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  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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« Reasons to be Cheerful #9+10 | Main | Blankets »

May 22, 2008


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Ankita Vj (India)

You look lovely...n your mugs collection is just oooooo so awsome...


Love the mugs. It's so nice to know that I'm not the only one with mug-love (I've even been banned from buying any at the moment). This is fab blog so glad I started in the archives ... makes me crave the hills and a nice pot of coffee.


What a great photo Luce, and I really mean that. You don't need make up, your warmth, your humour and your love for life shine right through. I'm a great believer in au naturelle too, a little sun on my face and I'm a happy bunny! At the weekend we were making coffee and my husband asked "what mugs do you want to use"!, so your little post hit the spot with me and has given me ideas of my own! I especially love thick, hand made pottery, something chunky that you can cup with both hands (no pun intended). It's very comforting isn't it?


Love the mugs! My favourite of the moment is my Sophie Conran, duck egg blue one...but only for a milky coffee.
Love the photo of you too - you are brave, I don't think I'm ready to be outed yet!

Cherry Menlove

Ahhhhh, you are beautiful. I mean that. I love your face. You're also funny too which makes you even more beautiful!!!

Cherry xoxoxoxoxo


I have to agree the Susie Watson mug would be my favourite, though I'm really into anything with spots or stripes at the moment. I don't have any mugs to match yours but I do have a butter dish with the heart design by Liz Riley. Your hair looks great by the way!


OOOPS forgot to say I'm loving your haircut...claire x


Hey pretty lady...lol, you definatly don't need make up (having previously worked as a beauty consultant, you have gorgeous skin and lovely eyes...keep it natural!)
I love your mugs, I'm like you, I have certain ones on display, only ones I drink from and a cupboard full of eclectic ones, I find the one that makes my tea taste the nicest(?)is one of hubbys, he used to work for Apple years ago and it was a freebie he had but the tea is great in it, never mind the Emma Bridgewater mugs I have...lol...great post...Claire xx


Lucy, it's so nice to be able to put a face to the words. Loved the muggery! Hows the hexagon blanket progressing?


Oh luce, you're ravishing. I had to say it! You expected nothing less did you? Hair looks absolutely gorgeous.

Clairey xxx


From one mug obsessed silly moo to another - great mug porn!
If I looked that good on "can't be arsed" I'd be rejoicing! I have to wear some eye makeup or I actually look eyeless!
Must go, should be packing!
Julia x


Hi, Love all your mugs, and can so relate to the favourite mugs. I also have favourite teaspoons (yes really, I do need to get out more!). I think a trip to Matalan is on the cards! Lovely to see you...au naturelle, fab phrase, I go for that look too!Kathy


You have a lovely mug!!!Lovely necklace too!

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