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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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November 21, 2008


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A Thrifty Mrs

I do hope that you all feel better soon.


Hope you are all well again soon. The hyacinth is coming up beautifully.

tilly rose

Sorry to hear that you are unwell, bbut it sounds like you are doing the right things and staying snug....I hate it when the boys are unwell, i would do anything to take it away....cakes look lovely, stick the kettle on and i'll be over !!!!Hope you feel better soon.



Hi, sorry to have caught you on a sneezy day. I'm sat here (wrapped in a blanket!) blog browsing and found your lovely colourful blog and I'm so inspired! I hope you all recover soon.x


Oh Lucy,
am sorry to hear, that you had such a bad start into the weekend - hope little man's temperature is down to normal again. There is nothing as bad as these long nights where you don't know if it will get better, you have to call the doctor or get the little one and hurry to the hospital...
Hope as well that you are feeling fine again and that the rest of the family stays healthy.
P.S. Are we gonna see some more textile artwork? Winter things?

Moss stitch

Poor you. Must be all that cleaning! The duster looks great. I lived without one for years. After buying one, a pink ostrich feather, I felt the same as you, how did I ever live without one. Enjoy your weekend, if you can.


I hope you and little man are feeling much better!! I had a sicky bug in the week thats doing the rounds in our area, just waiting for the boys to get it now...yuk!
Claire xx

do you mind if i knit

Poor you Lucy, I do hope you and little man feel better soon................... I always feel like I'm at death's door when I'm ill............... It was lovely to chat on the phone yesterday....................... Get well soon!


I hope you are feeling much better now. Your hyacinth is looking just beautiful. What a cute duster!!

Kitschen Pink

Hope you're all well enough to enjoy the snow when it comes! (I'm actually feeling quite well already so I'll eat those buns for you so don't worry about them, no , really, no need to say thank-you, it's the least I could do.... just pop them into a parcel! t. x


Hi Lucy, sorry to hear you are both unwell today......get well soon...got a great contemporary quilting book at the show today, you'll love it, very zingy colours, found some great reclaimed liberty prints....going to try and start a quilt this weekend, hope you are feeling better soon, have a pj weekdend, I might, sarah x


Lucy!!!!!! This ought to cheer you up.


I know I would be thrilled if Anna Maria Horner took notice of something that I made!!!!

Lucky you!!! :~)


Take care, sweet Lucy. You and the little guy keep comfy and warm under your sweet ripple blankie. Tell J he has to pamper you and make you tea and toast and do all the cleaning this weekend!!!!!!


Hugs to you and Little Man for feeling poorly. Not nice to be full of cold.
Hope you soon feel like indulging in cakes again soon.
Keep warm and snuggly.
Lisa x


Goedenavond Lucy,
Wish that you and little man are feeling much better tomorrow !!! Get well soon.
By the way your house is always loveley, i think.


Hi my lovely,

Thanks for the comments - love the word verification!

Sorry to hear you're poorly too. I think you need to send some lemon and honey (without the honey because I am allergic to it!) and some cakes down this way!

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Clairey xxx


Hope you're both feeling much better soon. I've been suffering with the sniffles and a cough on and off for three weeks now! Perhaps I've been dosing myself with too many sweeties rather than healthy things as you are. Those buns do look yummy I must say, as does the hyacinth. Have a good weekend. Stay indoors as it's supposed to snow!


hope you and lovely limp boy have a good weekend too. Stay snuggly under those lovely cosy blankets of yours x


I hope you and the little man get well soon Lucy. I am having an evening of blankets, marshmallows, toblerone, popcorn and hot chocolate with swirly cream. I must fit in a healthy dinner somewhere too! I love the duster. Attractive implements do make the housework more bearable don't they?!!!


hope your all better soon but something very nice about snuggling under lovely blankets all warm and cosy :-) I do like your feather duster as well - I am embarrassed to say I have 4 !!! and one of them is for specific very fragile cleaning - so i have duster categories!! eek!! I need to re-evaluate my life.............
On a positive note and further to a recent post of yours I found "do you mind if i knit" and have ordered a lovely painting of hers from her new Etsy shop today I am so excited about getting it!! So thank you for the inspiration yet again :-)Lesley x


hope you feel better soon. xx
love the photos of your home, really gorgeous xx


Hi! Lucy
Espero que a saúde do seu Litlle Man seja restaurada.
Lindo seu vaso de jacintos!!
Obrigada pelo seu blog.
Saúde e Paz

Joanne Stocker

Get well sparkles flying! Watch out! Oddodd - I have just been baking buns myself so maybe some of the relaxing energy it produced me can now be transferred to you somehow through my digital words. Hope you both feel back to normal soon and I hope especially that you are able to walk through your sniffles with accepting ease!
All the best!


Get well soon, I hate it when I'm ill and so are the children - it seems to really take it out of you. Have a restful weekend, and try not to use the duster too much!


Oooo! poor little man, looks like it'll be a stay at home weekend for you again then. Hope you're all feeling better soon. Snuggle lots. Take care of each other. Fi x

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