Ahh school days, they are treating us well right now. After a shaky start to the term, Little Man has delighted and surprised me by doing a complete turnaround and now appearing Keen to go to school each day. No more tears or mishaps, no hysterics and I am so glad of that fact. I don't think I could've coped with many weeks like that first one, don't think Tesco would've let me keep coming in to snot and weep round the fruit and veg each morning.
Little Lady is also very happy with the whole Going To School thing. She loves her uniform, loves her teacher, loves the classroom, loves her new friends. On Monday she started full time and it's taking some getting
used to (for me, not her). No more dashing out at lunch time to collect her, I now have a
straight six hours each day to do stuff. To be Me. And like I say, it's
taking some getting used to.
I admit I have felt a little adrift at times, and to combat that I have mostly been Shopping and Baking.
Mondays is my usual day for food shopping and during the summer holidays I had been doing it the evening, which was quite a chore. But now the Little People are out all day I am back to morning jaunts to the supermarket with the old biddies and Mums-of-toddlers. I don't mind the weekly supermarket shop to be honest. I have been collecting the Tesco/Cath Kidston bags as and when they have appeared and it does jolly the whole event up quite nicely.
Yesterday (Tuesday) I decided to go off on a little solo jaunt. It was quite exciting as it involved trains and Big City Shops, and I had a lovely time :: nothing like a bit of travelling, browsing and retail therapy to lift the spirits. I browsed in Borders, bought this luscious pink glass cake stand from Paperchase. It perfectly matches my new cyclamen.
So this morning I couldn't really justify going shopping again (well I've run out of money). So I decided to bake and decorate buns. The Little People need buns, they are Essential and I had to make them.
But truthfully I really just couldn't wait to see what they would look like on my new cake stand.
I've never owned a cake stand before, and I am actually thrilled with it. Best six pounds fifty pence I've spent in ages.
Looking at these photos, I think I need to invest in some proper coloured paste for colouring the icing, the sort that Jane uses for hers. My cheap strawberry liquidy stuff is just not cutting the mustard here is it? And talking of cakes and coloured icing, have you come across the baking over at Kitschen Pink? Oh my, this is one delightful blog and her baking is beautiful, truly beautiful. Yes I think I've just discovered a whole new area of retail therapy opening up before me :: icing colours and glittery sprinkle stuff and wafer roses and little sugar flowers. Mmmmm, bring it on.
In order to take todays photos I had to sweep off the coffee table and attempt to make a teensy tiny area of my home look tidy. Serisouly, this pace is a mess and today I have had complaints from the Management. Have been told in no uncertain terms to do less shopping, less blogging and more housewifery. I need to dust off the Dyson and make the house a little more presentable or else The Management (ie J) may well get Stroppy.
wish I liked housework more, wish that I could clean and tidy with the
same passion that I shop and bake and crochet and blog. But sadly it just never
appeals in quite the same way and I can always find nicer things to do with my time. No, I am not a good housekeeper, but I am quite good at purchasing pretty things. I bought this little enamel peg bucket yesterday from British Home Stores, and I think it's delightful. Yes, Purchasing Pretty Things is something I really am good at.
You really are very clever indeed when it comes to buying pretty things. I need one of those pink cake stands for the cafe!! I love Paperchase, definitely one of my favourite places. There really is something deliciously satisfying about stationary stores. I totally get the CK tesco bag things, I too have been collecting them and feel incredibly happy when I stride across the carpark with them swinging by my side.x
Posted by: Anna | September 18, 2008 at 05:51 PM
What a gorgeous post today, full of the most lovely things - just love the peg bucket - beautiful!
Posted by: Leisa | September 18, 2008 at 09:48 AM
You are so lucky with your Cath Kidston Bags, we can't get them here in Ireland, when i have asked they just look at me blank, Cath who? Your cake stand is wonderful i seem to be going mad for the colour pink all over again (it was my favourite colour as a child) and i just adore the peg bucket i have two, both cream enamel although one is a bit broke up - i ran over it with the car. Tell Management in order for you to provide a happy home you have to fulfill your own needs first, then you will be able to provide what he wants, i know they look at you as if your mad, it's like we are born with the desire to clean houses all day and jump at there every whim - lol!!!
Posted by: Marisa | September 18, 2008 at 08:33 AM
Lucy, what exactly are those candies with the white centers? I've seen a lot of variations of them, some stripy, on other Brit blogs and am dying to know what they are. They would look so great on my own cupcakes.
Posted by: Jen | September 18, 2008 at 03:10 AM
Have you ever tried a website called flylady.net? It is great for teaching maximum effect-minimum effort housekeeping!
I really enjoy your blog, thanks!
Posted by: Amanda | September 17, 2008 at 10:44 PM
You really do know how to buy pretty things...really love the colors of the Cath Kidston bags. Lucy, remember what my sampler said about housework? "My home is clean enough to be healthy and messy enough to be happy". Show that to the Management!!! Besides that, how can a man resist those pink buns!!!
Posted by: cathleen | September 17, 2008 at 10:16 PM
Hi! I just found your blog. It is wonderful. You have so many pretty things. I'll be stopping by often!
Posted by: Cynthia@cottage45 | September 17, 2008 at 10:03 PM
Oh lucky you, I am still in the middle of part time school days and seem to be going backwards and forwrads all the time! Your cakes look perfectly lovely. When I think my cakes look bad I visit here: http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/ and then I feel much better!
Posted by: Joanna | September 17, 2008 at 08:09 PM
Ach ... now I am dissatisfied with my plain cream peg bucket which seemed so stylish when I bought it. Sigh.
Posted by: Alice C | September 17, 2008 at 06:44 PM
Love your gorgeous photos.
Posted by: Sandie | September 17, 2008 at 06:38 PM
Now does Nigella bake and clean her house??? Hmm maybe not? Love those shopping bags. I sa some lovely one like they in a gallery here by a maker calles Heartfelt I'm thinking stocking fillers. I had my first cheque today hooray!!!! The gallery I sell with sold felt brooches, a perch the parrot mobile and a froggy mobile woo hoo may have to go and cook something tummy yummy to celebrate!! Raspberry and choc muffins are calling me....
Posted by: claire | September 17, 2008 at 06:25 PM
loving the peg bucket!! I need to stop doing the housework and do more baking!! the perfect housewife is under here somewhere............
Posted by: Lesley | September 17, 2008 at 04:50 PM
Got a solution as i am mrs ocd and so tidy i will move in clean and tidy and you can bake for me, oh hang on dont think my weight watching would do well lol
Posted by: Lisa | September 17, 2008 at 03:58 PM
oohoohI've got that cake plate!! I love coloured glass and pink especially.
I have a fairy with a bunny on mine, and jewelry.
I think your buns look very pleasing, and I love looking at all your pretties, they cheer me up, so there's a reason to carry on buying, to cheer up your blog fans!!!
Posted by: crazyjane | September 17, 2008 at 03:46 PM
Hi - I'm a lurker who is now delurking :) I found myself nodding along to most of your post! Both my boys are now at school-time (my littlest started at Easter) and even though I have all day at home not much housework gets done!! I'm just waiting for my husband to start complaining! Your house is gorgeous and that view from the attic! Just wow!!
Posted by: Joanne | September 17, 2008 at 03:44 PM
I love your blog, your home is so colourful and inspiring, and I love that peg bucket,
don't worry about the dust,
enjoy doing things that make you happy.
Posted by: mandy | September 17, 2008 at 03:30 PM
oops, that should be therapy!!!!
Posted by: sally | September 17, 2008 at 03:24 PM
Hi Luce,
There's nothing like a bit of retail thereapy to lift the spirits, is there. And I could do with some of your pink buns for the pink coffee morning I'm organising in October (for breakthrough breast cancer). Such a shame you don't live closer. Oh well, I shall have to attempt them myself! :)
Lots of love, Sal xxxx
Posted by: sally | September 17, 2008 at 03:23 PM
Better a home-maker than a housekeeper is what I say! Thank-you for your kind mention - beware trade cake decoration shops - there lies the path to poverty! t.xx
Posted by: kitschen pink | September 17, 2008 at 02:52 PM
Bless, it is such a fine line, blogging or housework.. such a hard choice!!! Love the peg bucket.
Lisa x
Posted by: periwinkle | September 17, 2008 at 02:44 PM
Hi Lucy, thank you for cheering me up...I today am having a snot and weep day (work). And it is my Harry's 11th birthday too. So am having a little "me time" before the house is descended upon by five 11 year olds and 2 8 year olds. I hope the puffy eyes go down! Again thank you for cheering me up. Kathy PS. Looking forward to meeting you at CL did you get my email?
Posted by: kathy | September 17, 2008 at 02:17 PM
WOW, I love that Peg Bucket, you must have a much nicer BHS than us, ours is old fashioned and dowdy! I know what you mean about cleaning and household chores though, my hubby is quite diplomatic he says...I know that you are short because you havent seen the dust up here! Dust? what Dust...dont look and it isn't there!! Blogging is much more fun! x
Posted by: Andrea | September 17, 2008 at 01:52 PM