There I was, basket in hand, late for Knit and Natter, about to rush out the front door when I caught sight of the hallway and my bags and scarves hanging on the hooks.
Nothing extraordinary about hallway hooks, bags or scarves, but this morning the sight of them absolutely thrilled me to bits. Don't you just love it when that happens? When you unexpectedly catch a glimpse of something about the house that you see every day, but occasionally it's very ordinariness just has the power to stop you in your tracks? Loved that moment, it was wonderful.
Yeah, I was late for Knit and Natter, you want to know why? Because I was reading my emails, that's why, the comments that came flooding in on yesterday's post. Oh you lot! Yes YOU, you also absolutely thrilled me to bits this morning too, in fact I seem to be riding one great big Thrill-ride today don't I? Cor, aren't I the lucky one? Thrills and Spills woo-hoo!!
I have to say, I was/am so very delighted with your response to my textile pictures. Seeing them out there in Blogland caused me such a lot of swirling emotions yesterday, it was mostly good, but the butterflies-in-stomach stayed with me all day. But today I am just so happy. *Thank you* for your enthusiasm and encouragement, you have given me the confidence to think about working again. I will keep you posted.
The sun is out here and I've just photographed some of my floral pictures, and my eyes were nearly popping out :: my goodness, the colours are knockout! I'll upload them later and show you them tomorrow, but be warned, you may need to wear shades.
Knit and Natter, as ever, was a delight this morning, yet another Thrill on today's ride. The cafe is on the first floor and the sun was beaming in through the windows this morning. The pumpkins positively glowed on the windowsill, and the lovely spotty vases on the tables were filled with purply pink sedum flowers, the whole room looked wonderful. My cappuccino was delicious and I Granny-squared today, which was also delicious.
I just LOVE granny-squaring, so so much! They are a pleasure to make, and very easy for beginners to learn. You just need to know how to make a chain and do a double crochet stitch.
I'm using 100% Merino wool, it's Arran weight and lovely to work with. My hook is a 4mm size (although I think this weight of yarn is supposed to be worked with a 5mm, but I like my finished crochet to end up a bit tighter).
And if you'd like to find a good, basic pattern to work from, then this is the one I use.
good tip I learnt very early on when learning to crochet is how to
weave in ends as you work, rather than leaving them all to darn in at the
end. It saves a world of pain in the finishing-off stages, believe me.
So when I join in a new colour, I knot the two yarns tightly together first, leaving tails about 2 inches long.
Then when you begin a new round, if you hold these tail ends along the top loops of the previous round as you start, you can crochet them in as you go..
...does that make sense? Its' so hard to explain it, but I hope you get the drift from the phtographs...
When you look at the reverse of the square, you can see how the tail ends are "trapped" under the dc clusters...I use this method for all my crochet work and it generally works out well.
Ahhh it's good to share!
There's some great Granny-squarey inspiration to be found on Flickr, I was browsing the Granny-along pool this morning and loved this and this.
You gotta love 'em.
Go Grannies, go grannies! woo-hoo!!
Edited to add :: Lacehearts is doing a fabulous beginners crochet tutorial on her blog, so if you would like to become a Hooker, go forthwith here and give it a go.
I actually have a different way of joining a new colour/yarn - thread the yarn through the middle of the space/stitch or whatever, and then make a slip knot there. It holds securely, and looks seamless.
Posted by: Becca | March 19, 2017 at 04:36 PM
hi Lucy, what a wonderful blog, so gorgeous looking at your pictures and wonderful creations
my one wish is to be able to crochet, I have no classes near me or anyone I know who can show me how, I did learn myself to knit and cross stitch, but don't know were to start with crochet, do I buy a magazine or book? I am also left handed and when I see tutorials I find them difficult to follow cause they're usually done by right handers. I would love to do the granny squares or ripple type stitching but are these the wrong patterns to start off with?
Also if you could be kind enough to tell me what hook and crochet wool to purchase for my 1st try, (I am in the UK) I am usually home bound a lot and feel crochet would be a great way to keep my mind off the pain days, and something I could do even whilst lying on top of my bed recuperating
Any help would be so appreciated I know you are a busy Mum, but if you get a spare moment I would so love to hear from you x
Posted by: Lisa Brown | April 30, 2012 at 03:02 PM
What a smart way of changing colours and yarn in a Granny Sq. I am one of those who always ends up with lots of short ends that have to be sown in the end which of course is tedious and boring :)
I have just discovered your blog, but trust me from now on I will be going through all of it! What source of inspiration.
I am also "hooked" (pardon the pun) to crocheting but have mainly made shawls. Right now my project is a baby-blanket that is crocheted in zig-zags.
Sometimes I put my finished things on my blog so if you have a few minutes to spare you're welcome :)
Posted by: [email protected] | April 23, 2011 at 07:55 AM
Love your granny square blankets. Especially the small ones and larger ones together. Have been looking and looking for your granny square instructions. Do you have one written up? Tks
Posted by: Martha loo | March 20, 2011 at 11:51 PM
Thank you very much Lucy for that tip. I've crocheted more than 30 years ago and for the last month, I've rediscovered a pleasure I've missed for so long.
Granny squares are just fun to make: choosing the different colour combinations and yours are just... per-fect ! Thank you for brightening my days as it's always a pleasure to pay you a visit.
I'll be back soon. Hello from Belgium.
Posted by: Rachel D. | April 15, 2010 at 09:23 PM
Having things that make you happy in your home is so important, isn't it? I wish I could say that I loved my entire home...
I'm in the middle of a big granny square blanket, but I don't really like it all that much anymore. I've promised myself I'd finish it all the same though. *sigh*
Posted by: Erica K | September 03, 2009 at 08:13 PM
i love to granny-squaring. i come from finlad and 16 old. i have 70 granny-squaring and i need do only 130 more.
in finnish the granny-squaring is isoäidin neliö.
I like u page...
sorry my bad english...
Posted by: Salainen siili | July 20, 2009 at 02:39 PM
Hi, lovely, lovely work! Just thought I would share something that my Grandma taught me - when you are doing quite a few rounds on a granny square it can lose its square shape. She told me to spin the square around so you are working on the back of the work. Do 1 or 2 rounds and then turn it back around and work on the right side. This helps to keep it square.
Posted by: Kylie | April 30, 2009 at 11:20 AM
Thank you for your kind and usefull tips..
have a god day and your blog will be soon in my favourites links!!
With friendship
Posted by: AnnaPaula | February 19, 2009 at 10:01 AM
Hi, I don't want to poke my nose in and seem rude, but can I pass a tip onto you about granny square making? I hope so....when you complete each round, do the 3 ch to start the next round, then turn the square to face the opposite way. I do half of that corner now (I complete the corner when I get back there and join the row to it), then go back over the way you went on the last row, completing the round as you would normally. Now you do exactly the same 3 and turn your work over and go back the way you just came...basically you go clock wise one row and anti clockwise the next row....the reason I say to do this, is my dear old mum taught me to do this many years ago and it stops your crochet pulling one shows up big time when you're doing multi coloured/stripey squares. If you need further clarification, please contact me and I'll try and help all I can. Hopefully I've explained it ok here. Hugs Naomi. Adelaide, Sth Australia
Posted by: Naomi Vela | January 10, 2009 at 02:58 PM
luce, do u have any tutorial on granny square? i doesnt seem able to get to the first round after the foundation chain slip stich together. how many dc i suppose to make for the first round? the link u provided doesnt show detailed tutorial as u do.
ooh how i wish u can have tutorial on your granny square, i simply adore ur granny square, not to mention the others. by the way, i have tried out your flowers and leaves crochet. it turns out very beautifully, and i thought hey, we can use this at the wedding next time. many many thanks to u :)
have a nice day.
Posted by: jeane | December 28, 2008 at 04:45 AM
i love all your crochet work, the hex, the square, the flowers, the bags etc.., and its very kind for you to show us the tutorial. definetely it helps alot. thank you so muchhhhhhhhh.
wish you merry christmas and happy new year 2009.
Posted by: jeane | December 25, 2008 at 08:26 AM
You just changed my life with this, "weaving them in as you go" business! I never really got that before and have spent HOURS losing ends. You're amazing!
Posted by: Molly | October 19, 2008 at 01:50 AM
My god woman are there no end to your talents?!! Not only do you look amazing, have wonderful hair, are a great photographer, an amazing housewife and mother...Not to mention No.1 blogger, But you now reveal to us all your beautiful textile pictures. Can you slow down please? you're putting some of out here to shame!!
Honestly though Lucy ,there stunning! really brightened up my day.
Jane. x
Posted by: jane | October 18, 2008 at 04:01 PM
fantastic pictures - just love all the bright colours! just off to check out those tutorials!
Posted by: driftwood | October 17, 2008 at 03:49 PM
lovely granny squares, I've been busy making some too,
go grannies! LOL
Posted by: mandy | October 17, 2008 at 12:31 AM
Another post full of total eye candy. Thanks for brightening up my evening after a long, long, dreary, rainy day here at my house.
Posted by: cathleen | October 16, 2008 at 11:46 PM
That is going to be a beautiful granny square afghan when it's done. I just love to crochet and now I'm teaching myself to knit. I think the yarn budget might have to be increased :)
Posted by: Cynthia | October 16, 2008 at 11:30 PM
Hi - Emma directed me here, because I did a rubbish post about this today, prompted by how many peeps want to learn to crochet and I felt sad that people find it hard. Your pics are so much better. I'll direct everybody to you instead! I know what you mean about catching a glimpse of something and feeling really warm about it - I love your crocheted scarf.
Posted by: Lace hearts | October 16, 2008 at 10:07 PM
WOW what a talented lady I love your pictures - they should be on the pages of Country Living can you not do some more - I know you have a young family but I think you could make a fortune with these. They are gorgeous justthink how much wool one of these beauties would buy you!!
Posted by: alchamillamolly | October 16, 2008 at 09:14 PM
Hi Lucy
Sorry to have led you up the garden path. Thought I would do a giveaway and was really happy to find CK bag in Tesco - then read your blog where you have the whole lot - probably will be a crap giveaway - everyone has one now! Nevermind! Brilliant tutorial on the crocheting in the ends - thanks you very much. Back to the good feeling. Just feel optimistic - really necessary at the moment I think - would like to banish the doom and gloom from everyone's heavy hearts and make everyone confident again!
Love Emma x
Posted by: | October 16, 2008 at 09:04 PM
You are soooo helpful to the rest of us out here trying to get help from every angle to assist us with our attempt in crocheting!! Thank you, Thank you!! x
Posted by: Andrea | October 16, 2008 at 07:30 PM
I am getting ready to crochet right now. I'm so inspired by you yet not crocheting because I'm still sitting here being inspired! Ok. Off I go. Thank you. Oh and thank you for the bit about weaving the ends in. I'm definitely going to try that.
Posted by: lisa | October 16, 2008 at 06:33 PM
Beatiful Lucy!!
Posted by: Cláudia | October 16, 2008 at 06:16 PM
You have a beautiful blog, and I really enjoy it.
I love making the granny square blanket. They are easy and beautiful. I made mine out of leftover sock yarn. There's a photo of it here:
Happy fall!
Posted by: weedwacker | October 16, 2008 at 05:26 PM