
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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February 14, 2009


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valentine's day philippines

If are you making this for a valentines this must be absolutely adorable so cute i love this. Will certainly visit your site more often now.



....And my kids had those chocs for Valentines..!


How Bizarre, just came across your blog via a link in "Not Quite Vintage" and I have those socks, that mag and that book piled beside my bedside table at the moment.
Are you my secret life, ....and my name too!

Shelley in SC

I love the little handmade hearts hanging from invisible thread!! Must remember that for next V-tine's. Your buntings of past postings inspired me to make a heart bunting for this V-tine's Day. You can see it on my blog. (Yes, I actually have a blog now . . . smile)


Glad you had a happy Valentines, The hearts look lovely.
Thankyou for the earlier blocking post, I just need to get5 some foam and then I will start to block my squares.


Those hearts from a six year old's hands are the sweetest!

Your previous post of photos from the beautiful great out of doors were magnificent, too.



I have that book too!
Are you enjoying it?
G bought mine as a Christmas pressie. It's lovely to dip into.
Lisa x


where did you find the wonderful weekend book? i didn't think it was available yet. i can't wait to buy it.


The hearts look fab Lucy!
S x
P.S. Would love to know where you get your invisible thread from.


Hi Lucy
I have a questions on you, How many balls wool
you've for the bag used?
Thank you!


such a lovely decorated room really pretty. happy valentines day. we had a lovely day too and a lovely romantic meal and a massive surprise.

hope the rest of the weekend is lovely too.

take care Janette


cute!! I love the hearts strung up, very pretty!

Helen Lambert

...wonderful pictures...we visited Skipton yesteday in search of Yankee candles....I thought of you...we had lunch at a lovely cafe above a health food shop which I am sure has been on your blog....we were going to walk down the canal but it was to nippy...so a little mooch and lunch was just right...they make amazing coffee and have been placed in my coffee snob top 5!!! have a lovely sunday.....


Happy Valentine's day! I'm new to your blog and really love your pics. :) Come and visit me sometime at gegecrochet.blogspot.com. :)


It sure looks like you have a little artist or two in your midst. Taking after their Mum I guess.


Awww...Happy Valentine's Day to you! I love the hearts made by your little ones. I miss those days of decorating for any old holiday. 16-year-olds are into that. Hope you enjoyed your day!


Happy Valentine's Day!
What a great blog!


Happy valentines to you too. Enjoy reading your blog, truely inspirational.


Oh what a treat, a weekend post! Oh such a lovely one too, yes the little people are greatly blessed as are you to have them, as are we for having such lovely glimpses into your world.


What a happy surprise...sneaking a peek over here and seeing a Valentine's Day post. Okay...where do I begin...those sweet little children of yours have inherited their mother's creativity. They must be giggling their little faces off seeing their charming decorations hanging up. I spy....mmmmmm...some yummy coffee...some fabulous reading material (I want Elspeth book so bad!!!!) some really cool heart socks....and a lovely dotty plate with some yummy-licious chocolate hearts. My heart feels pure blissful joy reading this post....thanks my lovely Lucy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi Lucy
You have a wonderful VALENTINE HOME!!!!!!!!!
I wish you a wonderful weekend .


Thank you again for your lovely photos....they have brought me another smile today. Happy Valentines Day!


Fun and sweet post. Happy Heart Day! ~Kelly

unDeniably Domestic


Your house looks lovely for Valentines Luce. I love the bright colored hearts. They look so cute hanging around like the ones at our house. I love it when my girls make decorations with their own little bitty hands. Those always looks best to me. I always keep one of any of their decorations from time to time to remember what their handwriting was like, etc.

Have a great weekend doing whatever Luce! Toodles!

kar xxxx :D

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