
About Me

  • Thank you so much for visiting me in the Attic, it's lovely to see you. My name is Lucy and I'm a happily married Mum with three children. We live in a cosy terraced house on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales in England which we are slowly renovating and making home. I have a passion for crochet and colour and love to share my creative journey. I hope you enjoy your peek into my colourful little world x




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March 18, 2008


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You know what ? Right now I would like to sit with you in the Attic crocheting, chatting and having a nice cup of coffeee with you. I really love your blog and all the fancy projects you have been realizing and ... if there would be a kind of crocheting meeting with you and all the others crochet lovers, I would right away sit myself in a plane and come to England. Cláudia from Germany.


Hi Lucy
I live in East London on the Republic of South Africa and I came across your blog about 3 weeks ago and I just love it - not much work gets done.
I am 69 and have crocheted for about 30 years but I just love your choice of colours and the ripple and granny stripe - in fact so much that I ordered the pack for the granny stripe from Masons - order 28 Jan received today! It was pretty reasonable, the postage is the killer! but I did not have to pay any customs duty and it was delivered right to my door. Now what to do first? I enjoy your family and all you do so much - thanks so much and I have "bought you a coffee a few times" as your tutorials are so meticulous. Thank you once again - hope you are not too cold.


Hi Lucy
my name is Wati and I'm from Singapore. You're my inspiration! I just love your crochet and all the colours you use are so gorgeous. I would like to know how much does it cost to buy those beautiful yarns there. Over here in Singapore is so expensive and I cannot afford so many. I am so envious of you to have so many yarns to crochet and at such beautiful colours too.

enza costa

Mi piacciono molto i tuoi lavori,anche i colori e le foto.Il tuo sito mi ha rilassata guardandolo.


I don't even know if you'll see this new comment on an older blog post.... but I had to start at the beginning!
I somehow stumbled upon your blog through a knitting site. I love all the crochet and beautiful pictures. So much that I have gone back into the archives to enjoy more!!
I haven't quite learned to crochet yet;just knit, but your projects are certainly inspiring. I hope to master it soon, and will continue to browse these delightful posts :)

Janet (Canada)

Janice Stein

I've tried to find your email address to ask you a couple questions but couldn't find it. What are your favorite brands and weights of yarn? Have your tried Rowan Pure Wool Dk?

Thanks Janice in Arizona

Kelly Bassett

Hi again!! Once again I am stunned by your beautiful colorful work!! Perhaps you have a pattern for this granny blanket?? If you do, I would so much appreciate it if you could share that pattern with me or tell me where I could get it (or a really similar one).
Thanks again for your prompt reply!
Please email me at [email protected]. Thank you so much. I just really adore your work:o)


Hi, just discovered your blog via your comment on Posy, I'm looking forward to calling by again soon! I've been working on a Granny square blanket for months now, I'm almost ready to start assembling it and finally finishing it, I want to do more crochet (maybe a ripple blanket) but I want to knit socks too! What to do?! Your blanket looks great on your sofa, I think that's where mine will end up.


Hi, just discovered your blog via your comment on Posy, I'm looking forward to calling by again soon! I've been working on a Granny square blanket for months now, I'm almost ready to start assembling it and finally finishing it, I want to do more crochet (maybe a ripple blanket) but I want to knit socks too! What to do?! Your blanket looks great on your sofa, I think that's where mine will end up.


I agree with you on the rhythm of the ripple too. I'm working on one for my youngest son right now (though not in as beautiful colours as you've chosen).


Someday soon I'll do a ripple. For now I'll just adore yours and drool over all the pictures on your site. LUV!

Teresa Alber

Love it. I know what you mean about the ripple. I just finished one for my mom's birthday. It really was addictive. So fun.

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