Home :: don't you think that word is one of the most heart warming words
ever ever ever??
Doesn't it just make you think of warmth and comfort and security and
happiness, of love and laughter and contentment?
adore my home. I love being at home, love my days spent here at
number 24, pottering around within these solid, warm, old stone
walls. Can
think of no place I would rather be (well excepting on certain days
when I long to be beside the sea). I feel blessed by my love of All Things Home as it serves me well and provides easy-to-come-by
satisfaction and happiness 365days of the year. I am a true, natural
born Home Bird, with an intense love of Domestic Pottering. I do not
ever feel the need to go take a job in order to find stimulation or
interaction or satisfaction or sociability (is that a word?). For me,
HOME is where it's at. I
know it's not for everybody, but for me, yup, I am one very
happy stay-at-home bird.
have to tell you I'm getting quite giddily excited about all
things h.o.m.e around here, excited that home improvements are at last
happening, and excited thinking about our future Big Plans for this humble dwelling of ours.
talking of home improvements, I have to say a big ((thank you)) for
all your recent inquiries about our new bathroom and I'm sorry that I
am not quite able to reveal it's makeover just yet. All is going well :: the two bathroom blokes vacated the building on Tuesday, and in their place today we have a Sparky. Just the one, a very
nice electrician called Len who whistles while he works. Who I hope
is not afraid of spiders because there appears to be the mother of
all cobwebs in residence across the electrical spaghetti-junction
down in the cellar. After
Len has finished trailing cables, hoiking up floorboards and doing
his wiry pluggy things, there will be a floor-fitting man and a
window-fitting man to come.
Oh, and then the walls will also need to be painted. Its uncertain yet whether I will have to get jiggy with a paint brush or whether we can try and eek a few more pennies out of the coffers to pay for a decorator to do the job professionally. Its the high ceilings, especially above the bath, which makes me think it's a no-can-do for me, and truth be told, I am not a very good decorator. No, I get far to giddy to make a good job of it. But what I do plan on doing next week is repainting the old streaky green wooden shelf and bathroom cabinet in suitably fresh, bright, jaunty colours and making a blind/curtain for the bathroom window. Those things I can do without risk of breaking my neck up a ladder with a paintbrush. I shall keep my feet on the ground and stick to prettifying. I am quite good at prettifying. Yes creating/purchasing things to make a room look homely is one of my talents.
And talking of purchasing, I am off to London City tomorrow on an inspirational shopping jaunt with my wonderful friend Lovely C. VERY excited oooeeeee, yes I am!!!!!!
The train leaves the station at 6:42am.
Hope I can transform myself from a Home Bird into an Early Bird.
Have a fabulous weekend one and all :: see you next week for Tales from the City.