As the title of todays post suggests, this is indeed a Tale of Two Parcels. It's a simple tale and by no means extraordinary, yet as I sit down with a cup of coffee to write it, I am almost overwhelmed by the emotion of it all. I do tend to come over all emotional when presented with brown paper parcels, I get all sort of jittery and fluttery and heart-beaty. You may remember me recounting a very similar tale not so long ago, when the postman delivered a surprise package containing one of Vanessa's paintings? I am absolutely delighted to say that since that time, Vanessa has opened her very own Etsy shop and her gorgeous water colours are now for sale. And if you decide to purchase one of her paintings, it will arrive on your doorstep wrapped to perfection :: there's something about receiving a beautifully wrapped parcel that totally makes my heart flip. I mean, really and truly, the paper and string and tags and notes should not matter, yet of course they do. A great deal. They make one feel special. And appreciated. And that's quite something, don't you think?
But anyways, on with the Two Tales.....
Parcel # One :: The Surprise Gift
When I sit at my computer to write my blog each day, I do not have any great expectations about gaining anything much. I am not attempting to boost sales, to fish for compliments, to gain recognition. But all the same it is very very nice to feel appreciated, and to know that by some miracle, my words and pictures do reach out into the world and generate little ripples of inspiration, happiness, brightness. And in turn, each and every one of your comments sends it's own ripple of happiness and brightness back through my window, like a ray of sunshine. That's truly how I see it, and how I feel about blogging. I absolutely love the rippling connections that take place back and forth between me and you, the giving and receiving that occurs in both directions between blog-writer and blog-reader. I think it's absolutely fantastical.
And occasionally, these ripples decide to make themselves more tangible, become more than words, and I get a request for my address in order that a "little something" might be sent my way through the post. If you had any idea what this does to me, you would laugh your socks off. I get so ridiculously excited at the prospect of mail arriving, I drive myself loopy. Really. And if aforementioned parcel is going to be coming all the way from the United States, so taking Extra Days to arrive, well it's bonkers. I start to stalk the postman, start to watch the front door around about 11am or there abouts.
This surprise gift took four days to arrive. Posted on a Friday, it arrived to me the following Tuesday.
I knew it was coming, knew who it was from. But the contents were a mystery.
I admit I was very unrestrained with this poor parcel, in fact, the brown paper packet got ripped to shreds. No careful unsealing at all, just good old Excitable Uncontrolled Ripping.
Inside, a gift from the very lovely Cathleen, who writes the most beautiful blog herself, called My Sewing Serenity. Do you know this blog? Have you seen the Lovliness that goes on there? Well it's an absolute delight. In fact you could say that Cathleen and I fill our respective little
worlds with very similar heartfelt passions, and the ripples that pass
back and forth between our blogs are colourful and inspirational in
both directions. There's crochet and quilting and buttons and baking and flowers.
And there's hand made soap too. Oh this is the soap of my dreams! It smells beautiful, and is wonderful to use :: soft and suddy and fragrant.
And did I mention the fabric? Cathleen has a fabric stash made in heaven :: take a looky here and you will see what I mean. And now I have the delightful responsibility of owning eight new colourful fat quarters and wondering what I shall make with them. I added them to my recent Kaffe Fassett purchases and I think I might have the beginnings of my very own fabric stash (oooooo how I love that word!)
This gift made me cry with gratitude. The way it was sent to me just because I Brighten The Day, made me feel so special.
Cathleen :: xxx (( A heart full of thanks )) xxx
Parcel # Two :: The Special Order
This parcel arrived yesterday, and I am still head over heels about it. This parcel I had been waiting for :: waiting patiently for it to make it's way to Attic24 from across the pond. And unlike the first parcel, I pretty much knew the contents of this one, yet it made it no less exciting, especially because the spotty packing tape had me in raptures before I had even opened the paper. I mean, colourful, SPOTTY packing tape, how utterly delightful!
Inside the box, a purple bag.
Inside the purple bag, a brown paper parcel tied with spotty ribbon.
My heart is banging, and I feel all fluttery and jumpety-jumpy, I am almost beside myself with the thrill of it all.
Inside the brown paper parcel tied with spotty ribbon is a mound of bubble wrap, and a cutesome little envelope sealed with a spotty sticker. A Little card, thanking me for purchasing this Special Order.
Want to know details?
Want to know what my "Special Order" is?
Wanna see?
Right now?
If you insist.
Here it is...
Ta dah!!!!!!!!!
Its my very own, beautiful, wonderful, colourful Attic24 House. And I am totally in love with it.
This is the work of an exceptionally talented US artist named Sarah Ahearn. I cannot for the life of me remember how I first came across Sarah's work, but it was love at first sight. I love everything about it. I am a big fan of Mixed Media work, and I love the use of text in artwork, although not sure why exactly, but it really appeals to me. I love Sarah's use of colour and the recurring themes that feature in her work :: flowers, fruit, birds, houses.
Sarahs art work is most usually sold as prints or original paintings, but sometimes she makes these little decorated wooden houses. And as soon as I saw them on her blog in the Summer, I knew I had to have one.
And there followed some emails and discussions about what I would like on my very own house, but truthfully I left it mostly to Sarah to do her thing. And Oh!!!!!!! Didn't she do me proud?!
You can see that she has gotten to know me very well through reading my blog. She has included some wonderful details that make this house truly, uniquely mine. There are my my tall summer flowers, the blue sky with the two birds that can often be seen sitting on my rooftop (they are a pair of jackdaws, who regularly caw-caw down my chimney pot), the view of the hills, my name and the words "Home Sweet Home" and of course my little Attic24 window up under the eaves.
Since it arrived yesterday, I've been moving this little house of mine all around the place, looking at it this way and that, wondering where it should come to rest. Right now it's on the mantel in front of my Moroccan mirror (I like the way the mirror allows you to see front and back at the same time). It already feels like it's been here forever, like it belongs in this house.
Sarah :: xxx (( A heart full of thanks )) xxx
This house, this house that has given me my Attic24, we will be celebrating together on Friday.
It'll be exactly one year since we moved in and I will be giving a "heart full of thanks" for that fact. For the fact that I am so happy living here.
Maybe a little Attic24 housey giveaway?
Oh yes, lets do a giveaway, how exciting!!!
Day after tomorrow? Yes the 28th, you and me in the Attic, for something colourful and Housey?
Can't wait, see you then...
Gorgeous gifts - I too stalk the postman when I know something is on it's way ... oh and by the way - the cookies were gorgeous and have all gone.
Lisa x
Posted by: periwinkle | November 26, 2008 at 03:03 PM
So too are the orange and raisin cookies. Made some today, just before hubby got home, feeling grotty. Cheered us both up, thanks for the recipe.
Posted by: attila | November 26, 2008 at 02:40 PM
It's a pleasure to read you every day, Lucy.
It's like being with you, at this wonderful house, in this lovely Attic. Thank you, Lucy!
Posted by: Mariana | November 26, 2008 at 02:39 PM
What wonderful parcels. I also read Cathy's My Sewing Serinity blog, and as for the cottage, wow it is spectacular. What a great idea to put it in front of a mirror so you can see the back. By the way did you buy a shopping trolley?
Posted by: maria | November 26, 2008 at 02:32 PM
People are so generous in this world. It sometimes catches me off guard. You are too generous Lucy with letting us in your home, your life and getting a glimpse of how you live!!!. Thank you again!!! Jen xox
Posted by: Jennifer | November 26, 2008 at 02:25 PM
Lucy! Lucy!
I have no other words to express my joy to see you so happy. You deserve this happiness in the form of gifts and presents for the happy with their colors and love for his beautiful home. I would also like to send you something that you inspired me, but is surprised !!!!! How could send you something? Could I send e_mail with your address?
Kisses and has a beautiful day of sunshine!
Posted by: Cláudia - Guarujá - São Paulo - Brasil | November 26, 2008 at 02:10 PM
ohhhh Luce i love your little house infact i love your big house. and how exciting getting parcels xxxx
Posted by: Lisa | November 26, 2008 at 02:06 PM
Fabulous packages! I looooove to get treats in the mail, too.
Posted by: Alexis | November 26, 2008 at 02:01 PM
I am in love with that house, I could quite happily move in, lie down, and have a sleep. It's wonderful!
And your other parcel - wow, lucky lucky you!
Posted by: katy | November 26, 2008 at 01:54 PM
oh how deliciously lovely and gorgeous your parcels are :-) the wrapping is,to me, almost as important as to whats inside and as you know I very luckily received one of Vanessa's beautifully wrapped parcels this week and was literally oooohhhhhing and aaaahhhhing over every layer !
happy house anniversary :-) we have been in our house 3 years this weekend and I feel quite inspired to actually be grateful for having a lovely home and celebrate it in some way :-) thank you again..... your ripples of inspiration certainly reach me :-D
Lesley x
Posted by: Lesley | November 26, 2008 at 01:43 PM