious moments with close friends. Looking forward to the tutorial which you will be posting soon. I've had endless fun with my granny squares & flowers. Loved yr trip to the seaside. The picts were awesome!
Posted by: Tien Nee | March 06, 2009 at 04:02 AM
Love the two granny blankets together, they are both gorgeous!!!
Lucy, I made a crochet ball for my son, using your hexagon motif, also modified the hexagon because I needed some pentagons to get the right shape for the ball.
Here is a picture: http://www.flickr.com/photos/aleferrari/3331400740/
Posted by: Alessandra | March 06, 2009 at 02:47 AM
lovely lovely.....wondering what kind of yarn was used? love all the colors..Cat
Posted by: Ali Davis | March 06, 2009 at 01:40 AM
Lovely, you meeting your friends whilst your blankets had a good old catch-up on the sofa too! Oh I feel those hooks-a-calling again!
Posted by: aneela | March 05, 2009 at 11:58 PM
Dear Lucy
Have just recently started reading your blog and really love it! I thought I was the only one in the world who liked to look at organised laundry but not actually do it! What a delight to know that there are others! My Dad (yes, Dad!) taught me to crochet when I was a little girl and I have recently taken it up again. You are a fabulous inspiration!
Posted by: ellouise88 | March 05, 2009 at 11:26 PM
Clearly they are not so popular in Norfolk as they turn up all the time! Our airing cupboard is fit to burst as I have to give them a home when I find them! We put them out in the summer as a patchwork on the lawn for parties (but it's a nuisance picking off all the hay and straw bits afterwards!).
I put my shortbread recipe here
Check out the adaptations in some of the comments - just pure decadence!
Posted by: kitschen pink | March 05, 2009 at 11:09 PM
What a lovely post. How lovely it must be to get visits from old friends. Unfortunatly when I moved away it was a little more than easy travelling distance.
After 6 months ( and the purchase of several books)of trying desperatly hard to learn to crochet it was your blog that pulled things into place for me and now I'm a happy hooker with a passion for granny squares too. Not only have you and your lovely tutorials taught me to crochet. You also never fail to inspire me with your amazingly bright and cheerfull blog.
Posted by: karen smith | March 05, 2009 at 11:03 PM
Although the blankets have the same colours in them, the edging makes them look totally different! Both very cosy! But it isn't just the look of them that makes them cosy, it is the name - Granny Blanket!! I bought some wool yesterday to add to the Granny on my guest bed. I loved doing the shell edging on your bag pattern so much, that I have decided to finish this blanket with it. Thanks for the introduction!
Posted by: alisonb2 | March 05, 2009 at 10:35 PM
hi.i have to say.. i love you blogg..and looks to your sweet photo.. but unfortynatly..my english is not good .i wish you did have a translater to swedish.. so i could read every word..and understand ..
love this Granny Squares...
best regards from mia/sweden
Posted by: mia | March 05, 2009 at 10:07 PM
Hello. I just wanted to leave a quick comment. I stumbled across your blog about a month or two ago when searching for a new crochet pattern. I remember my grandma teaching me the basics when I was growing up. A few years ago I decided to start making scarves, which was a great start but I crocheted so fast that my project would be over within hours. I decided I needed something that would take a little longer. I have since started crocheting blankets. It is a very relaxing hobby for me. It helps me to calm down in the evenings from my job - which can be quite stressful during my busy season. I can always tell when I stressed by the amount of progress that I make on my blankets. Anyway, I made several blankets before deciding that I did not need all of these piling up in my home so I have started donating them to an organization that gives them to foster children in our area. Many times foster children do not have many items of their own and this organization feels that a blanket is something that a child can have to be their very own and something that can accompany them from family to family. What a great idea! Now mind you, I am a very novice crochet-er but I truly, truly enjoy it.
Since stumbling across your blog, I have been giddy with crochet. Your site has become part of my morning routine when getting settled in for a long day's work. I find myself with anticipation on my drive into the office - can't wait to see what you have to share each day. I am fascinated by your outlook on life and wish I knew more people who shared your optimism and love of the "little things" in life that bring joy. Please keep posting your crochet creations. They help to stimulate our creativity and your remarks remind us to step back and not get caught up in the stresses of everyday life.
Posted by: Jessica | March 05, 2009 at 09:45 PM
Hi Lucy, what a wonderful post, you always cheer me up. Do you watch Emmerdale, the Dingles seem to have loads of granny blankets in their kitchen, I doubt ITV new how cool they were, but they do look just right in there.
Going to start a cushion cover right this minute!
Posted by: Rosie Graham | March 05, 2009 at 09:41 PM
What a delight your blog is. Love the Granny blankets. Sounds like a perfect afternoon.
Posted by: LYnne | March 05, 2009 at 09:16 PM
I have recently found your blog by way of Anna Maria's and am glad I did. I learned to crochet years ago but also haven't done much of it for years. I once made a granny square coat for a coworker, sort of designing the pattern as I went along. It was only three colors, with green the joining color, and I got sort of crocheted out by the time it was done. Now, reading your blog, I'm thinking of starting up again - I love those little squares! And I love the bag and the flowers and all of it!
Posted by: Randi | March 05, 2009 at 07:30 PM
Hi Lucy....
I am too in the process of making a granny squares blanket, well 3 infact, one for each of the boys beds......I will share the pics with you when I get a bit further along....only new to this whole crochet world....Please do share the recipe for the caramel shortbread as your choc chip cookies are now a permanent fixture in our house.... its what i spens sunday evenings doing when I really should be ironing .....
Posted by: Tilly Rose | March 05, 2009 at 07:29 PM
Hi Lucy
What a loveley post!!!!Wow,they granniea are
amazing.In my magazin(called Vakre ) was exactly the same photos from winter picnic.I
love winter picnic.Today I have my first picnic,with hot tea and homemade cookies.My
face in the sun and my feet under my ripple blanket,that was so loveley.But now rains .
Have a nice evening!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Regina | March 05, 2009 at 07:25 PM
Such an invigorating post! So nice to have had a get-together with your friends...I'd gladly fly over the ocean to have tea and chatter with you! :-)
Can't wait for the connect-the-blocks tutorial...I will be checking in tomorrow!
Posted by: Vicki | March 05, 2009 at 07:22 PM
hi Lucy, the grannies are gorgeous. Will be updating my blog tomorrow with news of the weekend just gone and our 2nd honeymoon but just wanted to let you know that we made it to Skipton today and the lovely wild oats cafe - very very tasty, and a very pretty waitress/assistant commented to my husband that she liked his green knitted cardigan which made his day/, also I noticed a very interesting advert while I was there for a learn to crochet morning!!!! very very good idea sounds fantastic - do you think there may be more in future months? I could be very tempted to try and book a day of work and trundle over. Fingers crossed it works well for you.
Posted by: Janette | March 05, 2009 at 06:44 PM