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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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« The Day after the Trip Before | Main | London Shopping :: Part II »

November 18, 2008


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Oh my gosh, thank you for posting about Liberty! I live in New Zealand and one of our TV stations aired the programme Liberty of London which I just loved! So nice to see the beautiful photo's you posted. One day I will make it over your way and one of the places I will stop off at will be Liberty of London.


Boo Hoo, we dont have a Liberty Shop here.
Great Post, felt like I was there.
Kathryn in the Loft


Boo Hoo, we dont have a Liberty Shop here.
Great Post, felt like I was there.
Kathryn in the Loft

Kitschen Pink

the haberdashery is wonderful, those liberty chairs are to do unmentionables for, but teh best thing? that wonderful ripple blanket at home! Just beautiful. Thanks for taking a provincial girl off on a London jolly! t.x


Of all the wonderful pictures you took, the one that most made me want to be there was the last one; the one of your bed. It is such a wonderful, cozy and inviting picture. I adore that blanket; I love your colors.

major sigh


What a lovely day. I only live one hour from London and would find that day exhausting enough so I take my hat off to you for braving the 6 hour round trip! Next time you go to John Lewis though, remember you are in the vicinity of MacColloch and Wallace which has a great haberdashery department. http://www.macculloch-wallis.co.uk/


Oh, sound like you had a great trip! I wish I could do that!
Looking forward to see more pics!

Lace hearts

That's a fantastic post. I feel I was shopping alongside you! Liberty really is such a lovely place to browse around, but I always have to restrain myself. Their Christmas decorations look fabulous. I can't wait to see what you came home with! xxx


Lovely pictures. I must say that shopping trip looked like fun!!!


You visited so many of my favorite London spots, and I know just what you mean about the glory of anticipation.

It's been a few years since I have been across the Atlantic, so you can imagine how seeing your photos has just whetted my appetite.

Looking forward to the next installment.



What a feast for the eyes! Thank you for effectively transporting me from my real life to such a wonderland!!


First thing this morning I opened your blog to see if you posted...then I had to go make myself some breakfast and tea, and then happily sit down and read. And what a lovely, lovely read, Lucy. Your descriptive shopping trip and charming photos were a delightful way to start my day. Your exhilaration in your little solitude shopping day was very endearing. Looking forward to seeing your goodies, especially your fabrics!


Well I've well and truly enjoyed your tour so far, I've only been in the Beauty department at liberty but now i'm dying to go there and explore. I used to have a thing about stationary and pens and pencil when I was younger too, there doesnt seem to be a selection like there used to be. Looking forward to hearing about part 2 tommorow....claire xx


Love your description of your day! Thanks!!!!


Oh, I'm a green-eyed. We only live an hour or so from London by train but the only time I manage to visit is with hoardes of children in tow, going to museums ansd such like....

I think I'm going to have to save up my pennies and plan my own trip (thanks for the inspiration). Might take in books for cooks and loop I think they're called.

My daughter's would love to visit that Paperchase (tails off into daydream....)


Thanks for the virtual trip! And we have to wait ONE more day to see your goodness...


Sounds exciting! I only get to London once every 2 years or so, but used to live there, so I've got my own pile of regular shopping... Fortnum & Mason for a ton of tea to last me through two years, Liberty's of course (last summer there was scaffolding all over and I walked right past it -- so sad!), Hampton Court for the needlework bits and some candles they make that my mother loves, John Lewis for tights (they don't make them like that in the US), etc.... you've brought back some fun memories!


I wanted to go too...If I could.
Well, I'm planing something in December but not so grand, just a walk in the streets of Lisbon, looking for haberdashery and fabrics.


Well, I'm seriously impressed that you managed those three whopping great stores (three of my faves) and the fair all in the same day. I trust you had a good rest on Sunday! My, does that bed of yours look very inviting in all its rippley cosyness!
Hen x


What a wonderful post... thank you for taking us shopping with you - it was great - no sore feet, no aching legs, no empty purse, no train fare .... I really enjoyed my virtual trip to London.


never been to Liberty's, my Dad though once had a job working for a big fabric company that dealt with them, we've still got some fabric he designed himself!!! You'd never think it if you met him now. There's an artistic person hidden in there. You were good not to buy lots of yarn my mum would have gone bonkers in and there. peeing your pants yes not a good idea! I nearly peed mine when the gallery took all my stuff on sunday yay. You can't beat your own bed at the end of a long day, mine usually has my little cat on the end of it waiting for me.
Off to my Etsy shop to list some wee stuffed heart brooches, then must eat before I flake out xxclaire


looks like a great day out! I love Liberty's more than any other shop in the world. Really I need a day to myself shopping, whenever I go down with husband and/or kids they wail when I head towards that tudor beauty!


Uau!!! Lucy!!!!
Eu queria estar lá com você admirando e comprando aquelas coisas belíssimas.
Obrigada por compartilhar tantas coisas lindas conosco!!
Espero ansiosa a próxima postagem.

Tenho postado meus comentários em português, mas nem sei se você os lê!
Uso o Google Translate para traduzir suas palavras e entender um pouco do que você escreve.
Hoje percebi que você é uma pessoa de vida simples e feliz com o que tem. Que bom!!
Isso me motiva a viver com simplicidade, longe das ofertas caras e tentadoras.
Obrigada mais uma vez.
Amo seu blog.
Beijos e Deus te abençoe!!

Rosie Graham

Faberoonie! Not been to Liberty's for ages, oh I do love that shop...I love those chairs!
Can't wait to see what you bought and isn't there something very indulgent about cordy handled bags?
Ohh before i forget please could you tell me where you bought your Sulky pen?
Well done on a fantastic day out


So looking forward to seeing your special purchases. What a wonderful day!

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