Yesterday Little Lady became Four years old. I am still slightly in shock, cannot quite fathom how time has apparently managed to speed up and flit by so bloomin fast.
She came into the world four years ago at 12.09pm, weighing a whopping 9lb 5oz, surprising us hugely by turning out to be a GIRL when we had fully expected a boy. We had chosen the name William, had washed all of Little Man's baby clothes ready (blues of course) and then were totally floored with shock when our new baby was in fact of the Pink variety. J passed out, literally, and had to be taken away in a wheelchair to recover, something we take great pleasure in reminding him of to this day. So there she was, a Little Lady who was nameless for two days as we had not bothered to ponder girls names whilst I was pregnant, so sure were we that we would hatch a boy.
So yes, four wonderful years have now passed since that day and she is an absolute delight. Very girly, very pink, a beautiful, funny, loving, wonderful Little Lady.
In the morning she was off to nursery as usual and I had baked twenty-four buns iced in pink with
dolly mixture decorations to take in for all the children. They made a wonderful birthday fuss of her there, and she came skipping out at lunchtime as high as a kite, ready for the afternoons promised activity :: a trip out to try out her Big present :: a bicycle.
A very girly bicycle of course! A purple and
pink "twinkle" bike with tassels on the handlebars and a small carrier
on the back for taking a doll along for a ride. So yesterday afternoon,
in the warm spring sunshine we took it out for a ride to the park. I'm
pleased to report it was a real success :: yes there were a few wobbles, a bit of wailing uncertainty when gathering speed down hills (with me running behind yelling "Use your BRAAAAAAAAAkKKKEeeees!" as calmly as I could manage). But yes, it was lovely seeing her little face as she pedaled furiously, every inch the Big girl now. No photos of this event I'm afraid as I needed all my concentration to monitor the bike riding, I think a camera would have seriously impeded my ability to help steer clear of people/dogs/grass verges, push up hills, run and yell down hills. Hopefully it'll get easier.
But hey now, the camera certainly came out at home and I am really, really pleased to show you these pictures of my dining room. After all the faffing, flapping anxiety about the mess in this room the other day, I finally took myself down from the Attic and got stuck in. To be honest, the shelves in the second alcove really do need a final coat of paint, but I put the books in them for now and will hopefully finish this off once and for all over the weekend. I did cheat a little and employed the out-of-sight-out-of-mind technique with the majority of the other mess. I condensed it down into three boxes, the contents of which still need to be dealt with, but at least I was able to make the room look presentable for the tea party. I moved my crochet hearts and fairy lights across from the sitting room fireplace and hung up some bunting that I had made a year or so ago for Little Lady's bedroom. Fresh pink tulips and a Happy birthday banner and the scene was set.
It was a wonderful, relaxed, happy family meal and I still cannot believe she is four years old. Four. Wow.