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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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December 09, 2008


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Valerie Fanarjian

hello, i have a sarah lugg original i keep right above my desk for inspiration. sadly i m trying to slowly sell work i have collected over the years and im not sure where or how .to sell it i bought it from her directly in 1999.
any ideas? how to appraise it?
thanks for any help.


We just used up our last Sarah Lugg card - for a friend's anniversary. Sadly, we can't find any more. I'd like to buy some more.


Reading through your blogs I notice you always write bare when you mean bear. I *had* to draw your attention to this and I'm really sorry; but I am a teacher which is my excuse. I won't mention it again. :-)


gorgeous collections! I really love the tumbled glass pieces, I was only thinking of them recently. I used to find them a lot on a beach we went to as kids - do yours come from a beach?


You calendar is beautiful Lucy.
And what a stash of natural treasures!


I also have Sarah Lugg greetings cards in my 'stash'! A few years ago I worked at a well known country living style magazine in London and they had a SL original in the office to be photographed for a feature. It was the 12 days of christmas with tiny festive and sparkley finds. It was beautiful. Sad that her works seems to have disappeared now. Love your SL inspired picture.


Beautiful treasures, I love the collecting drawers.


Hi I love your drawers - I have a couple of sets of pine ones that were bought years ago and I keep all my cards (that I will never send!) and the other holds embroidery silks and wools they are one of the things I would grab in a fire. I have soem old Victorai mags I think Sarah Lugg was in there and they were selling one of her pictures I am sure. I will have a look.
I love your pictures Mrs A 24 - the quality is superb - they are so clear PS loved your etsy pic


I spy sea glass in there - real treasure.

P x


It's funny to see how many of us collect this treasures. You can find marvelous things everywhere, you only have to open your eyes and your mind, as you do Lucy. Thanks for sharing your amazing treasures!

kitschen pink

Nut! You're a nut! And it's so wonderful to find a fellow nut in a world of clearer outers and 'don't need that old tripe hanging around' and 'out with the old' .... what's the point of an attic and big cupboards if they're not full of stuff! (although in our house each big cupboard is referred to as a 'hell hole'. That gives you some idea of the level of organisation in each one!! HA!) Lovely lovely treasures! t.xx


Beautiful sentimental lovelies! I have to say, out of all the blogs I read, yours is by far my favorite! Your photos and words are always so pretty and colorful! Thanks for sharing.


I absolutely adore your treasure collection!! I collect rocks and stones from different places, walks, events... they cover nearly every windowsill and shelf ledge in the house ;)


Gosh isn't it strange (and wonderful) the things that attract us. I too love your drawers and was thinking all the way down your blog that I must ask. You kindly answered by the end of it. Thank you. I have been lurking on your site since stumbling across your blog about tidying the house when friends come round - inspired by the way. It's your drawers that have pushed me to comment however. I'm aware while looking at this post the history that goes into it all. I'm sure it's the same with all of us. It's easy to look at these wonderful creative blogs and think it's all so simple but your invitation to peek today has made me realise that there's a lot of "stuff" behind the scenes. Thank you again.

elizabeth of course

Those little tags reminded me of a series of valentines I did a few years ago! and that calendar is perfectly MARVELOUS. I admire the organization of your drawers. I'm a hoarder/collector of all things tiny of nature as well, but they're scattered about my house, in boxes and cubbies, and all sorts of other places most people wouldn't store sticks and stones...

elizabeth of course

Those little tags reminded me of a series of valentines I did a few years ago! and that calendar is perfectly MARVELOUS. I admire the organization of your drawers. I'm a hoarder/collector of all things tiny of nature as well, but they're scattered about my house, in boxes and cubbies, and all sorts of other places most people wouldn't store sticks and stones...


I am honoured to have peeked into your nature drawers!!! You have a wonderful collection of natural treasures. Sarah Lugg's work is lovely as is yours.


wow, Lucy that's an incredible collection, and I adore your calendar picture. just perfect. and the photos of those drawers - print them and sell them as cards!

Vanessa Cabban

Treasure trove post! I'm going to have to go back and EXAMINE............... I didn't know Sarah Lugg's work........... it's beautiful! Your picture with the found objects is gorgeous too............ Lovely.............. lovely, lovely, lovely.............. will return later to have another good long look!

French Knots

I love Sarah Lugg's work too, I've a couple of her books and they are so inspiring.
And your boxes of treasures, oh my goodness! Seaglass and shells, so wonderful to amble along the beach collecting and then to hoard and remember. You can never have too many little treasures!


Blimey & I thought I was a hoarder!!!! My lot looks like a load of old tat now I've seen your collection. Think my OH would have a fit if I had those drawers!! :)


oooh, how lovely! We have an old printers tray on our kitchen wall which is filled with little treasures collected on our travels-champagne corks from weddings, teeny tiny shells and pebbles, miniature bottles.....I am sure most people thing it's a load of crap, but it's special to us.x

Lucy Locket-Pocket

Oh! How I love those drawers! And how I envy you your collection! Please can I come and live at your house and play with all your goodies? Pretty please?

Lucy x


Feeling truly envious of your little treasure drawers. I am a dreadful hoarder too. But none of my rubbish looks half as enticing as your ephemera.


Wow! Your art work is beautiful!! I LOVE it = totally something I would buy if I saw it in a shop. And my heart skipped a beat when I saw your drawers full of treasures!! Wow. just wow!!! I couldn't stop looking! My eyes dancing from section to section!! I so understand why you keep them. Thanks for the sneaky peek and for all the inspiration you post almost daily!! Joanne x

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