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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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« Cottony-cushiony goodness | Main | Number 24 :: One Year Today »

November 26, 2008


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Gorgeous gifts - I too stalk the postman when I know something is on it's way ... oh and by the way - the cookies were gorgeous and have all gone.
Lisa x


So too are the orange and raisin cookies. Made some today, just before hubby got home, feeling grotty. Cheered us both up, thanks for the recipe.


It's a pleasure to read you every day, Lucy.
It's like being with you, at this wonderful house, in this lovely Attic. Thank you, Lucy!


What wonderful parcels. I also read Cathy's My Sewing Serinity blog, and as for the cottage, wow it is spectacular. What a great idea to put it in front of a mirror so you can see the back. By the way did you buy a shopping trolley?


People are so generous in this world. It sometimes catches me off guard. You are too generous Lucy with letting us in your home, your life and getting a glimpse of how you live!!!. Thank you again!!! Jen xox

Cláudia - Guarujá - São Paulo - Brasil

Lucy! Lucy!
I have no other words to express my joy to see you so happy. You deserve this happiness in the form of gifts and presents for the happy with their colors and love for his beautiful home. I would also like to send you something that you inspired me, but is surprised !!!!! How could send you something? Could I send e_mail with your address?
Kisses and has a beautiful day of sunshine!


ohhhh Luce i love your little house infact i love your big house. and how exciting getting parcels xxxx


Fabulous packages! I looooove to get treats in the mail, too.


I am in love with that house, I could quite happily move in, lie down, and have a sleep. It's wonderful!

And your other parcel - wow, lucky lucky you!


oh how deliciously lovely and gorgeous your parcels are :-) the wrapping is,to me, almost as important as to whats inside and as you know I very luckily received one of Vanessa's beautifully wrapped parcels this week and was literally oooohhhhhing and aaaahhhhing over every layer !
happy house anniversary :-) we have been in our house 3 years this weekend and I feel quite inspired to actually be grateful for having a lovely home and celebrate it in some way :-) thank you again..... your ripples of inspiration certainly reach me :-D
Lesley x

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