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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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June 13, 2008


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Geek squad

Thanks, I am so glad I found this place. It is so informative. I came to your website and after reading this post I decided to bookmark this great website for further reading. Keep it up.

geek squad

It is looking yummy, I will definitely try it out.

Geek squad

This banana bread looks mouth-watering dish. the bread is looking fresh and delicious.

Norton setup

Hey, Excellent work. I must appreciate the way you manage your article’s content and the look & feel of your website. you are really doing a great job, carry on the hard work.

geek squad

Points you raised very valid points in your post. It really happened some person do not have the right idea. But with your awesome tips, one can easily identify it.

mcafee activate

Banana bread looks absolutely delicious and the recipe looks good too.

HP setup

it is really great to know about this.

Kathryn at Crafternoon Treats

Hi Luce - very funny that I've just typed in banana bread recipe into Google after finding I have 4 past-their-best nanas and your blog from 2008 popped up first hit! Attic24 has taken over the world! The recipe looks good too - and it seems to be tried and tested so no need to spend more time searching. Back to my CAL blankie... xxx


The banana bread and fresh fruit looks absolutely delicious, no wonder the kids went mad for it! Your place must be the most popular in the neighbourhood. Very pretty kitchen linens from BHS adorning your now very straight shelf! x


Love the apron and tea towels. (can you love tea towels? I must be really sad).

Alice C

If I had an apron as pretty as that I would wear it the WHOLE time. I would probably even wear it when I went shopping...

carole rennison

love the apron - very desirable - and banana cake - one of my favourites!! have a fab weekend! x carole


The banana bread looks wonderful, don't you love fresh baked anything?

I really like the apron, very sweet.

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