
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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March 19, 2009


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Wow....so so gorgeous. Can't wait for the turorial on joining them. You are so talented and I enjoy your blog very much. Thank you for all you do.


Hi Lucy. I've just learned to crochet summer garden squares using your tutorial. Thank you so much. I've been wanting to learn to crochet for a while, and have been completely fascinated with your wonderful colourful hooky WIPs. Your tutorial was easy for a complete beginner like me to follow. Once I've practiced making squares for a while I'm going to give the pot covers a go as I really love them. Thank you again for a wonderful blog.


Thankyou so so much for popping over mine with your lovely comments, I am always really delighted to see you. And so sweet that you took the time when you were in so much upheaval. Bless
x mwah x
hope you are having a wonderful mummie's day and are much more rested.
take care
and lots of love

Michele C

Hooking the squares as one goes certainly changes the game! I love granny squares but hate the thought of sewing them all together. Hooking as you go makes complete sense.


Beautiful colours as always. Gin may not be the answer, but how can something that tastes so good do any harm? ;) Best wishes, Pj x


Lucy following my discovery of the Yarn Barn where I can buy beautiful bright colours I have decided to join you in making a summer garden blanky. I have found though that I need some finished only to the round stage then the rest at the sqare stage or I am not able to join them. Isn't it amazing how quickly the number of flowers grow. Thanks for the inspiration. Oh and I couldn't help myself I'm back blogging hahahahaha!

stef et sa belette

it's wonderful !
I love it !


Just wanted to stop by (again) and thank you. Your blog inspired me to try again with the granny squares, which I have given up on MANY times, but last night I did it!!! I made 3 perfect granny squares, a bit messy and raggedy round the edges, but I love them the same!


My, my, Lucy! Your life is like a blender right now. I am loving the flurry of activity and color, texture, creativity. I must admit though that I'm wanting to mother you and demand you curl up with a cup of tea and just rest for a bit though. Look at magazines........relax.....recharge those everready batteries of yours. :D You are such a blessing. Wish I were 40 again to just keep up. What you do in one week usually takes me a month! Ha! Love you and can't wait to see what you have in store for us tomorrow.


I just found your blog too. I love it...
you inspire me to get my act together and get things organized. I have sooo many projects on the go and your blog is so refreshing.
I want to come back for more, and more.
Hope your day is better. Can't wait to see the lucky winner.



I love the chair Lucy - it will look wonderful with all of your coloured crocheted goodies :)

Can you share you ripple pattern?

Have you ever made crochet dishcloths? They are wonderful - not only in the kitchen but also the bathroom... and once you start using them you will never want to stop :)

Have a great weekend )


What a lovely chair, the only thing letting it down is the seat fabric. It's going to look fabulous when it's finished.

I love that picture of the granny squares on top of the ripple.


Looking forward to the how to for joining squares as you go, how brilliant.
We have three old Lloyd Loom chairs in the same original duck egg blue. They are the most comfortable chairs ever and we carry them out into the garden in the summer. But I look at them now and see they need new covers for the seats, oh dear! do I need to go fabric shopping :)


Too nice!!!!!!


Just seen the crochet cafe pictures, I'm getting really excited! I'll be there next week! Yipee!


Lucy, your bright and cheerful post has cheered me up no end this morning (PMT I think) Love the chair, it will be even more gorgeous after you have worked your magic on it xxx


adorable as always!!!

yes that chair with some fresh robin egg blue paint plus some fabric on top would be lovely for that attic of yours!!!

and yes, attaching grannies that way is something I"ve been doing..... I have problems using that method though with solid square grannies.... oh well!!!

have a beautiful first day of spring hope it's sunny in your neck of the universe!!!


Vive le printemps!!!!!



Hi Lucy

Loving the "join-a-grannie" as you go . So glad you are doing a tutorial as i was only thinking the other day that if you can do it to Hexs you must be able to do it to squares. I am currently woring on your crochet bag pattern whilst trying to decide which ripple pattern to do from Jan Eatons Ripple book. Cannot wait to see your revamped chair .



Hi Lucy
Just love reading your blog -i love colour as much as you do and your post always brightens the day! Please, please, please can we have a ripple tutorial -no-one explains as well as you do and that ripple is just begging to be made! Hope you have had a restful day.

Tien nee

Will you be so kind do share a tutorial on Ripple in the future? I've been wanting to ask but tell myself to finish my granny squares first! Now that I'm almost done with my squares....I'm excited to make Ripples! I gave up trying to understand some instructions i found...Your tutorial is the best so far. But yr health first, take a break and rest when yr body tells you to. :)
Have a great weekend.

Kris Van Allen

I just love to follow your posties, and the colors you choose are always so happy! Thanks for posting again about the 'attach as you go', especially with granny squares.

I do have a question: when you use that kind of connecting the shapes together, have you found any issues with the tiny gaps left between the connecting slip stitches, where the double crochets meet up but do not connect?

Thank you for sharing your lovely, colorful world!

Shelley in SC

Love the chair, and, yes, creative imagination is a wonderful, wonderful gift! What would life be like without it?? Can't wait to see what the new WIP turns out to be!!


Hello Lucy,

It's lovely to see your bursts of color at night in New York. Makes me think that tomorrow will be a sun-shiny day.

The canal reflection photos in your prior post are marvelous. As I have written before, I like the way you capture outdoors as well as the marvelous interior close-ups.



I second the call for a ripple tutorial, I would love to know how to make one of those. Your colours are always so bright and inspiring Lucy!


your colourful images have inspired me to try crocheting. it is something i have been contemplating for some time although where to fit it in amongst everything else was the question. there will be time somewhere if i look hard enough. so the question in my mind is ... which beginners book would be the best one to get a hold of to get me started? can you help me there with a suggestion?
happy crocheting!

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