I guess there are many reasons why people decide to blog, and once started, why they continue to blog. I know that there are a great many little itty-bitty reasons that compel me to take photographs day after day and sit here and write day after day. I won't waffle on at you today (lucky escape for you) about my reasons for keeping this little bit of colourful cyberspace up and running, but one thing I can say is that I like my blog. I like it a lot. I like thinking about it, I like the creativity it involves and I like reading it. Yes, I often do read back through my own archives, not in a oh-look-how-wonderful-my-own-blog-is kind of a way, but in a daydreamy retrospective kind of a way. Often I will find myself thinking about something or another and my mind will settle on a particular remembered image, or an outing, or a recipe, or a crochet project and I will attempt to search out the blog entry, to find the words and images that accompany the memory.
And for someone with a memory that is as shot to bits as mine, this blogging lark is MARvelOUs! So many things I had forgotten about! So many images, memories, thoughts :: things that would otherwise be quite lost if it wasn't for my documenting them. I find it really wonderful to know that I have created this pocket of memories, and to be able to dip and dive into them whenever the mood takes me.
Take todays photographs for example :: images from yesterday (Sunday) which was a very normal, weekendy, family day in our house. Nothing extraordinary, yet somehow I look back at these photos, now a day old, and I am so happy to see them there! I recall the happiness that was there when I opened my eyes and saw that little jug of flowers
beside my bed :: flowers that came from a huge surprise bouquet which J
brought back from the supermarket for me, along with a packet of Lemsip
and some Ibuprofen (yeah, I am fighting that cold, it has not taken hold of me quite yet). I remember the simple pleasure that accompanied my morning cup of tea in bed at 7:09am, and a bit of new-book browsing (both deeeeliicous). And I think this :: a cup of tea, a jug of flowers, a new book. Such small pleasures, but how fabulous all the same. How simple life can be at times, how ordinary yet how extraordinary.
A little later on and I sit to do some colouring with the Little People. The picture above, started by Little Man, abandoned by Little Man, picked up by Little Lady, abandoned by Little Lady and consequently taken up by yours truly. The water is my handiwork, as if you couldn't guess, right? This is a new Christmas colouring book (eh-hem, yes, I confess, bought by me for Little Man because I loved it so). Ahh how I love to sit with a good colouring page in front of me and an array of felt tip pens! Its pleasure overload!
I am ridiculously pleased with my concentrated colouring efforts, and my Sunday Sun is now proudly stuck up on my mirror to shine down on us all.
Ten-thirty and we are miraculously out of our pyjamas and out of the house. We've had a lot of stay-at-homes during this holiday (partly due to illness, either full blown or impending), which has been rather luxurious actually, but the time had come to get out of the house.
J chivvies us into action :: Cummon, lets go, lets go, boots on, jumpers, coats, hats, wrap up warm, lets get out into the Wintry countryside. Follow the path up and up above Bolton Abbey, shall we visit the Money Trees? Yes? No? The Little People excitedly suggest Buffers, so that is where we head off to.
Do you recall our discovery of Buffers in the Summer? We had always meant to go back again but had not made it until yesterday. The Little People are thrilled to be showing their Daddy this place, they rush on ahead and show him where to go, lead him up the creaky wooden stairs to the train gallery. We take in the dusty nostalgia, play with the trains and then head back down to the cosy cafe to eat lunch.
Lunch is as lovely as I remembered it from before, and we do not much want to leave the warmth and cosiness. But eventually, when lunch is done, when coffee and cake is done, when a second play with the trains is done, we set out and head back down from the hills to the river beach.
There is paddling, and tree climbing. It is freezing cold but the Little People don't care. The tree becomes a hotel. The river gives up heart shaped stones and remarkably a pound coin. It's a lot of fun, but oh so freeeeeeezing cold!Take me home, I want to go home, I am whining like a petulant child. Oh honestly, I have to laugh at myself sometimes :: so utterly childish :: fourty going on four.
I do get my way in the end and we come home to a warm house for an afternoon of tea and chocolate biscuits and laziness. I take up position in The Chair and carry on with my current crochet project. The crocheting is complete now and I'm just starting to bring it all together.
There are twenty five bluey-green granny squares...
...and twenty five pinky-red flowers.
Squares and flowers. I'm calling it "Granny's Flower patch", and I am really liking it. Can't wait to see it all finally come together. Its only a small project, a second cushion cover to go with this one.
When it's done, I think I'll be ready to embark on my next blanket, although I'm still finalising the plan for the blanket-to-be. I think I almost have it set, I have drawn out a rough plan on paper, and have chosen which type of yarn to use. But I am still stumbling over yarn colours, still debating Random v Planned, still debating Bright/Deep v Bright/Soft, whether to include yellow, whether to include white.
Ahh decisions decisions. Making decisions is so hard for me, even if they are deliciously coloured ones.