Good morning :o) So it's July no more, farewell July, you were a mixed bag but gave us a taste of true summer last week, and for that I am hugely grateful. Goodness, we are speeding our way through summer aren't we, the weeks are shooting by. I turned pages on my two calendars this morning and so into August we go with a hop and a skip. I know I say it every month, but I do so love my calendars. For those of you who haven't been with me since the start, you can read about my calendars here. Yes, I do enjoy the changing of the seasons, the turning of the pages, the rhythm of life.
((yaaawn)), oh I'm so sorry I am tired this morning. Last night we had a terrific storm here in North Yorkshire, there was heavy rain through most the night (in fact it's rained on and off through most of this week), and then at around 4am I was woken up with a Bang. Literally. There was the most ginormous clap of thunder right over our roof and I almost lept out of bed with fright. My heart was pounding, it's the most disconcerting feeling to be woken up with such a start, especially when I was pleasantly in dreamland (I was dreaming that Little Lady and I were shopping in Laura Ashley for Christmas decorations, eating mince pies).
J and I lay awake for a while, listening to the sounds of the storm, watching the sky light up with lightening streaks. He then decided, unprompted, that we needed a cup of tea so down he went to do the decent thing. You can't beat a hot steaming cuppa at 4.30am whilst snuggled in bed listening to the storm rolling away across the hills, it was lovely. But tiring, my goodness ((yaaawn)) I cannot stop yawning. I did manage to drop back to sleep for about an hour or so before getting up with J again at 6.25am.
I get up at this time every morning to make him his sandwiches to take to work. Some mornings I do this wifely thing very very begrudgingly, but mostly I don't mind. It gets me up and about, albeit in my pyjamas, and once J has left for work at 6.40 or so, I make a fresh brew and come up to the Attic to blog. In recent weeks The Little People have suddenly learnt the ability to wake-roll-over-and-go-back-to-sleep, which has been quite wonderful. After many years of 5am wake-up calls from them in summer months, this is the first summer when we are waking and rising before them. It feels rather brilliant actually. So my summer holiday routine has formed, and the LP know that when they get up, they can come and find me in the Attic. We have a single bed up here with a big douvet and pillows and they are happy enough to snuggle in for a while to let me "do my work".
So :: a quick view of the view this morning :: the sun is trying it's damndest to shine look, but the storm clouds are still lurking. It could go either way, could be sunny, could be cloudy, could be dry, could be wet. Who knows. It's the English weather, totally unpredictable.
Enough of the weather, lets do
some flowery stuff shall we? How do you like my new pvc cover I bought
for my outside table? Funky isn't it? I like it very much, as do the
Little People. J declined to comment. He
shakes his head a lot at me these days, I think he thinks I've lost the
plot slightly.
He thinks my purchases are bonkers (J :: how much money did you pay for that rusty old biscuit tin? Me :: its not old, its Vintage, and it has roses on it. It was a fiver. J :: you were robbed).
He thinks my photographic subject matter is mental (J :: what on earth are you doing? Me :: taking a photo of our dinner).
He refuses to read my blog, he simply cannot comprehend it. To him it's utter madness.
folks, I soldier on in the face of disbelief. I
photograph and blog regardless because I've found I love to record my
life in this way. It makes me happy. Just like this tablecover does.
And these fake flowers. Bought last week in Bridport from a funny little discount shop called This N That. Three "bunches" for £3. Happy happy.
Into my Cornishware jug they go, and take a peek at another new purchase, this little red spotted jug. Oh I fell head over heels for this little thing, it was love at first sight. Happy happy happy.
And more happiness in the form of Awards. Yes, these little things have been doing the rounds in Blogland and I am honored and thrilled to have been a Triple Receiver in recent weeks.
So with very many heartfelt, happy thanks to ::
Anna at All Things Lovely
Claire at Serendipity
Julie at Julie Alvarez
These awards have added to my happy-happy days.
I'm glad you don't shake your head at me in disbelief when I prop a book open on the mantel and nearly start crying because the images make my heart squeeze.
This book is called Cut Flowers by Tricia Guild (of Designers Guild fame).
This is the blurb about it ::
"Cut Flowers is a lyrical photographic essay celebrating flowers
in essence: the intense joy and pleasure one can derive from the
simple, yet thoughtful arrangement of flowers; the way even a few
simple stems can transform a room, create a mood, revive a flagging
spirit. Above all, this is a book about looking at flowers, and about
picking and placing them so their strength and fragile beauty can be
truly seen."
I've had this book for many years, I am a big Tricia Guild fan.
So let me tell you about something that happened a few days ago. I happened upon a new blog, one that immediately struck a note with me. Don't you love it when that happens? When you find yourself immediately going back to the start of a newly discovered blog and reading the whole damn lot from beginning to end? The blog in question is Lavenderhouse and is written by Emma. I think we have a lot in common, Emma and me. Our Little People are the same age. We have similar style. We have this colour-love thing.
So I come across a post of hers that chats about this very book, she tells how she has it open on her coffee table, turning new pages every day. I immediately go take my copy down off the shelf as it's a long while since I've looked through it. I'm inspired by the idea of having the book open on display and decide to prop it on the mantel (the coffee table is currently overflowing with barbies, colouring books, lego, coloured pencils). And get this :: when I randomly open the book, the first page that falls open is the exact page that Emma shows:: the Voluptuous Curves page.
Well make of that what you will, but can I say Emma, if you are reading this, thank you for such inspiration. It has made me happy happy happy.
And lastly, some more floral goodness :: just feast your eyes on these geraniums. Sadly they are not mine, they belong to B's neighbour in Bridport. They stopped me in my tracks every time I walked past and I had to photograph them before I left.
More shaking of the head from him and more happy-happy-happy from me. Yay!
Hey, I'm reading YOUR blog back from the beginning, too! I didn't know that was a thing, I thought I was a weirdo. Love your blog, have been a follower for about 3 years. Just finished up a Sunny Log Cabin blanket for my son and fiance as well. Love from Wisconsin on the Lake Michigan shoreline.
Posted by: Sally | March 07, 2016 at 08:28 PM
Lucy, I've been a fan of yours for some time now but a few days ago I got the idea to go back to the beginning of your blog-had to let you know since you mentioned this in this blog post. :0)Frankly, I wish you would put together a beautiful, full color book of your blog since it feels like a good book reading it! You could keep coming out with a new book every so often- I would definitely buy it. You are a great story-teller and your photos are eye candy.
Posted by: Rita | October 25, 2013 at 01:31 AM
Hey there Lucy :) I had to comment on this particular blog entry of yours. At the moment, I'm reading your entire blog from March 2008 and have to say, I'm loving every second. I'm also slightly bonkers and am also struck every so often by little things, be it colour, light and shade, a view or a moment.
I had to laugh at this entry about your husband though. Do you know mine says the EXACT same things to me about my photo taking, purchases and silly every day things. I made yorkshire puddings with my roast beef for dinner tonight, and they turned out so perfectly, I had to take a photo.
Got to go keep reading. Hope you see this comment, it's a tad late, lol!
Posted by: Nadia | April 03, 2011 at 12:43 PM
Hello Lucy
Just had to drop by because I whole-heartedly know what you mean by:
"I happened upon a new blog, one that immediately struck a note with me. Don't you love it when that happens? When you find yourself immediately going back to the start of a newly discovered blog and reading the whole damn lot from beginning to end?"
.... just what I am doing with your blog at the moment. A very good friend of mine told me about your blog and we are both addicted. She's already caught up, but I'm still languishing in August 2008! Well, actually, languishing is not the right word - relishing - that's much better! I am a knitter and a crocheter and just LOVE all your wonderful, colourful, items that you've made. Will post again later when I've caught up and introduce myself properly. Hope you see this post as it is 7 months after everyone elses. Much love and respect. SamT
Posted by: Samantha Terry | March 28, 2009 at 04:28 PM
By the way, my husband doesn't really read my blog. He still is a fan of me doing anything I like to do, and finds me very creative. But, he... he doesn't read it (I wish he would, I even wrote some posts for him).
I thought you would find these flowers lovely. And her blog is very interesting too...
Posted by: Julie Alvarez | August 05, 2008 at 06:39 AM
I haven't checked in here lately, so I missed this post here (I'm reading it complete later, now baby is awakening). Thanks for the comment on the award! You deserved it. Your blog is full of dedication, good ideas, delightful pictures...
Posted by: Julie Alvarez | August 04, 2008 at 07:47 PM
Hello Lucy I hope you and your family had a good weekend. Really enjoy reading your blog. Could you give me some advice - I have been practising crotcheting the last couple of weeks and after seeing yours I would like to start my own ripple blanket - I have a copy of Jan Eatons ripple stitch patterns and thought I would start with Soft Waves on page 19, however Im finding it a big jump from evenings spent practising my crotchet stitches and find it quite difficut to understand the instructions. How did you go about it, any information gratefuly received. Many thanks Lucy
Posted by: shirley | August 04, 2008 at 05:43 AM
Hi Lucy
I'm so glad that you feel that you have a connection with Emma at Lavender House can't remember how I found her blog but the more I read it the more it reminded me of you! You both have very simalar styles I felt quite cheeky recommending your blog to her but felt you had so much in common it would be a shame for her to miss out on your blog! She's on her jollies at the moment but I'm sure she will be back blogging soon. Funny isn't it me of shabby chic pastel, muted, faded colours lovin is loving your colourful homes more and more mmm think some bright colours are going to creep into some corners of my home soon! Happy, happy weekend to you!!
ps loved reading about your jollies why are my holiday snaps not that good?!
Posted by: sarah | August 02, 2008 at 03:08 PM
My husband doesn't read my blog either, he knows it makes me happy and sometimes asks if I'm going to photograph something for my blog, but he doesn't get the whole blog thing! Lovely pics as always, I so enjoy reading your blog, it's one of my favourites too.
Posted by: Gill | August 02, 2008 at 09:07 AM
my husband takes most of the pictures for my blog and reads it when I ask him to and thinks I am 'ever so funny' but no, he doesn't 'get' the blogging thing, he's just happy it makes me happy! He glances over at me on the lappie sometimes looking at these blogs of women I have never met but feel I know, like you, Posy, Cherry, Vanessa and Nonnie, and smiles at me as if I am half cracked :-)
long live the domestic, cooking, knitting, sewing, quilting, making and musing bloggers of the world!
Posted by: Sarah | August 01, 2008 at 07:06 PM
Lucy - I absolutley love your blog. I would rate it up there with my 3 top blogs and I read alot of them! I too LOVE color for my house and you are such an inspiration. Although I do not have a blog my husband too does NOT understand why I would want to look at other people's life. I can't fathom what he is talking about it makes me so happy. I live in Boise Idaho and so you are making a gal in the states very far away from you want to get up in the morning to see what you have posted! Some sunshine in my day and so inspiring! Thank you! Jennifer
Posted by: Jennifer | August 01, 2008 at 02:18 PM
Oh my goodness I've missed so many posts! Just had a catch up on your hols and the pics look gorgeous! Sounds like you had a wonderful time! Glad you are back and posting such detailed posts, it feels like I've been on hols with Claire x
Posted by: claire | August 01, 2008 at 02:17 PM
Love the view! Cherrie
Posted by: cherrie | August 01, 2008 at 01:42 PM
I too get up at 6.30 to make my husbands sandwiches! I wish we had a thunderstorm here. The weather people have threatened it for over a week. It needs a good downpour to clear the air. I will have to go and check out the Lavenderhouse blog. Oh yes, I love the red and white spotty jug and congratulations on the awards. I bet there will be many more of those in the pipeline!
Posted by: simone | August 01, 2008 at 01:39 PM
Only me...just to let you know some details about the flowery pvc cloth, it came from Dunelm Mill, they have a bunch of cheap and cheerful designs all for £2.99 per metre (so £5.98 for my table).
They have more tasteful Dotty pvc in various colours too, but it costs a more tasteful £6.99 per metre. Sadly you cannot get this particular flowery design online, but if you go to the website there is a store locator
turrah for now
Posted by: Lucy @ Attic24 | August 01, 2008 at 01:10 PM
Only me...just to let you know some details about the flowery pvc cloth, it came from Dunelm Mill, they have a bunch of cheap and cheerful designs all for £2.99 per metre (so £5.98 for my table).
They have more tasteful Dotty pvc in various colours too, but it costs a more tasteful £6.99 per metre. Sadly you cannot get this particular flowery design online, but if you go to the website there is a store locator
turrah for now
Posted by: Lucy @ Attic24 | August 01, 2008 at 01:10 PM
Hi Lucy, Yep, hubbies just don't get this blog lark do they...or "vintage"...or flowery tablecloths. Love yours...please tell me, did you purchase it in Bridport as I love it so much? Talking of "vintage" I was reading somebody's blog the other day and her husband doesn't say shabby chic he says shabby sh*t (made me laugh so much that one...bless me, I don't get out much!). I haven't forgot that I must do the tag thingie, will do it v. soon. I took a quick peek via the link to Lavenderhouse's blog..looks like a good one and will be settling down to read that one. Lovely photos again. Hope your day is sunny. (not like Devon) Kathyx
Posted by: kathy | August 01, 2008 at 10:48 AM